|	This source code has been made available to you by IBM on an AS-IS
|	basis.	Anyone receiving this source is licensed under IBM
|	copyrights to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including
|	copying it, modifying it, compiling it, and redistributing it either
|	with or without modifications.	No license under IBM patents or
|	patent applications is to be implied by the copyright license.
|	Any user of this software should understand that IBM cannot provide
|	technical support for this software and will not be responsible for
|	any consequences resulting from the use of this software.
|	Any person who transfers this source code or any derivative work
|	must include the IBM copyright notice, this paragraph, and the
|	preceding two paragraphs in the transferred software.

#ifndef __PPC440_H__
#define __PPC440_H__

/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Special Purpose Registers						*/
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define	 dec	0x016	/* decrementer */
#define	 srr0	0x01a	/* save/restore register 0 */
#define	 srr1	0x01b	/* save/restore register 1 */
#define	 pid	0x030	/* process id */
#define	 decar	0x036	/* decrementer auto-reload */
#define	 csrr0	0x03a	/* critical save/restore register 0 */
#define	 csrr1	0x03b	/* critical save/restore register 1 */
#define	 dear	0x03d	/* data exception address register */
#define	 esr	0x03e	/* exception syndrome register */
#define	 ivpr	0x03f	/* interrupt prefix register */
#define	 usprg0 0x100	/* user special purpose register general 0 */
#define	 usprg1 0x110	/* user special purpose register general 1 */
#define	 sprg1	0x111	/* special purpose register general 1 */
#define	 sprg2	0x112	/* special purpose register general 2 */
#define	 sprg3	0x113	/* special purpose register general 3 */
#define	 sprg4	0x114	/* special purpose register general 4 */
#define	 sprg5	0x115	/* special purpose register general 5 */
#define	 sprg6	0x116	/* special purpose register general 6 */
#define	 sprg7	0x117	/* special purpose register general 7 */
#define	 tbl	0x11c	/* time base lower (supervisor)*/
#define	 tbu	0x11d	/* time base upper (supervisor)*/
#define	 pir	0x11e	/* processor id register */
/*#define  pvr	0x11f	 processor version register */
#define	 dbsr	0x130	/* debug status register */
#define	 dbcr0	0x134	/* debug control register 0 */
#define	 dbcr1	0x135	/* debug control register 1 */
#define	 dbcr2	0x136	/* debug control register 2 */
#define	 iac1	0x138	/* instruction address compare 1 */
#define	 iac2	0x139	/* instruction address compare 2 */
#define	 iac3	0x13a	/* instruction address compare 3 */
#define	 iac4	0x13b	/* instruction address compare 4 */
#define	 dac1	0x13c	/* data address compare 1 */
#define	 dac2	0x13d	/* data address compare 2 */
#define	 dvc1	0x13e	/* data value compare 1 */
#define	 dvc2	0x13f	/* data value compare 2 */
#define	 tsr	0x150	/* timer status register */
#define	 tcr	0x154	/* timer control register */
#define	 ivor0	0x190	/* interrupt vector offset register 0 */
#define	 ivor1	0x191	/* interrupt vector offset register 1 */
#define	 ivor2	0x192	/* interrupt vector offset register 2 */
#define	 ivor3	0x193	/* interrupt vector offset register 3 */
#define	 ivor4	0x194	/* interrupt vector offset register 4 */
#define	 ivor5	0x195	/* interrupt vector offset register 5 */
#define	 ivor6	0x196	/* interrupt vector offset register 6 */
#define	 ivor7	0x197	/* interrupt vector offset register 7 */
#define	 ivor8	0x198	/* interrupt vector offset register 8 */
#define	 ivor9	0x199	/* interrupt vector offset register 9 */
#define	 ivor10 0x19a	/* interrupt vector offset register 10 */
#define	 ivor11 0x19b	/* interrupt vector offset register 11 */
#define	 ivor12 0x19c	/* interrupt vector offset register 12 */
#define	 ivor13 0x19d	/* interrupt vector offset register 13 */
#define	 ivor14 0x19e	/* interrupt vector offset register 14 */
#define	 ivor15 0x19f	/* interrupt vector offset register 15 */
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define	 mcsrr0 0x23a	/* machine check save/restore register 0 */
#define	 mcsrr1 0x23b	/* mahcine check save/restore register 1 */
#define	 mcsr	0x23c	/* machine check status register */
#define	 inv0	0x370	/* instruction cache normal victim 0 */
#define	 inv1	0x371	/* instruction cache normal victim 1 */
#define	 inv2	0x372	/* instruction cache normal victim 2 */
#define	 inv3	0x373	/* instruction cache normal victim 3 */
#define	 itv0	0x374	/* instruction cache transient victim 0 */
#define	 itv1	0x375	/* instruction cache transient victim 1 */
#define	 itv2	0x376	/* instruction cache transient victim 2 */
#define	 itv3	0x377	/* instruction cache transient victim 3 */
#define	 dnv0	0x390	/* data cache normal victim 0 */
#define	 dnv1	0x391	/* data cache normal victim 1 */
#define	 dnv2	0x392	/* data cache normal victim 2 */
#define	 dnv3	0x393	/* data cache normal victim 3 */
#define	 dtv0	0x394	/* data cache transient victim 0 */
#define	 dtv1	0x395	/* data cache transient victim 1 */
#define	 dtv2	0x396	/* data cache transient victim 2 */
#define	 dtv3	0x397	/* data cache transient victim 3 */
#define	 dvlim	0x398	/* data cache victim limit */
#define	 ivlim	0x399	/* instruction cache victim limit */
#define	 rstcfg 0x39b	/* reset configuration */
#define	 dcdbtrl 0x39c	/* data cache debug tag register low */
#define	 dcdbtrh 0x39d	/* data cache debug tag register high */
#define	 icdbtrl 0x39e	/* instruction cache debug tag register low */
#define	 icdbtrh 0x39f	/* instruction cache debug tag register high */
#define	 mmucr	0x3b2	/* mmu control register */
#define	 ccr0	0x3b3	/* core configuration register 0 */
#define	 icdbdr 0x3d3	/* instruction cache debug data register */
#define	 dbdr	0x3f3	/* debug data register */

