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<a name="Common-Blocks"></a>
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<a name="Common-Blocks-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">4.4 Common Blocks</h3>
<p>A common block is a statically allocated section of memory which can be
referred to by several source files. It may contain several variables.
I believe Fortran is the only language with this feature.
<a name="index-N_005fBCOMM"></a>
<a name="index-N_005fECOMM"></a>
<a name="index-C_005fBCOMM"></a>
<a name="index-C_005fECOMM"></a>
<p>A <code>N_BCOMM</code> stab begins a common block and an <code>N_ECOMM</code> stab
ends it. The only field that is significant in these two stabs is the
string, which names a normal (non-debugging) symbol that gives the
address of the common block. According to IBM documentation, only the
<code>N_BCOMM</code> has the name of the common block (even though their
compiler actually puts it both places).
<a name="index-N_005fECOML"></a>
<a name="index-C_005fECOML"></a>
<p>The stabs for the members of the common block are between the
<code>N_BCOMM</code> and the <code>N_ECOMM</code>; the value of each stab is the
offset within the common block of that variable. IBM uses the
<code>C_ECOML</code> stab type, and there is a corresponding <code>N_ECOML</code>
stab type, but Sun&rsquo;s Fortran compiler uses <code>N_GSYM</code> instead. The
variables within a common block use the &lsquo;<samp>V</samp>&rsquo; symbol descriptor (I
believe this is true of all Fortran variables). Other stabs (at least
type declarations using <code>C_DECL</code>) can also be between the
<code>N_BCOMM</code> and the <code>N_ECOMM</code>.