
1587 lines
47 KiB

-- --
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-- S E M _ A U X --
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-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Sem_Aux is
-- Ancestor_Subtype --
function Ancestor_Subtype (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
-- If this is first subtype, or is a base type, then there is no
-- ancestor subtype, so we return Empty to indicate this fact.
if Is_First_Subtype (Typ) or else Is_Base_Type (Typ) then
return Empty;
end if;
D : constant Node_Id := Declaration_Node (Typ);
-- If we have a subtype declaration, get the ancestor subtype
if Nkind (D) = N_Subtype_Declaration then
if Nkind (Subtype_Indication (D)) = N_Subtype_Indication then
return Entity (Subtype_Mark (Subtype_Indication (D)));
return Entity (Subtype_Indication (D));
end if;
-- If not, then no subtype indication is available
return Empty;
end if;
end Ancestor_Subtype;
-- Available_View --
function Available_View (Ent : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
-- Obtain the non-limited view (if available)
if Has_Non_Limited_View (Ent) then
return Get_Full_View (Non_Limited_View (Ent));
-- In all other cases, return entity unchanged
return Ent;
end if;
end Available_View;
-- Constant_Value --
function Constant_Value (Ent : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
D : constant Node_Id := Declaration_Node (Ent);
Full_D : Node_Id;
-- If we have no declaration node, then return no constant value. Not
-- clear how this can happen, but it does sometimes and this is the
-- safest approach.
if No (D) then
return Empty;
-- Normal case where a declaration node is present
elsif Nkind (D) = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration then
return Renamed_Object (Ent);
-- If this is a component declaration whose entity is a constant, it is
-- a prival within a protected function (and so has no constant value).
elsif Nkind (D) = N_Component_Declaration then
return Empty;
-- If there is an expression, return it
elsif Present (Expression (D)) then
return Expression (D);
-- For a constant, see if we have a full view
elsif Ekind (Ent) = E_Constant
and then Present (Full_View (Ent))
Full_D := Parent (Full_View (Ent));
-- The full view may have been rewritten as an object renaming
if Nkind (Full_D) = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration then
return Name (Full_D);
return Expression (Full_D);
end if;
-- Otherwise we have no expression to return
return Empty;
end if;
end Constant_Value;
-- Corresponding_Unsigned_Type --
function Corresponding_Unsigned_Type (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
pragma Assert (Is_Signed_Integer_Type (Typ));
Siz : constant Uint := Esize (Base_Type (Typ));
if Siz = Esize (Standard_Short_Short_Integer) then
return Standard_Short_Short_Unsigned;
elsif Siz = Esize (Standard_Short_Integer) then
return Standard_Short_Unsigned;
elsif Siz = Esize (Standard_Unsigned) then
return Standard_Unsigned;
elsif Siz = Esize (Standard_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Unsigned;
elsif Siz = Esize (Standard_Long_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Long_Unsigned;
elsif Siz = Esize (Standard_Long_Long_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Long_Long_Unsigned;
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end Corresponding_Unsigned_Type;
-- Enclosing_Dynamic_Scope --
function Enclosing_Dynamic_Scope (Ent : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
S : Entity_Id;
-- The following test is an error defense against some syntax errors
-- that can leave scopes very messed up.
if Ent = Standard_Standard then
return Ent;
end if;
-- Normal case, search enclosing scopes
-- Note: the test for Present (S) should not be required, it defends
-- against an ill-formed tree.
S := Scope (Ent);
-- If we somehow got an empty value for Scope, the tree must be
-- malformed. Rather than blow up we return Standard in this case.
if No (S) then
return Standard_Standard;
-- Quit if we get to standard or a dynamic scope. We must also
-- handle enclosing scopes that have a full view; required to
-- locate enclosing scopes that are synchronized private types
-- whose full view is a task type.