 * DCRs & Related

 | Clocking Controller
#define CLOCKING_DCR_BASE 0x0c
#define clkcfga	 (CLOCKING_DCR_BASE+0x0)
#define clkcfgd	 (CLOCKING_DCR_BASE+0x1)

/* values for clkcfga register - indirect addressing of these regs */
#define clk_clkukpd	0x0020
#define clk_pllc	0x0040
#define clk_plld	0x0060
#define clk_primad	0x0080
#define clk_primbd	0x00a0
#define clk_opbd	0x00c0
#define clk_perd	0x00e0
#define clk_mald	0x0100
#define clk_icfg	0x0140

/* 440gx sdr register definations */
#define SDR_DCR_BASE	0x0e
#define sdrcfga		(SDR_DCR_BASE+0x0)
#define sdrcfgd		(SDR_DCR_BASE+0x1)
#define sdr_sdstp0	0x0020	    /* */
#define sdr_sdstp1	0x0021	    /* */
#define sdr_pinstp	0x0040
#define sdr_sdcs	0x0060
#define sdr_ecid0	0x0080
#define sdr_ecid1	0x0081
#define sdr_ecid2	0x0082
#define sdr_jtag	0x00c0
#define sdr_ddrdl	0x00e0
#define sdr_ebc		0x0100
#define sdr_uart0	0x0120	/* UART0 Config */
#define sdr_uart1	0x0121	/* UART1 Config */
#define sdr_cp440	0x0180
#define sdr_xcr		0x01c0
#define sdr_xpllc	0x01c1
#define sdr_xplld	0x01c2
#define sdr_srst	0x0200
#define sdr_slpipe	0x0220
#define sdr_amp		0x0240
#define sdr_mirq0	0x0260
#define sdr_mirq1	0x0261
#define sdr_maltbl	0x0280
#define sdr_malrbl	0x02a0
#define sdr_maltbs	0x02c0
#define sdr_malrbs	0x02e0
#define sdr_cust0	0x4000
#define sdr_sdstp2	0x4001
#define sdr_cust1	0x4002
#define sdr_sdstp3	0x4003
#define sdr_pfc0	0x4100	/* Pin Function 0 */
#define sdr_pfc1	0x4101	/* Pin Function 1 */
#define sdr_plbtr	0x4200
#define sdr_mfr		0x4300	/* SDR0_MFR reg */

 | SDRAM Controller
#define SDRAM_DCR_BASE 0x10
#define memcfga	 (SDRAM_DCR_BASE+0x0)	/* Memory configuration address reg */
#define memcfgd	 (SDRAM_DCR_BASE+0x1)	/* Memory configuration data reg    */

/* values for memcfga register - indirect addressing of these regs	    */
#define mem_besr0_clr	0x0000	/* bus error status reg 0 (clr)		    */
#define mem_besr0_set	0x0004	/* bus error status reg 0 (set)		    */
#define mem_besr1_clr	0x0008	/* bus error status reg 1 (clr)		    */
#define mem_besr1_set	0x000c	/* bus error status reg 1 (set)		    */
#define mem_bear	0x0010	/* bus error address reg		    */
#define mem_mirq_clr	0x0011	/* bus master interrupt (clr)		    */
#define mem_mirq_set	0x0012	/* bus master interrupt (set)		    */
#define mem_slio	0x0018	/* ddr sdram slave interface options	    */
#define mem_cfg0	0x0020	/* ddr sdram options 0			    */
#define mem_cfg1	0x0021	/* ddr sdram options 1			    */
#define mem_devopt	0x0022	/* ddr sdram device options		    */
#define mem_mcsts	0x0024	/* memory controller status		    */
#define mem_rtr		0x0030	/* refresh timer register		    */
#define mem_pmit	0x0034	/* power management idle timer		    */
#define mem_uabba	0x0038	/* plb UABus base address		    */
#define mem_b0cr	0x0040	/* ddr sdram bank 0 configuration	    */
#define mem_b1cr	0x0044	/* ddr sdram bank 1 configuration	    */
#define mem_b2cr	0x0048	/* ddr sdram bank 2 configuration	    */
#define mem_b3cr	0x004c	/* ddr sdram bank 3 configuration	    */
#define mem_tr0		0x0080	/* sdram timing register 0		    */
#define mem_tr1		0x0081	/* sdram timing register 1		    */
#define mem_clktr	0x0082	/* ddr clock timing register		    */
#define mem_wddctr	0x0083	/* write data/dm/dqs clock timing reg	    */
#define mem_dlycal	0x0084	/* delay line calibration register	    */
#define mem_eccesr	0x0098	/* ECC error status			    */

 | Extrnal Bus Controller
#define EBC_DCR_BASE 0x12
#define ebccfga (EBC_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* External bus controller addr reg     */
#define ebccfgd (EBC_DCR_BASE+0x1)   /* External bus controller data reg     */
/* values for ebccfga register - indirect addressing of these regs */
#define pb0cr		0x00	/* periph bank 0 config reg		*/
#define pb1cr		0x01	/* periph bank 1 config reg		*/
#define pb2cr		0x02	/* periph bank 2 config reg		*/
#define pb3cr		0x03	/* periph bank 3 config reg		*/
#define pb4cr		0x04	/* periph bank 4 config reg		*/
#define pb5cr		0x05	/* periph bank 5 config reg		*/
#define pb6cr		0x06	/* periph bank 6 config reg		*/
#define pb7cr		0x07	/* periph bank 7 config reg		*/
#define pb0ap		0x10	/* periph bank 0 access parameters	*/
#define pb1ap		0x11	/* periph bank 1 access parameters	*/
#define pb2ap		0x12	/* periph bank 2 access parameters	*/
#define pb3ap		0x13	/* periph bank 3 access parameters	*/
#define pb4ap		0x14	/* periph bank 4 access parameters	*/
#define pb5ap		0x15	/* periph bank 5 access parameters	*/
#define pb6ap		0x16	/* periph bank 6 access parameters	*/
#define pb7ap		0x17	/* periph bank 7 access parameters	*/
#define pbear		0x20	/* periph bus error addr reg		*/
#define pbesr		0x21	/* periph bus error status reg		*/
#define xbcfg		0x23	/* external bus configuration reg	*/
#define xbcid		0x23	/* external bus core id reg		*/

