/* * Driver of Andes SPI Controller * * (C) Copyright 2011 Andes Technology * Macpaul Lin <macpaul@andestech.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <spi.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include "andes_spi.h" void spi_init(void) { /* do nothing */ } static void andes_spi_spit_en(struct andes_spi_slave *ds) { unsigned int dcr = readl(&ds->regs->dcr); debug("%s: dcr: %x, write value: %x\n", __func__, dcr, (dcr | ANDES_SPI_DCR_SPIT)); writel((dcr | ANDES_SPI_DCR_SPIT), &ds->regs->dcr); } struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs, unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int mode) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds; if (!spi_cs_is_valid(bus, cs)) return NULL; ds = spi_alloc_slave(struct andes_spi_slave, bus, cs); if (!ds) return NULL; ds->regs = (struct andes_spi_regs *)CONFIG_SYS_SPI_BASE; /* * The hardware of andes_spi will set its frequency according * to APB/AHB bus clock. Hence the hardware doesn't allow changing of * requency and so the user requested speed is always ignored. */ ds->freq = max_hz; return &ds->slave; } void spi_free_slave(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds = to_andes_spi(slave); free(ds); } int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds = to_andes_spi(slave); unsigned int apb; unsigned int baud; /* Enable the SPI hardware */ writel(ANDES_SPI_CR_SPIRST, &ds->regs->cr); udelay(1000); /* setup format */ baud = ((CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ / CONFIG_SYS_SPI_CLK / 2) - 1) & 0xFF; /* * SPI_CLK = AHB bus clock / ((BAUD + 1)*2) * BAUD = AHB bus clock / SPI_CLK / 2) - 1 */ apb = (readl(&ds->regs->apb) & 0xffffff00) | baud; writel(apb, &ds->regs->apb); /* no interrupts */ writel(0, &ds->regs->ie); return 0; } void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds = to_andes_spi(slave); /* Disable the SPI hardware */ writel(ANDES_SPI_CR_SPIRST, &ds->regs->cr); } static int andes_spi_read(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len, u8 *rxp, unsigned long flags) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds = to_andes_spi(slave); unsigned int i, left; unsigned int data; debug("%s: slave: %x, len: %d, rxp: %x, flags: %d\n", __func__, slave, len, rxp, flags); debug("%s: data: ", __func__); while (len > 0) { left = min(len, 4); data = readl(&ds->regs->data); debug(" "); for (i = 0; i < left; i++) { debug("%02x ", data & 0xff); *rxp++ = data; data >>= 8; len--; } } debug("\n"); return 0; } static int andes_spi_write(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int wlen, unsigned int rlen, const u8 *txp, unsigned long flags) { struct andes_spi_slave *ds = to_andes_spi(slave); unsigned int data; unsigned int i, left; unsigned int spit_enabled = 0; debug("%s: slave: %x, wlen: %d, rlen: %d, txp: %x, flags: %x\n", __func__, slave, wlen, rlen, txp, flags); /* The value of wlen and rlen wrote to register must minus 1 */ if (rlen == 0) /* write only */ writel(ANDES_SPI_DCR_MODE_WO | ANDES_SPI_DCR_WCNT(wlen-1) | ANDES_SPI_DCR_RCNT(0), &ds->regs->dcr); else /* write then read */ writel(ANDES_SPI_DCR_MODE_WR | ANDES_SPI_DCR_WCNT(wlen-1) | ANDES_SPI_DCR_RCNT(rlen-1), &ds->regs->dcr); /* wait till SPIBSY is cleared */ while (readl(&ds->regs->st) & ANDES_SPI_ST_SPIBSY) ; /* data write process */ debug("%s: txp: ", __func__); while (wlen > 0) { /* clear the data */ data = 0; /* data are usually be read 32bits once a time */ left = min(wlen, 4); for (i = 0; i < left; i++) { debug("%x ", *txp); data |= *txp++ << (i * 8); wlen--; } debug("\n"); debug("data: %08x\n", data); debug("streg before write: %08x\n", readl(&ds->regs->st)); /* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */ while (readl(&ds->regs->st) & ANDES_SPI_ST_TXFEL) ; writel(data, &ds->regs->data); debug("streg after write: %08x\n", readl(&ds->regs->st)); if (spit_enabled == 0) { /* enable SPIT bit - trigger the tx and rx progress */ andes_spi_spit_en(ds); spit_enabled = 1; } } debug("\n"); return 0; } /* * spi_xfer: * Since andes_spi doesn't support independent command transaction, * that is, write and than read must be operated in continuous * execution, there is no need to set dcr and trigger spit again in * RX process. */ int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen, const void *dout, void *din, unsigned long flags) { unsigned int len; static int op_nextime; static u8 tmp_cmd[5]; static int tmp_wlen; unsigned int i; if (bitlen == 0) /* Finish any previously submitted transfers */ goto out; if (bitlen % 8) { /* Errors always terminate an ongoing transfer */ flags |= SPI_XFER_END; goto out; } len = bitlen / 8; debug("%s: slave: %08x, bitlen: %d, dout: " "%08x, din: %08x, flags: %d, len: %d\n", __func__, slave, bitlen, dout, din, flags, len); /* * Important: * andes_spi's hardware doesn't support 2 data channel. The read * and write cmd/data share the same register (data register). * * If a command has write and read transaction, you cannot do write * this time and then do read on next time. * * A command writes first with a read response must indicating * the read length in write operation. Hence the write action must * be stored temporary and wait until the next read action has been * arrived. Then we flush the write and read action out together. */ if (!dout) { if (op_nextime == 1) { /* flags should be SPI_XFER_END, value is 2 */ op_nextime = 0; andes_spi_write(slave, tmp_wlen, len, tmp_cmd, flags); } return andes_spi_read(slave, len, din, flags); } else if (!din) { if (flags == SPI_XFER_BEGIN) { /* store the write command and do operation next time */ op_nextime = 1; memset(tmp_cmd, 0, sizeof(tmp_cmd)); memcpy(tmp_cmd, dout, len); debug("%s: tmp_cmd: ", __func__); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) debug("%x ", *(tmp_cmd + i)); debug("\n"); tmp_wlen = len; } else { /* * flags should be (SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END), * the value is 3. */ if (op_nextime == 1) { /* flags should be SPI_XFER_END, value is 2 */ op_nextime = 0; /* flags 3 implies write only */ andes_spi_write(slave, tmp_wlen, 0, tmp_cmd, 3); } debug("flags: %x\n", flags); return andes_spi_write(slave, len, 0, dout, flags); } } out: return 0; } int spi_cs_is_valid(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs) { return bus == 0 && cs == 0; } void spi_cs_activate(struct spi_slave *slave) { /* do nothing */ } void spi_cs_deactivate(struct spi_slave *slave) { /* do nothing */ }