elsif S = Standard_Standard
or else Is_Dynamic_Scope (S)
or else (Is_Private_Type (S)
and then Present (Full_View (S))
and then Is_Dynamic_Scope (Full_View (S)))
return S;
-- Otherwise keep climbing
S := Scope (S);
end if;
end loop;
end Enclosing_Dynamic_Scope;
-- First_Discriminant --
function First_Discriminant (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
Ent : Entity_Id;
pragma Assert
(Has_Discriminants (Typ) or else Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Typ));
Ent := First_Entity (Typ);
-- The discriminants are not necessarily contiguous, because access
-- discriminants will generate itypes. They are not the first entities
-- either because the tag must be ahead of them.
if Chars (Ent) = Name_uTag then
Next_Entity (Ent);
end if;
-- Skip all hidden stored discriminants if any
while Present (Ent) loop
exit when Ekind (Ent) = E_Discriminant
and then not Is_Completely_Hidden (Ent);
Next_Entity (Ent);
end loop;
-- Call may be on a private type with unknown discriminants, in which
-- case Ent is Empty, and as per the spec, we return Empty in this case.
-- Historical note: The assertion in previous versions that Ent is a
-- discriminant was overly cautious and prevented convenient application
-- of this function in the gnatprove context.
return Ent;
end First_Discriminant;
-- First_Stored_Discriminant --
function First_Stored_Discriminant (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
Ent : Entity_Id;
function Has_Completely_Hidden_Discriminant
(Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Scans the Discriminants to see whether any are Completely_Hidden
-- (the mechanism for describing non-specified stored discriminants)
-- Note that the entity list for the type may contain anonymous access
-- types created by expressions that constrain access discriminants.
-- Has_Completely_Hidden_Discriminant --
function Has_Completely_Hidden_Discriminant
(Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean
Ent : Entity_Id;
pragma Assert (Ekind (Typ) = E_Discriminant);
Ent := Typ;
while Present (Ent) loop
-- Skip anonymous types that may be created by expressions
-- used as discriminant constraints on inherited discriminants.
if Is_Itype (Ent) then
elsif Ekind (Ent) = E_Discriminant
and then Is_Completely_Hidden (Ent)
return True;
end if;
Next_Entity (Ent);
end loop;
return False;
end Has_Completely_Hidden_Discriminant;
-- Start of processing for First_Stored_Discriminant
pragma Assert
(Has_Discriminants (Typ)
or else Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Typ));
Ent := First_Entity (Typ);
if Chars (Ent) = Name_uTag then
Next_Entity (Ent);
end if;
if Has_Completely_Hidden_Discriminant (Ent) then
while Present (Ent) loop
exit when Ekind (Ent) = E_Discriminant
and then Is_Completely_Hidden (Ent);
Next_Entity (Ent);
end loop;
end if;
pragma Assert (Ekind (Ent) = E_Discriminant);
return Ent;
end First_Stored_Discriminant;
-- First_Subtype --
function First_Subtype (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
B : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Typ);
F : constant Node_Id := Freeze_Node (B);
Ent : Entity_Id;
-- If the base type has no freeze node, it is a type in Standard, and
-- always acts as its own first subtype, except where it is one of the
-- predefined integer types. If the type is formal, it is also a first
-- subtype, and its base type has no freeze node. On the other hand, a
-- subtype of a generic formal is not its own first subtype. Its base
-- type, if anonymous, is attached to the formal type declaration from
-- which the first subtype is obtained.
if No (F) then
if B = Base_Type (Standard_Integer) then
return Standard_Integer;
elsif B = Base_Type (Standard_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Integer;
elsif B = Base_Type (Standard_Short_Short_Integer) then
return Standard_Short_Short_Integer;
elsif B = Base_Type (Standard_Short_Integer) then
return Standard_Short_Integer;
elsif B = Base_Type (Standard_Long_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Long_Integer;
elsif B = Base_Type (Standard_Long_Long_Long_Integer) then
return Standard_Long_Long_Long_Integer;
elsif Is_Generic_Type (Typ) then
if Present (Parent (B)) then
return Defining_Identifier (Parent (B));
return Defining_Identifier (Associated_Node_For_Itype (B));
end if;
return B;
end if;
-- Otherwise we check the freeze node, if it has a First_Subtype_Link
-- then we use that link, otherwise (happens with some Itypes), we use
-- the base type itself.