 | Internal SRAM
#define ISRAM0_DCR_BASE 0x020
#define isram0_sb0cr	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x00)	/* SRAM bank config 0*/
#define isram0_sb1cr	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x01)	/* SRAM bank config 1*/
#define isram0_sb2cr	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x02)	/* SRAM bank config 2*/
#define isram0_sb3cr	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x03)	/* SRAM bank config 3*/
#define isram0_bear	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x04)	/* SRAM bus error addr reg */
#define isram0_besr0	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x05)	/* SRAM bus error status reg 0 */
#define isram0_besr1	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x06)	/* SRAM bus error status reg 1 */
#define isram0_pmeg	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x07)	/* SRAM power management */
#define isram0_cid	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x08)	/* SRAM bus core id reg */
#define isram0_revid	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x09)	/* SRAM bus revision id reg */
#define isram0_dpc	(ISRAM0_DCR_BASE+0x0a)	/* SRAM data parity check reg */

 | L2 Cache
#if defined (CONFIG_440_GX)
#define L2_CACHE_BASE	0x030
#define l2_cache_cfg	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x00)	/* L2 Cache Config	*/
#define l2_cache_cmd	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x01)	/* L2 Cache Command	*/
#define l2_cache_addr	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x02)	/* L2 Cache Address	*/
#define l2_cache_data	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x03)	/* L2 Cache Data	*/
#define l2_cache_stat	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x04)	/* L2 Cache Status	*/
#define l2_cache_cver	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x05)	/* L2 Cache Revision ID */
#define l2_cache_snp0	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x06)	/* L2 Cache Snoop reg 0 */
#define l2_cache_snp1	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x07)	/* L2 Cache Snoop reg 1 */

#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */

 | On-Chip Buses
/* TODO: as needed */

 | Clocking, Power Management and Chip Control
#define CNTRL_DCR_BASE 0x0b0
#if defined (CONFIG_440_GX)
#define cpc0_er	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x00)   /* CPM enable register	    */
#define cpc0_fr	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x01)   /* CPM force register	    */
#define cpc0_sr	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x02)   /* CPM status register	    */
#define cpc0_sr	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x00)   /* CPM status register	    */
#define cpc0_er	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x01)   /* CPM enable register	    */
#define cpc0_fr	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x02)   /* CPM force register	    */

#define cpc0_sys0   (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x30)   /* System configuration reg 0   */
#define cpc0_sys1   (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x31)   /* System configuration reg 1   */
#define cpc0_cust0  (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x32)   /* Customer configuration reg 0 */
#define cpc0_cust1  (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x33)   /* Customer configuration reg 1 */

#define cpc0_strp0	(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x34)	/* Power-on config reg 0 (RO)	*/
#define cpc0_strp1	(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x35)	/* Power-on config reg 1 (RO)	*/
#define cpc0_strp2	(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x36)	/* Power-on config reg 2 (RO)	*/
#define cpc0_strp3	(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x37)	/* Power-on config reg 3 (RO)	*/

#define cntrl0	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x3b)   /* Control 0 register	    */
#define cntrl1	    (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x3a)   /* Control 1 register	    */

 | Universal interrupt controller
#define UIC0_DCR_BASE 0xc0
#define uic0sr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC0 status			   */
#define uic0er	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC0 enable			   */
#define uic0cr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC0 critical			   */
#define uic0pr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC0 polarity			   */
#define uic0tr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC0 triggering		   */
#define uic0msr (UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC0 masked status		   */
#define uic0vr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC0 vector			   */
#define uic0vcr (UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC0 vector configuration	   */

#define UIC1_DCR_BASE 0xd0
#define uic1sr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC1 status			   */
#define uic1er	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC1 enable			   */
#define uic1cr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC1 critical			   */
#define uic1pr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC1 polarity			   */
#define uic1tr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC1 triggering		   */
#define uic1msr (UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC1 masked status		   */
#define uic1vr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC1 vector			   */
#define uic1vcr (UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC1 vector configuration	   */

#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define UIC2_DCR_BASE 0x210
#define uic2sr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC2 status			   */
#define uic2er	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC2 enable			   */
#define uic2cr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC2 critical			   */
#define uic2pr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC2 polarity			   */
#define uic2tr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC2 triggering		   */
#define uic2msr (UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC2 masked status		   */
#define uic2vr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC2 vector			   */
#define uic2vcr (UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC2 vector configuration	   */

#define UIC_DCR_BASE 0x200
#define uicb0sr	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC Base Status Register	   */
#define uicb0er	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC Base enable		   */
#define uicb0cr	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC Base critical		   */
#define uicb0pr	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC Base polarity		   */
#define uicb0tr	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC Base triggering		   */
#define uicb0msr (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC Base masked status		   */
#define uicb0vr	 (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC Base vector		   */
#define uicb0vcr (UIC_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC Base vector configuration	   */
#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */

/* The following is for compatibility with 405 code */
#define uicsr  uic0sr
#define uicer  uic0er
#define uiccr  uic0cr
#define uicpr  uic0pr
#define uictr  uic0tr
#define uicmsr uic0msr
#define uicvr  uic0vr
#define uicvcr uic0vcr

