/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2004 Cucy Systems (http://www.cucy.com) * Curt Brune <curt@cucy.com> * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * Description: Ethernet interface for Samsung S3C4510B SoC */ #include <common.h> #ifdef CONFIG_DRIVER_S3C4510_ETH #include <command.h> #include <net.h> #include <asm/hardware.h> #include "s3c4510b_eth.h" static TX_FrameDescriptor txFDbase[ETH_MaxTxFrames]; static MACFrame txFrameBase[ETH_MaxTxFrames]; static RX_FrameDescriptor rxFDbase[PKTBUFSRX]; static ETH m_eth; static s32 TxFDinit( ETH *eth) { s32 i; MACFrame *txFrmBase; /* disable cache for access to the TX buffers */ txFrmBase = (MACFrame *)( (u32)txFrameBase | CACHE_DISABLE_MASK); /* store start of Tx descriptors and set current */ eth->m_curTX_FD = (TX_FrameDescriptor *) ((u32)txFDbase | CACHE_DISABLE_MASK); eth->m_baseTX_FD = eth->m_curTX_FD; for ( i = 0; i < ETH_MaxTxFrames; i++) { eth->m_baseTX_FD[i].m_frameDataPtr.bf.dataPtr = (u32)&txFrmBase[i]; eth->m_baseTX_FD[i].m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner = 0x0; /* CPU owner */ eth->m_baseTX_FD[i].m_opt.ui = 0x0; eth->m_baseTX_FD[i].m_status.ui = 0x0; eth->m_baseTX_FD[i].m_nextFD = ð->m_baseTX_FD[i+1]; } /* make the list circular */ eth->m_baseTX_FD[i-1].m_nextFD = ð->m_baseTX_FD[0]; PUT_REG( REG_BDMATXPTR, (u32)eth->m_curTX_FD); return 0; } static s32 RxFDinit( ETH *eth) { s32 i; /* MACFrame *rxFrmBase; */ /* disable cache for access to the RX buffers */ /* rxFrmBase = (MACFrame *)( (u32)rxFrameBase | CACHE_DISABLE_MASK); */ /* store start of Rx descriptors and set current */ eth->m_curRX_FD = (RX_FrameDescriptor *)((u32)rxFDbase | CACHE_DISABLE_MASK); eth->m_baseRX_FD = eth->m_curRX_FD; for ( i = 0; i < PKTBUFSRX; i++) { eth->m_baseRX_FD[i].m_frameDataPtr.bf.dataPtr = (u32)NetRxPackets[i] | CACHE_DISABLE_MASK; eth->m_baseRX_FD[i].m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner = 0x1; /* BDMA owner */ eth->m_baseRX_FD[i].m_reserved = 0x0; eth->m_baseRX_FD[i].m_status.ui = 0x0; eth->m_baseRX_FD[i].m_nextFD = ð->m_baseRX_FD[i+1]; } /* make the list circular */ eth->m_baseRX_FD[i-1].m_nextFD = ð->m_baseRX_FD[0]; PUT_REG( REG_BDMARXPTR, (u32)eth->m_curRX_FD); return 0; } /* * Public u-boot interface functions below */ int eth_init(bd_t *bis) { ETH *eth = &m_eth; /* store our MAC address */ eth->m_mac = bis->bi_enetaddr; /* setup DBMA and MAC */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMARXCON, ETH_BRxRS); /* reset BDMA RX machine */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMATXCON, ETH_BTxRS); /* reset BDMA TX machine */ PUT_REG( REG_MACCON , ETH_SwReset); /* reset MAC machine */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMARXLSZ, sizeof(MACFrame)); PUT_REG( REG_MACCON , 0); /* reset MAC machine */ /* init frame descriptors */ TxFDinit( eth); RxFDinit( eth); /* init the CAM with our MAC address */ PUT_REG( REG_CAM_BASE, (eth->m_mac[0] << 24) | (eth->m_mac[1] << 16) | (eth->m_mac[2] << 8) | (eth->m_mac[3])); PUT_REG( REG_CAM_BASE + 0x4, (eth->m_mac[4] << 24) | (eth->m_mac[5] << 16)); /* enable CAM address 1 -- the MAC we just loaded */ PUT_REG( REG_CAMEN, 0x1); PUT_REG( REG_CAMCON, ETH_BroadAcc | /* accept broadcast packetes */ ETH_CompEn); /* enable compare mode (check against the CAM) */ /* configure the BDMA