[ { "id": "6236", "name": "Add skbedit action with valid mark", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 1", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit mark 1", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "407b", "name": "Add skbedit action with invalid mark", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 666777888999", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit mark", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "081d", "name": "Add skbedit action with priority", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit prio 99", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit priority :99", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "cc37", "name": "Add skbedit action with invalid priority", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit prio foo", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit priority", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "3c95", "name": "Add skbedit action with queue_mapping", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit queue_mapping 909", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit queue_mapping 909", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "985c", "name": "Add skbedit action with invalid queue_mapping", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit queue_mapping 67000", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit queue_mapping", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "224f", "name": "Add skbedit action with ptype host", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit ptype host", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit ptype host", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "d1a3", "name": "Add skbedit action with ptype otherhost", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit ptype otherhost", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit ptype otherhost", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "b9c6", "name": "Add skbedit action with invalid ptype", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit ptype openair", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit ptype openair", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "5172", "name": "List skbedit actions", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action skbedit ptype otherhost", "$TC actions add action skbedit ptype broadcast", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 59", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 409" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit", "matchCount": "4", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "a6d6", "name": "Add skbedit action with index", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 808 index 4040404040", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "index 4040404040", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "38f3", "name": "Delete skbedit action", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 42 index 9009" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions del action skbedit index 9009", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit mark 42", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] }, { "id": "ce97", "name": "Flush skbedit actions", "category": [ "actions", "skbedit" ], "setup": [ "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 500", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 501", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 502", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 503", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 504", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 505", "$TC actions add action skbedit mark 506" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions flush action skbedit", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action skbedit", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: skbedit", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action skbedit" ] } ]