 | DMA
#define DMA_DCR_BASE 0x100
#define dmacr0	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x00)  /* DMA channel control register 0	     */
#define dmact0	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x01)  /* DMA count register 0		     */
#define dmasah0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x02)  /* DMA source address high 0	     */
#define dmasal0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x03)  /* DMA source address low 0	     */
#define dmadah0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x04)  /* DMA destination address high 0	     */
#define dmadal0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x05)  /* DMA destination address low 0	     */
#define dmasgh0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x06)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr high 0  */
#define dmasgl0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x07)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr low 0   */
#define dmacr1	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x08)  /* DMA channel control register 1	     */
#define dmact1	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x09)  /* DMA count register 1		     */
#define dmasah1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0a)  /* DMA source address high 1	     */
#define dmasal1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0b)  /* DMA source address low 1	     */
#define dmadah1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0c)  /* DMA destination address high 1	     */
#define dmadal1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0d)  /* DMA destination address low 1	     */
#define dmasgh1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0e)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr high 1  */
#define dmasgl1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x0f)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr low 1   */
#define dmacr2	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x10)  /* DMA channel control register 2	     */
#define dmact2	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x11)  /* DMA count register 2		     */
#define dmasah2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x12)  /* DMA source address high 2	     */
#define dmasal2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x13)  /* DMA source address low 2	     */
#define dmadah2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x14)  /* DMA destination address high 2	     */
#define dmadal2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x15)  /* DMA destination address low 2	     */
#define dmasgh2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x16)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr high 2  */
#define dmasgl2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x17)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr low 2   */
#define dmacr3	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x18)  /* DMA channel control register 2	     */
#define dmact3	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x19)  /* DMA count register 2		     */
#define dmasah3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1a)  /* DMA source address high 2	     */
#define dmasal3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1b)  /* DMA source address low 2	     */
#define dmadah3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1c)  /* DMA destination address high 2	     */
#define dmadal3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1d)  /* DMA destination address low 2	     */
#define dmasgh3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1e)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr high 2  */
#define dmasgl3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x1f)  /* DMA scatter/gather desc addr low 2   */
#define dmasr	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x20)  /* DMA status register		     */
#define dmasgc	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x23)  /* DMA scatter/gather command register  */
#define dmaslp	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x25)  /* DMA sleep mode register		     */
#define dmapol	(DMA_DCR_BASE+0x26)  /* DMA polarity configuration register  */

 | Memory Access Layer
#define MAL_DCR_BASE 0x180
#define malmcr	    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x00) /* MAL Config reg		    */
#define malesr	    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x01) /* Error Status reg (Read/Clear)    */
#define malier	    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x02) /* Interrupt enable reg		    */
#define maldbr	    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x03) /* Mal Debug reg (Read only)	    */
#define maltxcasr   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x04) /* TX Channel active reg (set)	    */
#define maltxcarr   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x05) /* TX Channel active reg (Reset)    */
#define maltxeobisr (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x06) /* TX End of buffer int status reg  */
#define maltxdeir   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x07) /* TX Descr. Error Int reg	    */
#define maltxtattrr (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x08) /* TX PLB attribute reg		    */
#define maltxbattr  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x09) /* TX descriptor base addr reg	    */
#define malrxcasr   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x10) /* RX Channel active reg (set)	    */
#define malrxcarr   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x11) /* RX Channel active reg (Reset)    */
#define malrxeobisr (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x12) /* RX End of buffer int status reg  */
#define malrxdeir   (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x13) /* RX Descr. Error Int reg	    */
#define malrxtattrr (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x14) /* RX PLB attribute reg		    */
#define malrxbattr  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x15) /* RX descriptor base addr reg	    */
#define maltxctp0r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x20) /* TX 0 Channel table pointer reg   */
#define maltxctp1r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x21) /* TX 1 Channel table pointer reg   */
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define maltxctp2r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x22) /* TX 2 Channel table pointer reg   */
#define maltxctp3r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x23) /* TX 3 Channel table pointer reg   */
#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */
#define malrxctp0r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x40) /* RX 0 Channel table pointer reg   */
#define malrxctp1r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x41) /* RX 1 Channel table pointer reg   */
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define malrxctp2r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x42) /* RX 0 Channel table pointer reg   */
#define malrxctp3r  (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x43) /* RX 1 Channel table pointer reg   */
#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */
#define malrcbs0    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x60) /* RX 0 Channel buffer size reg	    */
#define malrcbs1    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x61) /* RX 1 Channel buffer size reg	    */
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define malrcbs2    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x62) /* RX 2 Channel buffer size reg	    */
#define malrcbs3    (MAL_DCR_BASE+0x63) /* RX 3 Channel buffer size reg	    */
#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */

|  Universal interrupt controller 0 interrupts (UIC0)
#define UIC_U0		0x80000000	/* UART 0			    */
#define UIC_U1		0x40000000	/* UART 1			    */
#define UIC_IIC0	0x20000000	/* IIC				    */
#define UIC_IIC1	0x10000000	/* IIC				    */
#define UIC_PIM		0x08000000	/* PCI inbound message		    */
#define UIC_PCRW	0x04000000	/* PCI command register write	    */
#define UIC_PPM		0x02000000	/* PCI power management		    */
#define UIC_MSI0	0x01000000	/* PCI MSI level 0		    */
#define UIC_MSI1	0x00800000	/* PCI MSI level 1		    */
#define UIC_MSI2	0x00400000	/* PCI MSI level 2		    */
#define UIC_MTE		0x00200000	/* MAL TXEOB			    */
#define UIC_MRE		0x00100000	/* MAL RXEOB			    */
#define UIC_D0		0x00080000	/* DMA channel 0		    */
#define UIC_D1		0x00040000	/* DMA channel 1		    */
#define UIC_D2		0x00020000	/* DMA channel 2		    */
#define UIC_D3		0x00010000	/* DMA channel 3		    */
#define UIC_RSVD0	0x00008000	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD1	0x00004000	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_CT0		0x00002000	/* GPT compare timer 0		    */
#define UIC_CT1		0x00001000	/* GPT compare timer 1		    */
#define UIC_CT2		0x00000800	/* GPT compare timer 2		    */
#define UIC_CT3		0x00000400	/* GPT compare timer 3		    */
#define UIC_CT4		0x00000200	/* GPT compare timer 4		    */
#define UIC_EIR0	0x00000100	/* External interrupt 0		    */
#define UIC_EIR1	0x00000080	/* External interrupt 1		    */
#define UIC_EIR2	0x00000040	/* External interrupt 2		    */
#define UIC_EIR3	0x00000020	/* External interrupt 3		    */
#define UIC_EIR4	0x00000010	/* External interrupt 4		    */
#define UIC_EIR5	0x00000008	/* External interrupt 5		    */
#define UIC_EIR6	0x00000004	/* External interrupt 6		    */
#define UIC_UIC1NC	0x00000002	/* UIC1 non-critical interrupt	    */
#define UIC_UIC1C	0x00000001	/* UIC1 critical interrupt	    */

