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Some gdb commands have little use when debugging Modula-2 programs. Five subcommands of set print and show print apply specifically to C and C++: ‘vtbl’, ‘demangle’, ‘asm-demangle’, ‘object’, and ‘union’. The first four apply to C++, and the last to the C union type, which has no direct analogue in Modula-2.

The @ operator (see Expressions), while available with any language, is not useful with Modula-2. Its intent is to aid the debugging of dynamic arrays, which cannot be created in Modula-2 as they can in C or C++. However, because an address can be specified by an integral constant, the construct ‘{type}adrexp’ is still useful.

In gdb scripts, the Modula-2 inequality operator # is interpreted as the beginning of a comment. Use <> instead.