Fri Dec 24 10:58:16 2010
Dave Pitts <>
GAWK on z/OS
1. To unpack the tarball:
$ gunzip -c gawk-4.0.0.tar.gz | pax -rv from=ISO8859-1,to=IBM-1047
This will extract the files and convert them from ASCII to EBCDIC.
If you do not have the gunzip program on your system you can perform
the operation on another system and copy the tar file to z/OS. Then
unpack as follows:
$ pax -rv from=ISO8859-1,to=IBM-1047 -f gawk-4.0.0.tar
2. To Build
$ ./configure CC=c89
$ make
You will get compilation warnings of the form:
WARNING CBC3343 ./dfa.c:332 Redeclaration of dfasyntax differs from
previous declaration on line 404 of "./dfa.h".
Because the IBM compiler complains when a function is decalared using
prototypes in the header and is defined without prototypes in the code
these warnings can be ignored.
3. To Install:
$ make install
4. To Test (optional):
$ make check
NOTE: Since the test suite was defined for an ASCII and IEEE floating point
environment several of the tests will fail under z/OS.