/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics * Sanghee Kim <sh0130.kim@samsung.com> * Piotr Wilczek <p.wilczek@samsung.com> * * Configuation settings for the SAMSUNG TRATS2 (EXYNOS4412) board. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #ifndef __CONFIG_TRATS2_H #define __CONFIG_TRATS2_H #include <configs/exynos4-dt.h> #define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT "Trats2 # " /* Monitor Command Prompt */ #undef CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE #define CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE exynos4412-trats2 #define CONFIG_TIZEN /* TIZEN lib */ #define CONFIG_SYS_L2CACHE_OFF #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_L2CACHE_OFF #define CONFIG_SYS_L2_PL310 #define CONFIG_SYS_PL310_BASE 0x10502000 #endif /* TRATS2 has 4 banks of DRAM */ #define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS 4 #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x40000000 #define PHYS_SDRAM_1 CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE #define SDRAM_BANK_SIZE (256 << 20) /* 256 MB */ /* memtest works on */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END (CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE + 0x5E00000) #define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE + 0x3E00000) #define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE 0x43e00000 #include <linux/sizes.h> /* Size of malloc() pool */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (CONFIG_ENV_SIZE + (80 * SZ_1M)) /* select serial console configuration */ #define CONFIG_SERIAL2 #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 115200 /* Console configuration */ #define CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_INFO_QUIET #define CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_IS_IN_ENV #define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "Please use defined boot" #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run mmcboot" #define CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONSOLE "console=ttySAC1,115200n8\0" #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR \ - GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE) #define CONFIG_SYS_MEM_TOP_HIDE (1 << 20) /* ram console */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE 0x00000000 #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC #define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV CONFIG_MMC_DEFAULT_DEV #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 4096 #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET ((32 - 4) << 10) /* 32KiB - 4KiB */ #define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE #define CONFIG_ENV_VARS_UBOOT_CONFIG #define CONFIG_ENV_VARS_UBOOT_RUNTIME_CONFIG /* Tizen - partitions definitions */ #define PARTS_CSA "csa-mmc" #define PARTS_BOOT "boot" #define PARTS_QBOOT "qboot" #define PARTS_CSC "csc" #define PARTS_ROOT "platform" #define PARTS_DATA "data" #define PARTS_UMS "ums" #define PARTS_DEFAULT \ "uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \ "name="PARTS_CSA",start=5MiB,size=8MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_CSA"};" \ "name="PARTS_BOOT",size=60MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_BOOT"};" \ "name="PARTS_QBOOT",size=100MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_QBOOT"};" \ "name="PARTS_CSC",size=150MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_CSC"};" \ "name="PARTS_ROOT",size=1536MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_ROOT"};" \ "name="PARTS_DATA",size=3000MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_DATA"};" \ "name="PARTS_UMS",size=-,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_UMS"}\0" \ #define CONFIG_DFU_ALT \ "u-boot mmc 80 800;" \ "uImage ext4 0 2;" \ "modem.bin ext4 0 2;" \ "exynos4412-trats2.dtb ext4 0 2;" \ ""PARTS_CSA" part 0 1;" \ ""PARTS_BOOT" part 0 2;" \ ""PARTS_QBOOT" part 0 3;" \ ""PARTS_CSC" part 0 4;" \ ""PARTS_ROOT" part 0 5;" \ ""PARTS_DATA" part 0 6;" \ ""PARTS_UMS" part 0 7;" \ "params.bin mmc 0x38 0x8\0" #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ "bootk=" \ "run loaduimage;" \ "if run loaddtb; then " \ "bootm 0x40007FC0 - ${fdtaddr};" \ "fi;" \ "bootm 0x40007FC0;\0" \ "updatemmc=" \ "mmc boot 0 1 1 1; mmc write 0x42008000 0 0x200;" \ "mmc boot 0 1 1 0\0" \ "updatebackup=" \ "mmc boot 0 1 1 2; mmc write 0x42100000 0 0x200;" \ " mmc boot 0 1 1 0\0" \ "updatebootb=" \ "mmc