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<a name="Define-Constraints"></a>
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<a name="Defining-Machine_002dSpecific-Constraints"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">16.8.7 Defining Machine-Specific Constraints</h4>
<a name="index-defining-constraints"></a>
<a name="index-constraints_002c-defining"></a>
<p>Machine-specific constraints fall into two categories: register and
non-register constraints. Within the latter category, constraints
which allow subsets of all possible memory or address operands should
be specially marked, to give <code>reload</code> more information.
<p>Machine-specific constraints can be given names of arbitrary length,
but they must be entirely composed of letters, digits, underscores
(‘<samp>_</samp>’), and angle brackets (‘<samp>< ></samp>’). Like C identifiers, they
must begin with a letter or underscore.
<p>In order to avoid ambiguity in operand constraint strings, no
constraint can have a name that begins with any other constraint’s
name. For example, if <code>x</code> is defined as a constraint name,
<code>xy</code> may not be, and vice versa. As a consequence of this rule,
no constraint may begin with one of the generic constraint letters:
‘<samp>E F V X g i m n o p r s</samp>’.
<p>Register constraints correspond directly to register classes.
See <a href="Register-Classes.html#Register-Classes">Register Classes</a>. There is thus not much flexibility in their
<dt><a name="index-define_005fregister_005fconstraint"></a>MD Expression: <strong>define_register_constraint</strong> <em>name regclass docstring</em></dt>
<dd><p>All three arguments are string constants.
<var>name</var> is the name of the constraint, as it will appear in
<code>match_operand</code> expressions. If <var>name</var> is a multi-letter
constraint its length shall be the same for all constraints starting
with the same letter. <var>regclass</var> can be either the
name of the corresponding register class (see <a href="Register-Classes.html#Register-Classes">Register Classes</a>),
or a C expression which evaluates to the appropriate register class.
If it is an expression, it must have no side effects, and it cannot
look at the operand. The usual use of expressions is to map some
register constraints to <code>NO_REGS</code> when the register class
is not available on a given subarchitecture.
<p><var>docstring</var> is a sentence documenting the meaning of the
constraint. Docstrings are explained further below.
<p>Non-register constraints are more like predicates: the constraint
definition gives a Boolean expression which indicates whether the
constraint matches.
<dt><a name="index-define_005fconstraint"></a>MD Expression: <strong>define_constraint</strong> <em>name docstring exp</em></dt>
<dd><p>The <var>name</var> and <var>docstring</var> arguments are the same as for
<code>define_register_constraint</code>, but note that the docstring comes
immediately after the name for these expressions. <var>exp</var> is an RTL
expression, obeying the same rules as the RTL expressions in predicate
definitions. See <a href="Defining-Predicates.html#Defining-Predicates">Defining Predicates</a>, for details. If it
evaluates true, the constraint matches; if it evaluates false, it
doesn’t. Constraint expressions should indicate which RTL codes they
might match, just like predicate expressions.
<p><code>match_test</code> C expressions have access to the
following variables:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>The RTL object defining the operand.
<dd><p>The machine mode of <var>op</var>.
<dd><p>‘<samp>INTVAL (<var>op</var>)</samp>’, if <var>op</var> is a <code>const_int</code>.
<dd><p>‘<samp>CONST_DOUBLE_HIGH (<var>op</var>)</samp>’, if <var>op</var> is an integer
<dd><p>‘<samp>CONST_DOUBLE_LOW (<var>op</var>)</samp>’, if <var>op</var> is an integer
<dd><p>‘<samp>CONST_DOUBLE_REAL_VALUE (<var>op</var>)</samp>’, if <var>op</var> is a floating-point
<p>The <var>*val</var> variables should only be used once another piece of the
expression has verified that <var>op</var> is the appropriate kind of RTL
<p>Most non-register constraints should be defined with
<code>define_constraint</code>. The remaining two definition expressions
are only appropriate for constraints that should be handled specially
by <code>reload</code> if they fail to match.
