#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ALL_TESTS="reportleave_test" NUM_NETIFS=4 CHECK_TC="yes" TEST_GROUP="" TEST_GROUP_MAC="01:00:5e:0a:0a:0a" source lib.sh h1_create() { simple_if_init $h1 2001:db8:1::1/64 } h1_destroy() { simple_if_fini $h1 2001:db8:1::1/64 } h2_create() { simple_if_init $h2 2001:db8:1::2/64 } h2_destroy() { simple_if_fini $h2 2001:db8:1::2/64 } switch_create() { ip link add dev br0 type bridge mcast_snooping 1 mcast_querier 1 ip link set dev $swp1 master br0 ip link set dev $swp2 master br0 ip link set dev br0 up ip link set dev $swp1 up ip link set dev $swp2 up } switch_destroy() { ip link set dev $swp2 down ip link set dev $swp1 down ip link del dev br0 } setup_prepare() { h1=${NETIFS[p1]} swp1=${NETIFS[p2]} swp2=${NETIFS[p3]} h2=${NETIFS[p4]} vrf_prepare h1_create h2_create switch_create } cleanup() { pre_cleanup switch_destroy # Always cleanup the mcast group ip address del dev $h2 $TEST_GROUP/32 2>&1 1>/dev/null h2_destroy h1_destroy vrf_cleanup } # return 0 if the packet wasn't seen on host2_if or 1 if it was mcast_packet_test() { local mac=$1 local ip=$2 local host1_if=$3 local host2_if=$4 local seen=0 # Add an ACL on `host2_if` which will tell us whether the packet # was received by it or not. tc qdisc add dev $host2_if ingress tc filter add dev $host2_if ingress protocol ip pref 1 handle 101 \ flower dst_mac $mac action drop $MZ $host1_if -c 1 -p 64 -b $mac -B $ip -t udp "dp=4096,sp=2048" -q sleep 1 tc -j -s filter show dev $host2_if ingress \ | jq -e ".[] | select(.options.handle == 101) \ | select(.options.actions[0].stats.packets == 1)" &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then seen=1 fi tc filter del dev $host2_if ingress protocol ip pref 1 handle 101 flower tc qdisc del dev $host2_if ingress return $seen } reportleave_test() { RET=0 ip address add dev $h2 $TEST_GROUP/32 autojoin check_err $? "Could not join $TEST_GROUP" sleep 5 bridge mdb show dev br0 | grep $TEST_GROUP 1>/dev/null check_err $? "Report didn't create mdb entry for $TEST_GROUP" mcast_packet_test $TEST_GROUP_MAC $TEST_GROUP $h1 $h2 check_fail $? "Traffic to $TEST_GROUP wasn't forwarded" log_test "IGMP report $TEST_GROUP" RET=0 bridge mdb show dev br0 | grep $TEST_GROUP 1>/dev/null check_err $? "mdb entry for $TEST_GROUP is missing" ip address del dev $h2 $TEST_GROUP/32 check_err $? "Could not leave $TEST_GROUP" sleep 5 bridge mdb show dev br0 | grep $TEST_GROUP 1>/dev/null check_fail $? "Leave didn't delete mdb entry for $TEST_GROUP" mcast_packet_test $TEST_GROUP_MAC $TEST_GROUP $h1 $h2 check_err $? "Traffic to $TEST_GROUP was forwarded without mdb entry" log_test "IGMP leave $TEST_GROUP" } trap cleanup EXIT setup_prepare setup_wait tests_run exit $EXIT_STATUS