/* For compatibility with 405 code */

|  Universal interrupt controller 1 interrupts (UIC1)
#define UIC_MS		0x80000000	/* MAL SERR			    */
#define UIC_MTDE	0x40000000	/* MAL TXDE			    */
#define UIC_MRDE	0x20000000	/* MAL RXDE			    */
#define UIC_DEUE	0x10000000	/* DDR SDRAM ECC uncorrectible error*/
#define UIC_DECE	0x08000000	/* DDR SDRAM correctible error	    */
#define UIC_EBCO	0x04000000	/* EBCO interrupt status	    */
#define UIC_EBMI	0x02000000	/* EBMI interrupt status	    */
#define UIC_OPB		0x01000000	/* OPB to PLB bridge interrupt stat */
#define UIC_MSI3	0x00800000	/* PCI MSI level 3		    */
#define UIC_MSI4	0x00400000	/* PCI MSI level 4		    */
#define UIC_MSI5	0x00200000	/* PCI MSI level 5		    */
#define UIC_MSI6	0x00100000	/* PCI MSI level 6		    */
#define UIC_MSI7	0x00080000	/* PCI MSI level 7		    */
#define UIC_MSI8	0x00040000	/* PCI MSI level 8		    */
#define UIC_MSI9	0x00020000	/* PCI MSI level 9		    */
#define UIC_MSI10	0x00010000	/* PCI MSI level 10		    */
#define UIC_MSI11	0x00008000	/* PCI MSI level 11		    */
#define UIC_PPMI	0x00004000	/* PPM interrupt status		    */
#define UIC_EIR7	0x00002000	/* External interrupt 7		    */
#define UIC_EIR8	0x00001000	/* External interrupt 8		    */
#define UIC_EIR9	0x00000800	/* External interrupt 9		    */
#define UIC_EIR10	0x00000400	/* External interrupt 10	    */
#define UIC_EIR11	0x00000200	/* External interrupt 11	    */
#define UIC_EIR12	0x00000100	/* External interrupt 12	    */
#define UIC_SRE		0x00000080	/* Serial ROM error		    */
#define UIC_RSVD2	0x00000040	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD3	0x00000020	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_PAE		0x00000010	/* PCI asynchronous error	    */
#define UIC_ETH0	0x00000008	/* Ethernet 0			    */
#define UIC_EWU0	0x00000004	/* Ethernet 0 wakeup		    */
#define UIC_ETH1	0x00000002	/* Ethernet 1			    */
#define UIC_EWU1	0x00000001	/* Ethernet 1 wakeup		    */

/* For compatibility with 405 code */

|  Universal interrupt controller 2 interrupts (UIC2)
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define UIC_ETH2	0x80000000	/* Ethernet 2			    */
#define UIC_EWU2	0x40000000	/* Ethernet 2 wakeup		    */
#define UIC_ETH3	0x20000000	/* Ethernet 3			    */
#define UIC_EWU3	0x10000000	/* Ethernet 3 wakeup		    */
#define UIC_TAH0	0x08000000	/* TAH 0			    */
#define UIC_TAH1	0x04000000	/* TAH 1			    */
#define UIC_IMUOBFQ	0x02000000	/* IMU outbound free queue	    */
#define UIC_IMUIBPQ	0x01000000	/* IMU inbound post queue	    */
#define UIC_IMUIRQDB	0x00800000	/* IMU irq doorbell		    */
#define UIC_IMUIBDB	0x00400000	/* IMU inbound doorbell		    */
#define UIC_IMUMSG0	0x00200000	/* IMU inbound message 0	    */
#define UIC_IMUMSG1	0x00100000	/* IMU inbound message 1	    */
#define UIC_IMUTO	0x00080000	/* IMU timeout			    */
#define UIC_MSI12	0x00040000	/* PCI MSI level 12		    */
#define UIC_MSI13	0x00020000	/* PCI MSI level 13		    */
#define UIC_MSI14	0x00010000	/* PCI MSI level 14		    */
#define UIC_MSI15	0x00008000	/* PCI MSI level 15		    */
#define UIC_EIR13	0x00004000	/* External interrupt 13	    */
#define UIC_EIR14	0x00002000	/* External interrupt 14	    */
#define UIC_EIR15	0x00001000	/* External interrupt 15	    */
#define UIC_EIR16	0x00000800	/* External interrupt 16	    */
#define UIC_EIR17	0x00000400	/* External interrupt 17	    */
#define UIC_PCIVPD	0x00000200	/* PCI VPD			    */
#define UIC_L2C		0x00000100	/* L2 Cache			    */
#define UIC_ETH2PCS	0x00000080	/* Ethernet 2 PCS		    */
#define UIC_ETH3PCS	0x00000040	/* Ethernet 3 PCS		    */
#define UIC_RSVD26	0x00000020	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD27	0x00000010	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD28	0x00000008	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD29	0x00000004	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD30	0x00000002	/* Reserved			    */
#define UIC_RSVD31	0x00000001	/* Reserved			    */
#endif	/* CONFIG_440_GX */

|  Universal interrupt controller Base 0 interrupts (UICB0)
#if defined(CONFIG_440_GX)
#define UICB0_UIC0CI	0x80000000	/* UIC0 Critical Interrupt	    */
#define UICB0_UIC0NCI	0x40000000	/* UIC0 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
#define UICB0_UIC1CI	0x20000000	/* UIC1 Critical Interrupt	    */
#define UICB0_UIC1NCI	0x10000000	/* UIC1 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
#define UICB0_UIC2CI	0x08000000	/* UIC2 Critical Interrupt	    */
#define UICB0_UIC2NCI	0x04000000	/* UIC2 Noncritical Interrupt	    */

#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */

|  External Bus Controller Bit Settings
#define EBC_CFGADDR_MASK                0x0000003F

#define EBC_BXCR_BAS_ENCODE(n) 	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFF00000)<<0)
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_MASK  		0x000E0000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_1MB   		0x00000000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_2MB   		0x00020000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_4MB   		0x00040000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_8MB   		0x00060000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_16MB  		0x00080000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_32MB  		0x000A0000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_64MB  		0x000C0000
#define EBC_BXCR_BS_128MB 		0x000E0000
#define EBC_BXCR_BU_MASK  		0x00018000
#define EBC_BXCR_BU_R     		0x00008000
#define EBC_BXCR_BU_W     		0x00010000
#define EBC_BXCR_BU_RW    		0x00018000
#define EBC_BXCR_BW_MASK  		0x00006000
#define EBC_BXCR_BW_8BIT  		0x00000000
#define EBC_BXCR_BW_16BIT 		0x00002000

