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<a name="Miscellaneous-routines"></a>
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<a name="Miscellaneous-runtime-library-routines"></a>
<h3 class="section">4.6 Miscellaneous runtime library routines</h3>
<a name="Cache-control-functions"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">4.6.1 Cache control functions</h4>
<dt><a name="index-_005f_005fclear_005fcache"></a>Runtime Function: <em>void</em> <strong>__clear_cache</strong> <em>(char *<var>beg</var>, char *<var>end</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>This function clears the instruction cache between <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var>.
<a name="Split-stack-functions-and-variables"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">4.6.2 Split stack functions and variables</h4>
<dt><a name="index-_005f_005fsplitstack_005ffind"></a>Runtime Function: <em>void *</em> <strong>__splitstack_find</strong> <em>(void *<var>segment_arg</var>, void *<var>sp</var>, size_t <var>len</var>, void **<var>next_segment</var>, void **<var>next_sp</var>, void **<var>initial_sp</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>When using <samp>-fsplit-stack</samp>, this call may be used to iterate
over the stack segments. It may be called like this:
</p><div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample"> void *next_segment = NULL;
void *next_sp = NULL;
void *initial_sp = NULL;
void *stack;
size_t stack_size;
while ((stack = __splitstack_find (next_segment, next_sp,
&stack_size, &next_segment,
&next_sp, &initial_sp))
!= NULL)
/* Stack segment starts at stack and is
stack_size bytes long. */
<p>There is no way to iterate over the stack segments of a different
thread. However, what is permitted is for one thread to call this
with the <var>segment_arg</var> and <var>sp</var> arguments NULL, to pass
<var>next_segment</var>, <var>next_sp</var>, and <var>initial_sp</var> to a different
thread, and then to suspend one way or another. A different thread
may run the subsequent <code>__splitstack_find</code> iterations. Of
course, this will only work if the first thread is suspended while the
second thread is calling <code>__splitstack_find</code>. If not, the second
thread could be looking at the stack while it is changing, and
anything could happen.
<dt><a name="index-_005f_005fmorestack_005fsegments"></a>Variable: <strong>__morestack_segments</strong></dt>
<dt><a name="index-_005f_005fmorestack_005fcurrent_005fsegment"></a>Variable: <strong>__morestack_current_segment</strong></dt>
<dt><a name="index-_005f_005fmorestack_005finitial_005fsp"></a>Variable: <strong>__morestack_initial_sp</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Internal variables used by the <samp>-fsplit-stack</samp> implementation.