Ent := First_Subtype_Link (F);
if Present (Ent) then
return Ent;
return B;
end if;
end if;
end First_Subtype;
-- First_Tag_Component --
function First_Tag_Component (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
Comp : Entity_Id;
Ctyp : Entity_Id;
Ctyp := Typ;
pragma Assert (Is_Tagged_Type (Ctyp));
if Is_Class_Wide_Type (Ctyp) then
Ctyp := Root_Type (Ctyp);
end if;
if Is_Private_Type (Ctyp) then
Ctyp := Underlying_Type (Ctyp);
-- If the underlying type is missing then the source program has
-- errors and there is nothing else to do (the full-type declaration
-- associated with the private type declaration is missing).
if No (Ctyp) then
return Empty;
end if;
end if;
Comp := First_Entity (Ctyp);
while Present (Comp) loop
if Is_Tag (Comp) then
return Comp;
end if;
Next_Entity (Comp);
end loop;
-- No tag component found
return Empty;
end First_Tag_Component;
-- Get_Called_Entity --
function Get_Called_Entity (Call : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (Call);
Id : Entity_Id;
if Nkind (Nam) = N_Explicit_Dereference then
Id := Etype (Nam);
pragma Assert (Ekind (Id) = E_Subprogram_Type);
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component then
Id := Entity (Selector_Name (Nam));
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Indexed_Component then
Id := Entity (Selector_Name (Prefix (Nam)));
Id := Entity (Nam);
end if;
return Id;
end Get_Called_Entity;
-- Get_Rep_Item --
function Get_Rep_Item
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Node_Id
N : Node_Id;
N := First_Rep_Item (E);
while Present (N) loop
-- Only one of Priority / Interrupt_Priority can be specified, so
-- return whichever one is present to catch illegal duplication.
if Nkind (N) = N_Pragma
and then
(Pragma_Name_Unmapped (N) = Nam
or else (Nam = Name_Priority
and then Pragma_Name (N) =
or else (Nam = Name_Interrupt_Priority
and then Pragma_Name (N) = Name_Priority))
if Check_Parents then
return N;
-- If Check_Parents is False, return N if the pragma doesn't
-- appear in the Rep_Item chain of the parent.
Par : constant Entity_Id := Nearest_Ancestor (E);
-- This node represents the parent type of type E (if any)
if No (Par) then
return N;
elsif not Present_In_Rep_Item (Par, N) then
return N;
end if;
end if;
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
and then
(Chars (N) = Nam
or else (Nam = Name_Priority
and then Chars (N) = Name_Interrupt_Priority))
if Check_Parents or else Entity (N) = E then
return N;
end if;
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Aspect_Specification
and then
(Chars (Identifier (N)) = Nam
or else
(Nam = Name_Priority
and then Chars (Identifier (N)) = Name_Interrupt_Priority))
if Check_Parents then
return N;
elsif Entity (N) = E then
return N;
end if;
-- A Ghost-related aspect, if disabled, may have been replaced by a
-- null statement.