#define EBC_BXAP_BME_ENABLED   	0x80000000
#define EBC_BXAP_BME_DISABLED  	0x00000000
#define EBC_BXAP_TWT_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<23)
#define EBC_BXAP_BCE_DISABLE           0x00000000
#define EBC_BXAP_BCE_ENABLE            0x00400000
#define EBC_BXAP_CSN_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<18)
#define EBC_BXAP_OEN_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<16)
#define EBC_BXAP_WBN_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<14)
#define EBC_BXAP_WBF_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<12)
#define EBC_BXAP_TH_ENCODE(n)   	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<9)
#define EBC_BXAP_RE_ENABLED    	0x00000100
#define EBC_BXAP_RE_DISABLED   	0x00000000
#define EBC_BXAP_SOR_DELAYED   	0x00000000
#define EBC_BXAP_SOR_NONDELAYED  	0x00000080
#define EBC_BXAP_BEM_WRITEONLY 	0x00000000
#define EBC_BXAP_BEM_RW                0x00000040
#define EBC_BXAP_PEN_DISABLED  	0x00000000

#define EBC_CFG_LE_MASK      		0x80000000
#define EBC_CFG_LE_UNLOCK    		0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_LE_LOCK    		0x80000000
#define EBC_CFG_PTD_MASK       	0x40000000
#define EBC_CFG_PTD_ENABLE     	0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_PTD_DISABLE    	0x40000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_MASK               0x38000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_16PERCLK   	0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_32PERCLK           0x08000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_64PERCLK           0x10000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_128PERCLK          0x18000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_256PERCLK          0x20000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_512PERCLK          0x28000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_1024PERCLK         0x30000000
#define EBC_CFG_RTC_2048PERCLK         0x38000000
#define EBC_CFG_ATC_MASK               0x04000000
#define EBC_CFG_ATC_HI                 0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_ATC_PREVIOUS           0x04000000
#define EBC_CFG_DTC_MASK               0x02000000
#define EBC_CFG_DTC_HI                 0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_DTC_PREVIOUS           0x02000000
#define EBC_CFG_CTC_MASK               0x01000000
#define EBC_CFG_CTC_HI                 0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_CTC_PREVIOUS           0x01000000
#define EBC_CFG_OEO_MASK               0x00800000
#define EBC_CFG_OEO_HI                 0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_OEO_PREVIOUS           0x00800000
#define EBC_CFG_EMC_MASK       	0x00400000
#define EBC_CFG_EMC_NONDEFAULT 	0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_EMC_DEFAULT    	0x00400000
#define EBC_CFG_PME_MASK       	0x00200000
#define EBC_CFG_PME_DISABLE    	0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_PME_ENABLE     	0x00200000
#define EBC_CFG_PMT_MASK               0x001F0000
#define EBC_CFG_PMT_ENCODE(n)  	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<12)
#define EBC_CFG_PR_MASK                0x0000C000
#define EBC_CFG_PR_16                  0x00000000
#define EBC_CFG_PR_32                  0x00004000
#define EBC_CFG_PR_64                  0x00008000
#define EBC_CFG_PR_128                 0x0000C000

|  SDR 0 Bit Settings
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_MASK         0x80000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLDIS       0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLENAB      0x80000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_MASK         0x40000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTA      0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTB      0x40000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_MASK         0x38000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_PLLOUT       0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_CPU          0x08000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_EBC          0x28000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<27)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>27)&0x07)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_MASK        0x07FE0000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<17)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x3FF)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_MASK        0x0001F000
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<12)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_DECODE(n)   ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>12)-1)&0x1F)+1)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_MASK       0x00000F00
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<8)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_DECODE(n)  ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)-1)&0x0F)+1)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_MASK       0x000000E0
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<5)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_DECODE(n)  ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>5)-1)&0x07)+1)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_MASK      0x0000001C
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<2)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)-1)&0x07)+1)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_MASK      0x00000003
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<0)
#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0x03)+1)

#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_MASK       0xFC000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<26)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>26)&0x3F)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCDV0_MASK      0x03000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCDV0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x03)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_MASK      0x00C00000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<22)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x03)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_MASK          0x00300000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_8BIT          0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_16BIT         0x00100000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_32BIT         0x00200000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<20)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RW_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>20)&0x03)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EARV_MASK        0x00080000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EARV_EBC         0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EARV_PCI         0x00080000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK         0x00040000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DISABLE      0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENABLE       0x00040000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<18)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>18)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_MASK        0x00020000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENABLE      0x00020000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<17)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_MASK        0x00010000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENABLE      0x00010000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<16)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_MASK        0x00008000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENABLE      0x00008000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<15)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>15)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_MASK        0x00008000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<11)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>11)&0x0F)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_MASK       0x00000400
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DISABLE    0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENABLE     0x00000400
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<10)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>10)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_MASK        0x00000300
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_HIGH        0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_MED         0x00000100
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_LOW         0x00000200
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PDM_MASK         0x00000040
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PDM_MULTIPOINT   0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PDM_P2P          0x00000040
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PDM_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<6)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PDM_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>6)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_MASK         0x00000038
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP0       0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP1       0x00000008
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP2       0x00000010
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP3       0x00000018
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP4       0x00000020
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP5       0x00000028
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP6       0x00000030
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_GROUP7       0x00000038
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<3)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EPS_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>3)&0x07)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RMII_MASK        0x00000004
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RMII_100MBIT     0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RMII_10MBIT      0x00000004
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RMII_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<2)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_RMII_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_TRE_MASK         0x00000002
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_TRE_DISABLE      0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_TRE_ENABLE       0x00000002
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_TRE_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_TRE_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_MASK        0x00000001
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENABLE      0x00000001
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<0)
#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x01)

