/* * U-boot - Configuration file for BF561 EZKIT board */ #ifndef __CONFIG_BF561_EZKIT_H__ #define __CONFIG_BF561_EZKIT_H__ #include <asm/config-pre.h> /* * Processor Settings */ #define CONFIG_BFIN_CPU bf561-0.3 #define CONFIG_BFIN_BOOT_MODE BFIN_BOOT_BYPASS /* * Clock Settings * CCLK = (CLKIN * VCO_MULT) / CCLK_DIV * SCLK = (CLKIN * VCO_MULT) / SCLK_DIV */ /* CONFIG_CLKIN_HZ is any value in Hz */ #define CONFIG_CLKIN_HZ 30000000 /* CLKIN_HALF controls the DF bit in PLL_CTL 0 = CLKIN */ /* 1 = CLKIN / 2 */ #define CONFIG_CLKIN_HALF 0 /* PLL_BYPASS controls the BYPASS bit in PLL_CTL 0 = do not bypass */ /* 1 = bypass PLL */ #define CONFIG_PLL_BYPASS 0 /* VCO_MULT controls the MSEL (multiplier) bits in PLL_CTL */ /* Values can range from 0-63 (where 0 means 64) */ #define CONFIG_VCO_MULT 20 /* CCLK_DIV controls the core clock divider */ /* Values can be 1, 2, 4, or 8 ONLY */ #define CONFIG_CCLK_DIV 1 /* SCLK_DIV controls the system clock divider */ /* Values can range from 1-15 */ #define CONFIG_SCLK_DIV 6 /* * Memory Settings */ #define CONFIG_MEM_ADD_WDTH 9 #define CONFIG_MEM_SIZE 64 #define CONFIG_EBIU_SDRRC_VAL 0x306 #define CONFIG_EBIU_SDGCTL_VAL 0x91114d #define CONFIG_EBIU_AMGCTL_VAL 0x3F #define CONFIG_EBIU_AMBCTL0_VAL 0x7BB07BB0 #define CONFIG_EBIU_AMBCTL1_VAL 0xFFC27BB0 #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN (256 * 1024) #define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (128 * 1024) /* * Network Settings */ #define ADI_CMDS_NETWORK 1 #define CONFIG_SMC91111 1 #define CONFIG_SMC91111_BASE 0x2C010300 #define CONFIG_SMC_USE_32_BIT 1 #define CONFIG_HOSTNAME bf561-ezkit /* Uncomment next line to use fixed MAC address */ /* #define CONFIG_ETHADDR 02:80:ad:20:31:e8 */ /* * Flash Settings */ #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_CFI #define CONFIG_FLASH_CFI_DRIVER #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_CFI_AMD_RESET #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE 0x20000000 #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT 135 /* The BF561-EZKIT uses a top boot flash */ #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1 #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (0x800000 - CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE) #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET) #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x2000 /* * I2C Settings */ #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SCL GPIO_PF0 #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SDA GPIO_PF1 /* * Misc Settings */ #define CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE 0 /* * Pull in common ADI header for remaining command/environment setup */ #include <configs/bfin_adi_common.h> #endif