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Null_Statement then
N := Original_Node (N);
end if;
Next_Rep_Item (N);
end loop;
return Empty;
end Get_Rep_Item;
function Get_Rep_Item
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam1 : Name_Id;
Nam2 : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Node_Id
Nam1_Item : constant Node_Id := Get_Rep_Item (E, Nam1, Check_Parents);
Nam2_Item : constant Node_Id := Get_Rep_Item (E, Nam2, Check_Parents);
N : Node_Id;
-- Check both Nam1_Item and Nam2_Item are present
if No (Nam1_Item) then
return Nam2_Item;
elsif No (Nam2_Item) then
return Nam1_Item;
end if;
-- Return the first node encountered in the list
N := First_Rep_Item (E);
while Present (N) loop
if N = Nam1_Item or else N = Nam2_Item then
return N;
end if;
Next_Rep_Item (N);
end loop;
return Empty;
end Get_Rep_Item;
-- Get_Rep_Pragma --
function Get_Rep_Pragma
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Node_Id
N : constant Node_Id := Get_Rep_Item (E, Nam, Check_Parents);
if Present (N) and then Nkind (N) = N_Pragma then
return N;
end if;
return Empty;
end Get_Rep_Pragma;
function Get_Rep_Pragma
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam1 : Name_Id;
Nam2 : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Node_Id
Nam1_Item : constant Node_Id := Get_Rep_Pragma (E, Nam1, Check_Parents);
Nam2_Item : constant Node_Id := Get_Rep_Pragma (E, Nam2, Check_Parents);
N : Node_Id;
-- Check both Nam1_Item and Nam2_Item are present
if No (Nam1_Item) then
return Nam2_Item;
elsif No (Nam2_Item) then
return Nam1_Item;
end if;
-- Return the first node encountered in the list
N := First_Rep_Item (E);
while Present (N) loop
if N = Nam1_Item or else N = Nam2_Item then
return N;
end if;
Next_Rep_Item (N);
end loop;
return Empty;
end Get_Rep_Pragma;
-- Has_External_Tag_Rep_Clause --
function Has_External_Tag_Rep_Clause (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
pragma Assert (Is_Tagged_Type (T));
return Has_Rep_Item (T, Name_External_Tag, Check_Parents => False);
end Has_External_Tag_Rep_Clause;
-- Has_Rep_Item --
function Has_Rep_Item
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Boolean
return Present (Get_Rep_Item (E, Nam, Check_Parents));
end Has_Rep_Item;
function Has_Rep_Item
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam1 : Name_Id;
Nam2 : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Boolean
return Present (Get_Rep_Item (E, Nam1, Nam2, Check_Parents));
end Has_Rep_Item;
-- Has_Rep_Pragma --
function Has_Rep_Pragma
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Boolean
return Present (Get_Rep_Pragma (E, Nam, Check_Parents));
end Has_Rep_Pragma;
function Has_Rep_Pragma
(E : Entity_Id;
Nam1 : Name_Id;
Nam2 : Name_Id;
Check_Parents : Boolean := True) return Boolean
return Present (Get_Rep_Pragma (E, Nam1, Nam2, Check_Parents));
end Has_Rep_Pragma;
-- Has_Unconstrained_Elements --
function Has_Unconstrained_Elements (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
U_T : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (T);
if No (U_T) then
return False;
elsif Is_Record_Type (U_T) then
return Has_Discriminants (U_T) and then not Is_Constrained (U_T);
elsif Is_Array_Type (U_T) then
return Has_Unconstrained_Elements (Component_Type (U_T));
return False;
end if;
end Has_Unconstrained_Elements;
-- Has_Variant_Part --
function Has_Variant_Part (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
FSTyp : Entity_Id;
Decl : Node_Id;
TDef : Node_Id;
CList : Node_Id;
if not Is_Type (Typ) then
return False;
end if;
FSTyp := First_Subtype (Typ);
if not Has_Discriminants (FSTyp) then
return False;
end if;
-- Proceed with cautious checks here, return False if tree is not
-- as expected (may be caused by prior errors).
Decl := Declaration_Node (FSTyp);
if Nkind (Decl) /= N_Full_Type_Declaration then
return False;
end if;
TDef := Type_Definition (Decl);
if Nkind (TDef) /= N_Record_Definition then
return False;
end if;
CList := Component_List (TDef);
if Nkind (CList) /= N_Component_List then
return False;
return Present (Variant_Part (CList));
end if;
end Has_Variant_Part;
-- In_Generic_Body --
function In_Generic_Body (Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
S : Entity_Id;
-- Climb scopes looking for generic body
S := Id;
while Present (S) and then S /= Standard_Standard loop
-- Generic package body
if Ekind (S) = E_Generic_Package
and then In_Package_Body (S)
return True;
-- Generic subprogram body
elsif Is_Subprogram (S)
and then Nkind (Unit_Declaration_Node (S)) =
return True;
end if;
S := Scope (S);
end loop;
-- False if top of scope stack without finding a generic body
return False;
end In_Generic_Body;
-- Initialization_Suppressed --
function Initialization_Suppressed (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
return Suppress_Initialization (Typ)
or else Suppress_Initialization (Base_Type (Typ));
end Initialization_Suppressed;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
end Initialize;
-- Is_Body --
function Is_Body (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
return Nkind (N) in
N_Body_Stub | N_Entry_Body | N_Package_Body | N_Protected_Body |
N_Subprogram_Body | N_Task_Body;
end Is_Body;
-- Is_By_Copy_Type --
function Is_By_Copy_Type (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
-- If Id is a private type whose full declaration has not been seen,
-- we assume for now that it is not a By_Copy type. Clearly this
-- attribute should not be used before the type is frozen, but it is
-- needed to build the associated record of a protected type. Another
-- place where some lookahead for a full view is needed ???
