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<h5 class="unnumberedsubsubsec">Pointer Values</h5>
<p><a name="index-pointer-values_002c-in-file_002di_002fo-protocol-3620"></a>
Pointers to target data are transmitted as they are. An exception
is made for pointers to buffers for which the length isn't
transmitted as part of the function call, namely strings. Strings
are transmitted as a pointer/length pair, both as hex values, e.g.
<pre class="smallexample"> <code>1aaf/12</code>
<p class="noindent">which is a pointer to data of length 18 bytes at position 0x1aaf.
The length is defined as the full string length in bytes, including
the trailing null byte. For example, the string <code>"hello world"</code>
at address 0x123456 is transmitted as
<pre class="smallexample"> <code>123456/d</code>