
51 lines
1.1 KiB

-- { dg-do run }
with System; use System;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Conv1 is
type Short is mod 2**16;
type R_L is record
S : Short;
C : Character;
end record;
for R_L'Bit_Order use Low_Order_First;
for R_L'Scalar_Storage_Order use Low_Order_First;
for R_L use record
S at 0 range 0 .. 15;
C at 2 range 0 .. 7;
end record;
type R_H is new R_L;
for R_H'Bit_Order use High_Order_First;
for R_H'Scalar_Storage_Order use High_Order_First;
for R_H use record
S at 0 range 0 .. 15;
C at 2 range 0 .. 7;
end record;
procedure Dump (Name : String; S : Short; C : Character) is
Put_Line (Name & " = (S =>" & S'Img & ", C => '" & C & "')");
end Dump;
X_L : R_L;
X_H : R_H;
X_L.S := 12345;
X_L.C := 'a';
Dump ("X_L", X_L.S, X_L.C);
-- { dg-output "X_L = \\(S => 12345, C => 'a'\\).*\n" }
X_H.S := 23456;
X_H.C := 'b';
Dump ("X_H", X_H.S, X_H.C);
-- { dg-output "X_H = \\(S => 23456, C => 'b'\\).*\n" }
X_H := R_H (X_L);
Dump ("X_H", X_H.S, X_H.C);
-- { dg-output "X_H = \\(S => 12345, C => 'a'\\).*\n" }