Is_Elementary_Type (Ent)
or else (Is_Private_Type (Ent)
and then Present (Underlying_Type (Ent))
and then Is_Elementary_Type (Underlying_Type (Ent)));
end Is_By_Copy_Type;
-- Is_By_Reference_Type --
function Is_By_Reference_Type (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Btype : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Ent);
if Error_Posted (Ent) or else Error_Posted (Btype) then
return False;
elsif Is_Private_Type (Btype) then
Utyp : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Btype);
if No (Utyp) then
return False;
return Is_By_Reference_Type (Utyp);
end if;
elsif Is_Incomplete_Type (Btype) then
Ftyp : constant Entity_Id := Full_View (Btype);
-- Return true for a tagged incomplete type built as a shadow
-- entity in Build_Limited_Views. It can appear in the profile
-- of a thunk and the back end needs to know how it is passed.
if No (Ftyp) then
return Is_Tagged_Type (Btype);
return Is_By_Reference_Type (Ftyp);
end if;
elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Btype) then
return True;
elsif Is_Record_Type (Btype) then
if Is_Limited_Record (Btype)
or else Is_Tagged_Type (Btype)
or else Is_Volatile (Btype)
return True;
C : Entity_Id;
C := First_Component (Btype);
while Present (C) loop
-- For each component, test if its type is a by reference
-- type and if its type is volatile. Also test the component
-- itself for being volatile. This happens for example when
-- a Volatile aspect is added to a component.
if Is_By_Reference_Type (Etype (C))
or else Is_Volatile (Etype (C))
or else Is_Volatile (C)
return True;
end if;
Next_Component (C);
end loop;
return False;
end if;
elsif Is_Array_Type (Btype) then
Is_Volatile (Btype)
or else Is_By_Reference_Type (Component_Type (Btype))
or else Is_Volatile (Component_Type (Btype))
or else Has_Volatile_Components (Btype);
return False;
end if;
end Is_By_Reference_Type;
-- Is_Definite_Subtype --
function Is_Definite_Subtype (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
pragma Assert (Is_Type (T));
K : constant Entity_Kind := Ekind (T);
if Is_Constrained (T) then
return True;
elsif K in Array_Kind
or else K in Class_Wide_Kind
or else Has_Unknown_Discriminants (T)
return False;
-- Known discriminants: definite if there are default values. Note that
-- if any discriminant has a default, they all do.
elsif Has_Discriminants (T) then
return Present (Discriminant_Default_Value (First_Discriminant (T)));
return True;
end if;
end Is_Definite_Subtype;
-- Is_Derived_Type --
function Is_Derived_Type (Ent : E) return B is
Par : Node_Id;
if Is_Type (Ent)
and then Base_Type (Ent) /= Root_Type (Ent)
and then not Is_Class_Wide_Type (Ent)
-- An access_to_subprogram whose result type is a limited view can
-- appear in a return statement, without the full view of the result
-- type being available. Do not interpret this as a derived type.
and then Ekind (Ent) /= E_Subprogram_Type
if not Is_Numeric_Type (Root_Type (Ent)) then
return True;
Par := Parent (First_Subtype (Ent));
return Present (Par)
and then Nkind (Par) = N_Full_Type_Declaration
and then Nkind (Type_Definition (Par)) =
end if;
return False;
end if;
end Is_Derived_Type;
-- Is_Generic_Formal --
function Is_Generic_Formal (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Kind : Node_Kind;
if No (E) then
return False;
-- Formal derived types are rewritten as private extensions, so
-- examine original node.