Transmitter control */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMATXCON, ETH_BTxBRST | /* BDMA Tx burst size 16 words */ ETH_BTxMSL110 | /* BDMA Tx wait to fill 6/8 of the BDMA */ ETH_BTxSTSKO | /* BDMA Tx interrupt(Stop) on non-owner TX FD */ ETH_BTxEn); /* BDMA Tx Enable */ /* configure the MAC Transmitter control */ PUT_REG( REG_MACTXCON, ETH_EnComp | /* interrupt when the MAC transmits or discards packet */ ETH_TxEn); /* MAC transmit enable */ /* configure the BDMA Receiver control */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMARXCON, ETH_BRxBRST | /* BDMA Rx Burst Size 16 words */ ETH_BRxSTSKO | /* BDMA Rx interrupt(Stop) on non-owner RX FD */ ETH_BRxMAINC | /* BDMA Rx Memory Address increment */ ETH_BRxDIE | /* BDMA Rx Every Received Frame Interrupt Enable */ ETH_BRxNLIE | /* BDMA Rx NULL List Interrupt Enable */ ETH_BRxNOIE | /* BDMA Rx Not Owner Interrupt Enable */ ETH_BRxLittle | /* BDMA Rx Little endian */ ETH_BRxEn); /* BDMA Rx Enable */ /* configure the MAC Receiver control */ PUT_REG( REG_MACRXCON, ETH_RxEn); /* MAC ETH_RxEn */ return 0; } /* Send a packet */ s32 eth_send(volatile void *packet, s32 length) { u32 i; ETH *eth = &m_eth; if ( eth->m_curTX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner) { printf(__FUNCTION__"(): TX Frame. CPU not owner.\n"); return -1; } /* copy user data into frame data pointer */ memcpy((void *)eth->m_curTX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.bf.dataPtr, (void *)packet, length); /* Set TX Frame flags */ eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.widgetAlign = 0; eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.frameDataDir = 1; eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.littleEndian = 1; eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.macTxIrqEnbl = 1; eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.no_crc = 0; eth->m_curTX_FD->m_opt.bf.no_padding = 0; /* Set TX Frame length */ eth->m_curTX_FD->m_status.bf.len = length; /* Change ownership to BDMA */ eth->m_curTX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner = 1; /* Enable MAC and BDMA Tx control register */ SET_REG( REG_BDMATXCON, ETH_BTxEn); SET_REG( REG_MACTXCON, ETH_TxEn); /* poll on TX completion status */ while ( !eth->m_curTX_FD->m_status.bf.complete) { /* sleep */ for ( i = 0; i < 0x10000; i ++); } /* Change the Tx frame descriptor for next use */ eth->m_curTX_FD = eth->m_curTX_FD->m_nextFD; return 0; } /* Check for received packets */ s32 eth_rx (void) { s32 nLen = 0; ETH *eth = &m_eth; /* check if packet ready */ if ( (GET_REG( REG_BDMASTAT)) & ETH_S_BRxRDF) { /* process all waiting packets */ while ( !eth->m_curRX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner) { nLen = eth->m_curRX_FD->m_status.bf.len; /* call back u-boot -- may call eth_send() */ NetReceive ((u8 *)eth->m_curRX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.ui, nLen); /* set owner back to CPU */ eth->m_curRX_FD->m_frameDataPtr.bf.owner = 1; /* clear status */ eth->m_curRX_FD->m_status.ui = 0x0; /* advance to next descriptor */ eth->m_curRX_FD = eth->m_curRX_FD->m_nextFD; /* clear received frame bit */ PUT_REG( REG_BDMASTAT, ETH_S_BRxRDF); } } return nLen; } /* Halt ethernet engine */ void eth_halt(void) { /* disable MAC */ PUT_REG( REG_MACCON, ETH_HaltReg); } #endif