<dt><a name="index-define_005fmemory_005fconstraint"></a>MD Expression: <strong>define_memory_constraint</strong> <em>name docstring exp</em></dt>
<dd><p>Use this expression for constraints that match a subset of all memory
operands: that is, <code>reload</code> can make them match by converting the
operand to the form ‘<samp>(mem (reg <var>X</var>))<!-- /@w --></samp>’, where <var>X</var> is a
base register (from the register class specified by
<code>BASE_REG_CLASS</code>, see <a href="Register-Classes.html#Register-Classes">Register Classes</a>).
<p>For example, on the S/390, some instructions do not accept arbitrary
memory references, but only those that do not make use of an index
register. The constraint letter ‘<samp>Q</samp>’ is defined to represent a
memory address of this type. If ‘<samp>Q</samp>’ is defined with
<code>define_memory_constraint</code>, a ‘<samp>Q</samp>’ constraint can handle any
memory operand, because <code>reload</code> knows it can simply copy the
memory address into a base register if required. This is analogous to
the way an ‘<samp>o</samp>’ constraint can handle any memory operand.
<p>The syntax and semantics are otherwise identical to
<dt><a name="index-define_005fspecial_005fmemory_005fconstraint"></a>MD Expression: <strong>define_special_memory_constraint</strong> <em>name docstring exp</em></dt>
<dd><p>Use this expression for constraints that match a subset of all memory
operands: that is, <code>reload</code> can not make them match by reloading
the address as it is described for <code>define_memory_constraint</code> or
such address reload is undesirable with the performance point of view.
<p>For example, <code>define_special_memory_constraint</code> can be useful if
specifically aligned memory is necessary or desirable for some insn
<p>The syntax and semantics are otherwise identical to
<dt><a name="index-define_005faddress_005fconstraint"></a>MD Expression: <strong>define_address_constraint</strong> <em>name docstring exp</em></dt>
<dd><p>Use this expression for constraints that match a subset of all address
operands: that is, <code>reload</code> can make the constraint match by
converting the operand to the form ‘<samp>(reg <var>X</var>)<!-- /@w --></samp>’, again
with <var>X</var> a base register.
<p>Constraints defined with <code>define_address_constraint</code> can only be
used with the <code>address_operand</code> predicate, or machine-specific
predicates that work the same way. They are treated analogously to
the generic ‘<samp>p</samp>’ constraint.
<p>The syntax and semantics are otherwise identical to
<p>For historical reasons, names beginning with the letters ‘<samp>G H</samp>’
are reserved for constraints that match only <code>const_double</code>s, and
names beginning with the letters ‘<samp>I J K L M N O P</samp>’ are reserved
for constraints that match only <code>const_int</code>s. This may change in
the future. For the time being, constraints with these names must be
written in a stylized form, so that <code>genpreds</code> can tell you did
it correctly:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">(define_constraint "[<var>GHIJKLMNOP</var>]…"
(and (match_code "const_int") ; <span class="roman"><code>const_double</code> for G/H</span>
<var>condition</var>…)) ; <span class="roman">usually a <code>match_test</code></span>
<p>It is fine to use names beginning with other letters for constraints
that match <code>const_double</code>s or <code>const_int</code>s.
<p>Each docstring in a constraint definition should be one or more complete
sentences, marked up in Texinfo format. <em>They are currently unused.</em>
In the future they will be copied into the GCC manual, in <a href="Machine-Constraints.html#Machine-Constraints">Machine Constraints</a>, replacing the hand-maintained tables currently found in
that section. Also, in the future the compiler may use this to give
more helpful diagnostics when poor choice of <code>asm</code> constraints
causes a reload failure.
<p>If you put the pseudo-Texinfo directive ‘<samp>@internal</samp>’ at the
beginning of a docstring, then (in the future) it will appear only in
the internals manual’s version of the machine-specific constraint tables.
Use this for constraints that should not appear in <code>asm</code> statements.
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