Kind := Nkind (Original_Node (Parent (E)));
Kind in N_Formal_Object_Declaration | N_Formal_Type_Declaration
or else Is_Formal_Subprogram (E)
or else
(Ekind (E) = E_Package
and then Nkind (Original_Node (Unit_Declaration_Node (E))) =
end if;
end Is_Generic_Formal;
-- Is_Immutably_Limited_Type --
function Is_Immutably_Limited_Type (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Btype : constant Entity_Id := Available_View (Base_Type (Ent));
if Is_Limited_Record (Btype) then
return True;
elsif Ekind (Btype) = E_Limited_Private_Type
and then Nkind (Parent (Btype)) = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
return not In_Package_Body (Scope ((Btype)));
elsif Is_Private_Type (Btype) then
-- AI05-0063: A type derived from a limited private formal type is
-- not immutably limited in a generic body.
if Is_Derived_Type (Btype)
and then Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Btype))
if not Is_Limited_Type (Etype (Btype)) then
return False;
-- A descendant of a limited formal type is not immutably limited
-- in the generic body, or in the body of a generic child.
elsif Ekind (Scope (Etype (Btype))) = E_Generic_Package then
return not In_Package_Body (Scope (Btype));
return False;
end if;
Utyp : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Btype);
if No (Utyp) then
return False;
return Is_Immutably_Limited_Type (Utyp);
end if;
end if;
elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Btype) then
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Is_Immutably_Limited_Type;
-- Is_Limited_Type --
function Is_Limited_Type (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Btype : constant E := Base_Type (Ent);
Rtype : constant E := Root_Type (Btype);
if not Is_Type (Ent) then
return False;
elsif Ekind (Btype) = E_Limited_Private_Type
or else Is_Limited_Composite (Btype)
return True;
elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Btype) then
return True;
-- The Is_Limited_Record flag normally indicates that the type is
-- limited. The exception is that a type does not inherit limitedness
-- from its interface ancestor. So the type may be derived from a
-- limited interface, but is not limited.
elsif Is_Limited_Record (Ent)
and then not Is_Interface (Ent)
return True;
-- Otherwise we will look around to see if there is some other reason
-- for it to be limited, except that if an error was posted on the
-- entity, then just assume it is non-limited, because it can cause
-- trouble to recurse into a murky entity resulting from other errors.
elsif Error_Posted (Ent) then
return False;
elsif Is_Record_Type (Btype) then
if Is_Limited_Interface (Ent) then
return True;
-- AI-419: limitedness is not inherited from a limited interface
elsif Is_Limited_Record (Rtype) then
return not Is_Interface (Rtype)
or else Is_Protected_Interface (Rtype)
or else Is_Synchronized_Interface (Rtype)
or else Is_Task_Interface (Rtype);
elsif Is_Class_Wide_Type (Btype) then
return Is_Limited_Type (Rtype);
C : E;
C := First_Component (Btype);
while Present (C) loop
if Is_Limited_Type (Etype (C)) then
return True;
end if;
Next_Component (C);
end loop;
return False;
end if;
elsif Is_Array_Type (Btype) then
return Is_Limited_Type (Component_Type (Btype));
return False;
end if;
end Is_Limited_Type;
-- Is_Limited_View --
function Is_Limited_View (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Btype : constant Entity_Id := Available_View (Base_Type (Ent));
if Is_Limited_Record (Btype) then
return True;
elsif Ekind (Btype) = E_Limited_Private_Type
and then Nkind (Parent (Btype)) = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
return not In_Package_Body (Scope ((Btype)));
elsif Is_Private_Type (Btype) then
-- AI05-0063: A type derived from a limited private formal type is
-- not immutably limited in a generic body.
if Is_Derived_Type (Btype)
and then Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Btype))
if not Is_Limited_Type (Etype (Btype)) then
return False;
-- A descendant of a limited formal type is not immutably limited
-- in the generic body, or in the body of a generic child.