#define SDR0_EBC_RW_MASK             0x30000000
#define SDR0_EBC_RW_8BIT             0x00000000
#define SDR0_EBC_RW_16BIT            0x10000000
#define SDR0_EBC_RW_32BIT            0x20000000
#define SDR0_EBC_RW_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
#define SDR0_EBC_RW_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)

#define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_MASK        0xF0000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_PLB         0x20000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_MASK         0x00800000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_INT          0x00000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_EXT          0x00800000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_MASK        0x00400000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_ENABLE      0x00400000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_MASK        0x00200000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_DISABLE     0x00000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_ENABLE      0x00200000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_MASK         0x00100000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_NOTCLEARED   0x00000000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_CLEARED      0x00100000
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_MASK        0x000000FF
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_DECODE(n)   ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0xFF)+1)

#define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_MASK        0x30000000
#define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_EBC         0x10000000
#define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_PCI         0x20000000
#define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
#define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)
#define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_MASK        0x00000002
#define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_NTOP        0x00000000
#define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_NTO1        0x00000002
#define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
#define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)

#define SDR0_XCR_PAE_MASK            0x80000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PAE_DISABLE         0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PAE_ENABLE          0x80000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PAE_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
#define SDR0_XCR_PAE_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
#define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_MASK           0x40000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_DISABLE        0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_ENABLE         0x40000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
#define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
#define SDR0_XCR_PISE_MASK           0x20000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PISE_DISABLE        0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PISE_ENABLE         0x20000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PISE_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
#define SDR0_XCR_PISE_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
#define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_MASK           0x10000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_DISABLE        0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_ENABLE         0x10000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<28)
#define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x01)
#define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_MASK           0x0F000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<24)
#define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
#define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_MASK          0x00800000
#define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_DISABLE       0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_ENABLE        0x00800000
#define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<23)
#define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>23)&0x01)
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_MASK           0x00600000
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_HIGH           0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_MED            0x00200000
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_LOW            0x00400000
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<21)
#define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x03)
#define SDR0_XCR_PDM_MASK            0x00000040
#define SDR0_XCR_PDM_MULTIPOINT      0x00000000
#define SDR0_XCR_PDM_P2P             0x00000040
#define SDR0_XCR_PDM_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<19)
#define SDR0_XCR_PDM_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>19)&0x01)

#define SDR0_PFC0_UART1_DSR_CTS_EN_MASK 0x00030000
#define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_MASK          0x00003E00
#define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_TRE           0x00003E00
#define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_NOTRE         0x00000000
#define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_MASK           0x00000100
#define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_DISABLE        0x00000000
#define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_ENABLE         0x00000100
#define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<8)
#define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x01)

#define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_DSR_CTS_MASK 0x02000000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_MASK           0x01C00000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP0         0x00000000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP1         0x00400000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP2         0x00800000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP3         0x00C00000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP4         0x01000000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP5         0x01400000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP6         0x01800000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP7         0x01C00000
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<22)
#define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x07)
#define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_MASK          0x00200000
#define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_100MBIT       0x00000000
#define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_10MBIT        0x00200000
#define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<21)
#define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x01)
#define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_MASK         0x00100000
#define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_EMS          0x00000000
#define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_CPUTRACE     0x00100000

#define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_MASK           0x80000000
#define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_ENABLE         0x00000000
#define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_DISABLE        0x80000000
#define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_MASK           0x40000000
#define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_ENABLE         0x00000000
#define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_DISABLE        0x40000000
#define SDR0_MFR_PCM_MASK            0x20000000
#define SDR0_MFR_PCM_PPC440GX        0x00000000
#define SDR0_MFR_PCM_PPC440GP        0x20000000
#define SDR0_MFR_ECS_MASK            0x10000000
#define SDR0_MFR_ECS_INTERNAL        0x10000000

|  Clocking
#if !defined (CONFIG_440_GX)
#define PLLSYS0_TUNE_MASK	0xffc00000	/* PLL TUNE bits	    */
#define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK	0x003c0000	/* Feedback divisor	    */
#define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK	0x00038000	/* Forward divisor A	    */
#define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_B_MASK	0x00007000	/* Forward divisor B	    */
#define PLLSYS0_OPB_DIV_MASK	0x00000c00	/* OPB divisor		    */
#define PLLSYS0_EPB_DIV_MASK	0x00000300	/* EPB divisor		    */
#define PLLSYS0_EXTSL_MASK	0x00000080	/* PerClk feedback path	    */
#define PLLSYS0_RW_MASK		0x00000060	/* ROM width		    */
#define PLLSYS0_RL_MASK		0x00000010	/* ROM location		    */
#define PLLSYS0_ZMII_SEL_MASK	0x0000000c	/* ZMII selection	    */
#define PLLSYS0_BYPASS_MASK	0x00000002	/* Bypass PLL		    */
#define PLLSYS0_NTO1_MASK	0x00000001	/* CPU:PLB N-to-1 ratio	    */

#define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MIN	500		/* Min VCO freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MAX	1000		/* Max VCO freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_CPU_FREQ_MAX	400		/* Max CPU freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_PLB_FREQ_MAX	133		/* Max PLB freq (MHz)	    */
#else /* !CONFIG_440_GX */
#define PLLSYS0_ENG_MASK	0x80000000	/* 0 = SysClk, 1 = PLL VCO */
#define PLLSYS0_SRC_MASK	0x40000000	/* 0 = PLL A, 1 = PLL B */
#define PLLSYS0_SEL_MASK	0x38000000	/* 0 = PLL, 1 = CPU, 5 = PerClk */
#define PLLSYS0_TUNE_MASK	0x07fe0000	/* PLL Tune bits */
#define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK	0x0001f000	/* Feedback divisor */
#define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK	0x00000f00	/* Fwd Div A */
#define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_B_MASK	0x000000e0	/* Fwd Div B */
#define PLLSYS0_PRI_DIV_B_MASK	0x0000001c	/* PLL Primary Divisor B */
#define PLLSYS0_OPB_DIV_MASK	0x00000003	/* OPB Divisor */

#define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MIN	500		/* Min VCO freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MAX	1000		/* Max VCO freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_CPU_FREQ_MAX	400		/* Max CPU freq (MHz)	    */
#define PLL_PLB_FREQ_MAX	133		/* Max PLB freq (MHz)	    */

