
/memreserve/ 0x1c000000 0x04000000;
/include/ ARCH_CPU_DTS

/ {
	model = "NVIDIA Seaboard";
	compatible = "nvidia,seaboard", "nvidia,tegra20";

	chosen {
		bootargs = "vmalloc=192M video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk1p3 rw rootwait";

	aliases {
		/* This defines the order of our USB ports */
		usb0 = "/usb@c5008000";
		usb1 = "/usb@c5000000";

	memory {
		device_type = "memory";
		reg = < 0x00000000 0x40000000 >;

	/* This is not used in U-Boot, but is expected to be in kernel .dts */
	i2c@7000d000 {
		pmic@34 {
			compatible = "ti,tps6586x";
			reg = <0x34>;

			clk_32k: clock {
				compatible = "fixed-clock";
				 * leave out for now due to CPP:
				 * #clock-cells = <0>;
				clock-frequency = <32768>;

	clocks {
		osc {
			clock-frequency = <12000000>;

	clock@60006000 {
		clocks = <&clk_32k &osc>;

	serial@70006300 {
		clock-frequency = < 216000000 >;

	sdhci@c8000400 {
		cd-gpios = <&gpio 69 0>; /* gpio PI5 */
		wp-gpios = <&gpio 57 0>; /* gpio PH1 */
		power-gpios = <&gpio 70 0>; /* gpio PI6 */

	sdhci@c8000600 {

	usb@c5000000 {
		nvidia,vbus-gpio = <&gpio 24 0>; /* PD0 */
		dr_mode = "otg";

	usb@c5004000 {
		status = "disabled";