elsif Ekind (Scope (Etype (Btype))) = E_Generic_Package then
return not In_Package_Body (Scope (Btype));
return False;
end if;
Utyp : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Btype);
if No (Utyp) then
return False;
return Is_Limited_View (Utyp);
end if;
end if;
elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Btype) then
return True;
elsif Is_Record_Type (Btype) then
-- Note that we return True for all limited interfaces, even though
-- (unsynchronized) limited interfaces can have descendants that are
-- nonlimited, because this is a predicate on the type itself, and
-- things like functions with limited interface results need to be
-- handled as build in place even though they might return objects
-- of a type that is not inherently limited.
if Is_Class_Wide_Type (Btype) then
return Is_Limited_View (Root_Type (Btype));
C : Entity_Id;
C := First_Component (Btype);
while Present (C) loop
-- Don't consider components with interface types (which can
-- only occur in the case of a _parent component anyway).
-- They don't have any components, plus it would cause this
-- function to return true for nonlimited types derived from
-- limited interfaces.
if not Is_Interface (Etype (C))
and then Is_Limited_View (Etype (C))
return True;
end if;
Next_Component (C);
end loop;
return False;
end if;
elsif Is_Array_Type (Btype) then
return Is_Limited_View (Component_Type (Btype));
return False;
end if;
end Is_Limited_View;
-- Is_Record_Or_Limited_Type --
function Is_Record_Or_Limited_Type (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
return Is_Record_Type (Typ) or else Is_Limited_Type (Typ);
end Is_Record_Or_Limited_Type;
-- Nearest_Ancestor --
function Nearest_Ancestor (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
D : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Declaration_Node (Typ));
-- We use the original node of the declaration, because derived
-- types from record subtypes are rewritten as record declarations,
-- and it is the original declaration that carries the ancestor.
-- If we have a subtype declaration, get the ancestor subtype
if Nkind (D) = N_Subtype_Declaration then
if Nkind (Subtype_Indication (D)) = N_Subtype_Indication then
return Entity (Subtype_Mark (Subtype_Indication (D)));
return Entity (Subtype_Indication (D));
end if;
-- If derived type declaration, find who we are derived from
elsif Nkind (D) = N_Full_Type_Declaration
and then Nkind (Type_Definition (D)) = N_Derived_Type_Definition
DTD : constant Entity_Id := Type_Definition (D);
SI : constant Entity_Id := Subtype_Indication (DTD);
if Is_Entity_Name (SI) then
return Entity (SI);
return Entity (Subtype_Mark (SI));
end if;
-- If this is a concurrent declaration with a nonempty interface list,
-- get the first progenitor. Account for case of a record type created
-- for a concurrent type (which is the only case that seems to occur
-- in practice).
elsif Nkind (D) = N_Full_Type_Declaration
and then (Is_Concurrent_Type (Defining_Identifier (D))
or else Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Defining_Identifier (D)))
and then Is_Non_Empty_List (Interface_List (Type_Definition (D)))
return Entity (First (Interface_List (Type_Definition (D))));
-- If derived type and private type, get the full view to find who we
-- are derived from.
elsif Is_Derived_Type (Typ)
and then Is_Private_Type (Typ)
and then Present (Full_View (Typ))
return Nearest_Ancestor (Full_View (Typ));
-- Otherwise, nothing useful to return, return Empty
return Empty;
end if;
end Nearest_Ancestor;
-- Nearest_Dynamic_Scope --
function Nearest_Dynamic_Scope (Ent : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
if Is_Dynamic_Scope (Ent) then
return Ent;
return Enclosing_Dynamic_Scope (Ent);
end if;
end Nearest_Dynamic_Scope;
-- Next_Tag_Component --
function Next_Tag_Component (Tag : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
Comp : Entity_Id;
pragma Assert (Is_Tag (Tag));
-- Loop to look for next tag component
Comp := Next_Entity (Tag);
while Present (Comp) loop
if Is_Tag (Comp) then
pragma Assert (Chars (Comp) /= Name_uTag);
return Comp;
end if;
Next_Entity (Comp);
end loop;
-- No tag component found
return Empty;
end Next_Tag_Component;
-- Number_Discriminants --
function Number_Discriminants (Typ : Entity_Id) return Pos is
N : Nat := 0;
Discr : Entity_Id := First_Discriminant (Typ);
while Present (Discr) loop
N := N + 1;
Next_Discriminant (Discr);
end loop;
return N;
end Number_Discriminants;
-- Object_Type_Has_Constrained_Partial_View --
function Object_Type_Has_Constrained_Partial_View
(Typ : Entity_Id;
Scop : Entity_Id) return Boolean
return Has_Constrained_Partial_View (Typ)
or else (In_Generic_Body (Scop)
and then Is_Generic_Type (Base_Type (Typ))
and then (Is_Private_Type (Base_Type (Typ))
or else Is_Derived_Type (Base_Type (Typ)))
and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ)