/* Strap 1 Register */
#define PLLSYS1_LF_DIV_MASK	0xfc000000	/* PLL Local Feedback Divisor */
#define PLLSYS1_PERCLK_DIV_MASK 0x03000000	/* Peripheral Clk Divisor */
#define PLLSYS1_MAL_DIV_MASK	0x00c00000	/* MAL Clk Divisor */
#define PLLSYS1_RW_MASK		0x00300000	/* ROM width */
#define PLLSYS1_EAR_MASK	0x00080000	/* ERAP Addres reset vector */
#define PLLSYS1_PAE_MASK	0x00040000	/* PCI arbitor enable */
#define PLLSYS1_PCHE_MASK	0x00020000	/* PCI host config enable */
#define PLLSYS1_PISE_MASK	0x00010000	/* PCI init seq. enable */
#define PLLSYS1_PCWE_MASK	0x00008000	/* PCI local cpu wait enable */
#define PLLSYS1_PPIM_MASK	0x00007800	/* PCI inbound map */
#define PLLSYS1_PR64E_MASK	0x00000400	/* PCI init Req64 enable */
#define PLLSYS1_PXFS_MASK	0x00000300	/* PCI-X Freq Sel */
#define PLLSYS1_RSVD_MASK	0x00000080	/* RSVD */
#define PLLSYS1_PDM_MASK	0x00000040	/* PCI-X Driver Mode */
#define PLLSYS1_EPS_MASK	0x00000038	/* Ethernet Pin Select */
#define PLLSYS1_RMII_MASK	0x00000004	/* RMII Mode */
#define PLLSYS1_TRE_MASK	0x00000002	/* GPIO Trace Enable */
#define PLLSYS1_NTO1_MASK	0x00000001	/* CPU:PLB N-to-1 ratio */
#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */

| IIC Register Offsets
#define IICMDBUF	    0x00
#define IICSDBUF	    0x02
#define IICLMADR	    0x04
#define IICHMADR	    0x05
#define IICCNTL	    0x06
#define IICMDCNTL	    0x07
#define IICSTS	            0x08
#define IICEXTSTS	    0x09
#define IICLSADR	    0x0A
#define IICHSADR	    0x0B
#define IICCLKDIV	    0x0C
#define IICINTRMSK	    0x0D
#define IICXFRCNT	    0x0E
#define IICXTCNTLSS	    0x0F
#define IICDIRECTCNTL      0x10

| UART Register Offsets
#define DATA_REG	0x00
#define DL_LSB		0x00
#define DL_MSB		0x01
#define INT_ENABLE	0x01
#define FIFO_CONTROL	0x02
#define LINE_CONTROL	0x03
#define MODEM_CONTROL	0x04
#define LINE_STATUS	0x05
#define MODEM_STATUS	0x06
#define SCRATCH	0x07

| PCI Internal Registers et. al. (accessed via plb)
#define PCIX0_CFGADR		(CFG_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec00000)
#define PCIX0_CFGDATA		(CFG_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec00004)
#define PCIX0_CFGBASE		(CFG_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec80000)
#define PCIX0_IOBASE		(CFG_PCI_BASE + 0x08000000)

#define PCIX0_RES0		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0035 )
#define PCIX0_RES1		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0036 )
#define PCIX0_RES2		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0038 )

#define PCIX0_BRDGOPT1	        (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0040)
#define PCIX0_BRDGOPT2	        (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0044)

#define PCIX0_POM0LAL		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0068)
#define PCIX0_POM0LAH		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x006c)
#define PCIX0_POM0SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0070)
#define PCIX0_POM0PCIAL	(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0074)
#define PCIX0_POM0PCIAH	(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0078)
#define PCIX0_POM1LAL		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x007c)
#define PCIX0_POM1LAH		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0080)
#define PCIX0_POM1SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0084)
#define PCIX0_POM1PCIAL	(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0088)
#define PCIX0_POM1PCIAH	(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x008c)
#define PCIX0_POM2SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0090)

#define PCIX0_PIM0SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0098)
#define PCIX0_PIM0LAL		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x009c)
#define PCIX0_PIM0LAH		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a0)
#define PCIX0_PIM1SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a4)
#define PCIX0_PIM1LAL		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a8)
#define PCIX0_PIM1LAH		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00ac)
#define PCIX0_PIM2SA		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b0)
#define PCIX0_PIM2LAL		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b4)
#define PCIX0_PIM2LAH		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b8)

#define PCIX0_STS		(PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00e0)

 * Macros for accessing the indirect EBC registers
#define mtebc(reg, data)  mtdcr(ebccfga,reg);mtdcr(ebccfgd,data)
#define mfebc(reg, data)  mtdcr(ebccfga,reg);data = mfdcr(ebccfgd)

 * Macros for accessing the indirect SDRAM controller registers
#define mtsdram(reg, data)  mtdcr(memcfga,reg);mtdcr(memcfgd,data)
#define mfsdram(reg, data)  mtdcr(memcfga,reg);data = mfdcr(memcfgd)

 * Macros for accessing the indirect clocking controller registers
#define mtclk(reg, data)  mtdcr(clkcfga,reg);mtdcr(clkcfgd,data)
#define mfclk(reg, data)  mtdcr(clkcfga,reg);data = mfdcr(clkcfgd)

 * Macros for accessing the sdr controller registers
#define mtsdr(reg, data)  mtdcr(sdrcfga,reg);mtdcr(sdrcfgd,data)
#define mfsdr(reg, data)  mtdcr(sdrcfga,reg);data = mfdcr(sdrcfgd)

#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__

typedef struct
  unsigned long pllFwdDivA;
  unsigned long pllFwdDivB;
  unsigned long pllFbkDiv;
  unsigned long pllOpbDiv;
  unsigned long pllExtBusDiv;
  unsigned long freqVCOMhz;		/* in MHz			   */
  unsigned long freqProcessor;
  unsigned long freqPLB;
  unsigned long freqOPB;
  unsigned long freqEPB;

#endif	/* _ASMLANGUAGE */

#define RESET_VECTOR	0xfffffffc
#define CACHELINE_MASK	(CFG_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1) /* Address mask for cache
						     line aligned data. */

#endif	/* __PPC440_H__ */