#include <common.h> #include <mpc8xx.h> #include <pcmcia.h> #include "csr.h" #undef CONFIG_PCMCIA #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PCMCIA) #define CONFIG_PCMCIA #endif #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE) && defined(CONFIG_IDE_8xx_PCCARD) #define CONFIG_PCMCIA #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PCMCIA /* A lot of this has been taken from the RPX code in this file it works from me. I have added the voltage selection for the MBX board. */ /* MBX voltage bit in control register #2 */ #define CR2_VPP12 ((uchar)0x10) #define CR2_VPPVDD ((uchar)0x20) #define CR2_VDD5 ((uchar)0x40) #define CR2_VDD3 ((uchar)0x80) #define PCMCIA_BOARD_MSG "MBX860" int pcmcia_voltage_set (int slot, int vcc, int vpp) { uchar reg = 0; debug ("voltage_set: PCMCIA_BOARD_MSG Slot %c, Vcc=%d.%d, Vpp=%d.%d\n", 'A' + slot, vcc / 10, vcc % 10, vpp / 10, vcc % 10); switch (vcc) { case 0: break; case 33: reg |= CR2_VDD3; break; case 50: reg |= CR2_VDD5; break; default: return 1; } switch (vpp) { case 0: break; case 33: case 50: if (vcc == vpp) { reg |= CR2_VPPVDD; } else { return 1; } break; case 120: reg |= CR2_VPP12; break; default: return 1; } /* first, turn off all power */ MBX_CSR2 &= ~(CR2_VDDSEL | CR2_VPPSEL); /* enable new powersettings */ MBX_CSR2 |= reg; debug ("MBX_CSR2 read = 0x%02x\n", MBX_CSR2); return (0); } int pcmcia_hardware_enable (int slot) { volatile immap_t *immap; volatile cpm8xx_t *cp; volatile pcmconf8xx_t *pcmp; volatile sysconf8xx_t *sysp; uint reg, mask; debug ("hardware_enable: " PCMCIA_BOARD_MSG " Slot %c\n", 'A' + slot); udelay (10000); immap = (immap_t *) CFG_IMMR; sysp = (sysconf8xx_t *) (&(((immap_t *) CFG_IMMR)->im_siu_conf)); pcmp = (pcmconf8xx_t *) (&(((immap_t *) CFG_IMMR)->im_pcmcia)); cp = (cpm8xx_t *) (&(((immap_t *) CFG_IMMR)->im_cpm)); /* clear interrupt state, and disable interrupts */ pcmp->pcmc_pscr = PCMCIA_MASK (_slot_); pcmp->pcmc_per &= ~PCMCIA_MASK (_slot_); /* * Disable interrupts, DMA, and PCMCIA buffers * (isolate the interface) and assert RESET signal */ debug ("Disable PCMCIA buffers and assert RESET\n"); reg = 0; reg |= __MY_PCMCIA_GCRX_CXRESET; /* active high */ reg |= __MY_PCMCIA_GCRX_CXOE; /* active low */ PCMCIA_PGCRX (_slot_) = reg; udelay (500); /* remove all power */ pcmcia_voltage_set (slot, 0, 0); /* * Make sure there is a card in the slot, then configure the interface. */ udelay(10000); debug ("[%d] %s: PIPR(%p)=0x%x\n", __LINE__,__FUNCTION__, &(pcmp->pcmc_pipr),pcmp->pcmc_pipr); #ifndef CONFIG_HMI10 if (pcmp->pcmc_pipr & (0x18000000 >> (slot << 4))) { #else if (pcmp->pcmc_pipr & (0x10000000 >> (slot << 4))) { #endif /* CONFIG_HMI10 */ printf (" No Card found\n"); return (1); } /* * Power On. */ mask = PCMCIA_VS1 (_slot_) | PCMCIA_VS2 (_slot_); reg = pcmp->pcmc_pipr; debug ("PIPR: 0x%x ==> VS1=o%s, VS2=o%s\n", reg, (reg & PCMCIA_VS1 (slot)) ? "n" : "ff", (reg & PCMCIA_VS2 (slot)) ? "n" : "ff"); if ((reg & mask) == mask) { pcmcia_voltage_set (_slot_, 50, 0); printf (" 5.0V card found: "); } else { pcmcia_voltage_set (_slot_, 33, 0); printf (" 3.3V card found: "); } debug ("Enable PCMCIA buffers and stop RESET\n"); reg = PCMCIA_PGCRX (_slot_); reg &= ~__MY_PCMCIA_GCRX_CXRESET; /* active high */ reg &= ~__MY_PCMCIA_GCRX_CXOE; /* active low */ PCMCIA_PGCRX (_slot_) = reg; udelay (250000); /* some cards need >150 ms to come up :-( */ debug ("# hardware_enable done\n"); return (0); } #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PCMCIA) int pcmcia_hardware_disable (int slot) { return 0; /* No hardware to disable */ } #endif #endif /* CONFIG_PCMCIA */