and then not (Is_Array_Type (Typ)
and then not Is_Constrained (Typ))
and then Has_Discriminants (Typ));
end Object_Type_Has_Constrained_Partial_View;
-- Package_Spec --
function Package_Spec (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
return Parent (Package_Specification (E));
end Package_Spec;
-- Package_Specification --
function Package_Specification (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
N : Node_Id;
N := Parent (E);
if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
N := Parent (N);
end if;
return N;
end Package_Specification;
-- Subprogram_Body --
function Subprogram_Body (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
Body_E : constant Entity_Id := Subprogram_Body_Entity (E);
if No (Body_E) then
return Empty;
return Parent (Subprogram_Specification (Body_E));
end if;
end Subprogram_Body;
-- Subprogram_Body_Entity --
function Subprogram_Body_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
N : constant Node_Id := Parent (Subprogram_Specification (E));
-- Declaration for E
-- If this declaration is not a subprogram body, then it must be a
-- subprogram declaration or body stub, from which we can retrieve the
-- entity for the corresponding subprogram body if any, or an abstract
-- subprogram declaration, for which we return Empty.
case Nkind (N) is
when N_Subprogram_Body =>
return E;
when N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
| N_Subprogram_Declaration
return Corresponding_Body (N);
when others =>
return Empty;
end case;
end Subprogram_Body_Entity;
-- Subprogram_Spec --
function Subprogram_Spec (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
N : constant Node_Id := Parent (Subprogram_Specification (E));
-- Declaration for E
-- This declaration is either subprogram declaration or a subprogram
-- body, in which case return Empty.
if Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
return N;
return Empty;
end if;
end Subprogram_Spec;
-- Subprogram_Specification --
function Subprogram_Specification (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
N : Node_Id;
N := Parent (E);
if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
N := Parent (N);
end if;
-- If the Parent pointer of E is not a subprogram specification node
-- (going through an intermediate N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name node
-- for subprogram units), then E is an inherited operation. Its parent
-- points to the type derivation that produces the inheritance: that's
-- the node that generates the subprogram specification. Its alias
-- is the parent subprogram, and that one points to a subprogram
-- declaration, or to another type declaration if this is a hierarchy
-- of derivations.
if Nkind (N) not in N_Subprogram_Specification then
pragma Assert (Present (Alias (E)));
N := Subprogram_Specification (Alias (E));
end if;
return N;
end Subprogram_Specification;
-- Ultimate_Alias --
function Ultimate_Alias (Prim : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
E : Entity_Id := Prim;
while Present (Alias (E)) loop
pragma Assert (Alias (E) /= E);
E := Alias (E);
end loop;
return E;
end Ultimate_Alias;
-- Unit_Declaration_Node --
function Unit_Declaration_Node (Unit_Id : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
N : Node_Id := Parent (Unit_Id);
-- Predefined operators do not have a full function declaration
if Ekind (Unit_Id) = E_Operator then
return N;
end if;
-- Isn't there some better way to express the following ???
while Nkind (N) /= N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Entry_Body
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Entry_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Formal_Package_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Function_Instantiation
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Generic_Package_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Package_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Package_Body
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Package_Instantiation
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Procedure_Instantiation
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Protected_Body
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Protected_Type_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Body
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Task_Body
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Task_Type_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) not in N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration
and then Nkind (N) not in N_Generic_Renaming_Declaration
N := Parent (N);
-- We don't use Assert here, because that causes an infinite loop
-- when assertions are turned off. Better to crash.
if No (N) then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end loop;
return N;
end Unit_Declaration_Node;
end Sem_Aux;