
112 lines
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* @file hk32f030m_def.h
* @author Rakan.Z
* @version V1.0
* @changelist
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __HK32F030M_DEF_H
#define __HK32F030M_DEF_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "hk32f030m.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#define UNUSED(X) (void)X /* To avoid gcc/g++ warnings */
#if defined ( __GNUC__ ) && !defined (__CC_ARM) /* GNU Compiler */
#ifndef __weak
#define __weak __attribute__((weak))
#endif /* __weak */
#ifndef __packed
#define __packed __attribute__((__packed__))
#endif /* __packed */
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
/* Macro to get variable aligned on 4-bytes, for __ICCARM__ the directive "#pragma data_alignment=4" must be used instead */
#if defined ( __GNUC__ ) && !defined (__CC_ARM) /* GNU Compiler */
#ifndef __ALIGN_END
#define __ALIGN_END __attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#endif /* __ALIGN_END */
#ifndef __ALIGN_BEGIN
#define __ALIGN_BEGIN
#endif /* __ALIGN_BEGIN */
#ifndef __ALIGN_END
#define __ALIGN_END
#endif /* __ALIGN_END */
#ifndef __ALIGN_BEGIN
#if defined (__CC_ARM) /* ARM Compiler */
#define __ALIGN_BEGIN __align(4)
#elif defined (__ICCARM__) /* IAR Compiler */
#define __ALIGN_BEGIN
#endif /* __CC_ARM */
#endif /* __ALIGN_BEGIN */
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
* @brief __RAM_FUNC definition
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
/* ARM Compiler
RAM functions are defined using the toolchain options.
Functions that are executed in RAM should reside in a separate source module.
Using the 'Options for File' dialog you can simply change the 'Code / Const'
area of a module to a memory space in physical RAM.
Available memory areas are declared in the 'Target' tab of the 'Options for Target'
#define __RAM_FUNC
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
/* ICCARM Compiler
RAM functions are defined using a specific toolchain keyword "__ramfunc".
#define __RAM_FUNC __ramfunc
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
/* GNU Compiler
RAM functions are defined using a specific toolchain attribute
#define __RAM_FUNC __attribute__((section(".RamFunc")))
* @brief __NOINLINE definition
#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) || defined ( __GNUC__ )
/* ARM & GNUCompiler
#define __NOINLINE __attribute__ ( (noinline) )
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
/* ICCARM Compiler
#define __NOINLINE _Pragma("optimize = no_inline")
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ___HK32F030M_DEF_H */