read 0x51000000 0x80 0x200; run updatebackup\0" \ "updateuboot=" \ "mmc write 0x50000000 0x80 0x400\0" \ "mmcboot=" \ "setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p${mmcrootpart} " \ "${lpj} rootwait ${console} ${meminfo} ${opts} ${lcdinfo}; " \ "run bootk\0" \ "bootchart=set opts init=/sbin/bootchartd; run bootcmd\0" \ "boottrace=setenv opts initcall_debug; run bootcmd\0" \ "verify=n\0" \ "rootfstype=ext4\0" \ "console=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONSOLE \ "kernelname=uImage\0" \ "loaduimage=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} 0x40007FC0 " \ "${kernelname}\0" \ "loaddtb=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} ${fdtaddr} " \ "${fdtfile}\0" \ "mmcdev=" __stringify(CONFIG_MMC_DEFAULT_DEV) "\0" \ "mmcbootpart=2\0" \ "mmcrootpart=5\0" \ "opts=always_resume=1\0" \ "partitions=" PARTS_DEFAULT \ "dfu_alt_info=" CONFIG_DFU_ALT \ "uartpath=ap\0" \ "usbpath=ap\0" \ "consoleon=set console console=ttySAC2,115200n8; save; reset\0" \ "consoleoff=set console console=ram; save; reset\0" \ "spladdr=0x40000100\0" \ "splsize=0x200\0" \ "splfile=falcon.bin\0" \ "spl_export=" \ "setexpr spl_imgsize ${splsize} + 8 ;" \ "setenv spl_imgsize 0x${spl_imgsize};" \ "setexpr spl_imgaddr ${spladdr} - 8 ;" \ "setexpr spl_addr_tmp ${spladdr} - 4 ;" \ "mw.b ${spl_imgaddr} 0x00 ${spl_imgsize};run loaduimage;" \ "setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p${mmcrootpart} " \ "${lpj} rootwait ${console} ${meminfo} ${opts} ${lcdinfo};" \ "spl export atags 0x40007FC0;" \ "crc32 ${spladdr} ${splsize} ${spl_imgaddr};" \ "mw.l ${spl_addr_tmp} ${splsize};" \ "ext4write mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart}" \ " /${splfile} ${spl_imgaddr} ${spl_imgsize};" \ "setenv spl_imgsize;" \ "setenv spl_imgaddr;" \ "setenv spl_addr_tmp;\0" \ "fdtaddr=40800000\0" \ /* GPT */ #define CONFIG_RANDOM_UUID /* I2C */ #include <asm/arch/gpio.h> #define CONFIG_CMD_I2C #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_S3C24X0 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_S3C24X0_SPEED 100000 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_S3C24X0_SLAVE 0 #define CONFIG_MAX_I2C_NUM 8 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT_SPEED 50000 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT_SLAVE 0x00 #define I2C_SOFT_DECLARATIONS2 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT_SPEED_2 50000 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT_SLAVE_2 0x00 #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_READ_REPEATED_START #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_INIT_BOARD #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ int get_soft_i2c_scl_pin(void); int get_soft_i2c_sda_pin(void); #endif #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SCL get_soft_i2c_scl_pin() #define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SDA get_soft_i2c_sda_pin() /* POWER */ #define CONFIG_POWER #define CONFIG_POWER_I2C #define CONFIG_POWER_MAX77686 #define CONFIG_POWER_PMIC_MAX77693 #define CONFIG_POWER_MUIC_MAX77693 #define CONFIG_POWER_FG_MAX77693 #define CONFIG_POWER_BATTERY_TRATS2 /* Security subsystem - enable hw_rand() */ #define CONFIG_EXYNOS_ACE_SHA #define CONFIG_LIB_HW_RAND /* Common misc for Samsung */ #define CONFIG_MISC_COMMON #define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R /* Download menu - Samsung common */ #define CONFIG_LCD_MENU #define CONFIG_LCD_MENU_BOARD /* Download menu - definitions for check keys */ #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ #include <power/max77686_pmic.h> #define KEY_PWR_PMIC_NAME "MAX77686_PMIC" #define KEY_PWR_STATUS_REG MAX77686_REG_PMIC_STATUS1 #define KEY_PWR_STATUS_MASK (1 << 0) #define KEY_PWR_INTERRUPT_REG MAX77686_REG_PMIC_INT1 #define KEY_PWR_INTERRUPT_MASK (1 << 1) #define KEY_VOL_UP_GPIO exynos4x12_gpio_get(2, x2, 2) #define KEY_VOL_DOWN_GPIO exynos4x12_gpio_get(2, x3, 3) #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */ /* LCD console */ #define LCD_BPP LCD_COLOR16 #define CONFIG_SYS_WHITE_ON_BLACK /* LCD */ #define CONFIG_EXYNOS_FB #define CONFIG_LCD #define CONFIG_CMD_BMP #define CONFIG_BMP_16BPP #define CONFIG_FB_ADDR 0x52504000 #define CONFIG_S6E8AX0 #define CONFIG_EXYNOS_MIPI_DSIM #define CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_GZIP #define CONFIG_SYS_VIDEO_LOGO_MAX_SIZE ((500 * 160 * 4) + 54) #define LCD_XRES 720 #define LCD_YRES 1280 #endif /* __CONFIG_H */