
1387 lines
25 KiB

/* Test associative arrays */
extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...);
extern(C) int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
import core.memory; // for GC.collect
import std.random; // for uniform random numbers
int nametable[char[]];
void insert(string name, int value)
nametable[name] = value;
int retrieve(string name)
return nametable[name];
void test1()
{ int v;
insert("hello", 1);
insert("world", 2);
v = retrieve("hello");
assert(v == 1);
v = retrieve("world");
assert(v == 2);
v = retrieve("world");
assert(v == 2);
v = retrieve("world");
assert(v == 2);
void test2()
int[string] aa;
string[] keys;
int[] values;
assert(aa == null);
assert(aa.length == 0);
keys = aa.keys;
assert(keys.length == 0);
values = aa.values;
assert(values.length == 0);
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa["hello"] = 3;
assert(aa["hello"] == 3);
assert(aa["hello"] == 4);
assert(aa.length == 1);
keys = aa.keys;
assert(keys.length == 1);
assert(memcmp(keys[0].ptr, cast(char*)"hello", 5) == 0);
values = aa.values;
assert(values.length == 1);
assert(values[0] == 4);
assert(aa.length == 1);
assert(aa["hello"] == 4);
void test4()
int[const(ubyte)[]] b;
const(ubyte)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
void test5()
int[immutable(short)[]] b;
immutable(short)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
void test6()
int[const(int)[]] b;
const(int)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
void test7()
int[immutable(uint)[]] b;
immutable(uint)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
void test8()
int[immutable(long)[]] b;
immutable(long)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
void test9()
int[immutable(ulong)[]] b;
immutable(ulong)[] x;
b[x] = 3;
assert(b[x] == 3);
class A10 {}
int[immutable(A10)[]] foo10;
void test10()
auto key = new immutable(A10)[2];
cast()(key[0]) = new A10();
foo10[key] = 0;
assert(key in foo10);
assert(!(key !in foo10));
struct Value
uint x,y,z,t;
struct Key
int a,b,c,d;
static int hash, cmp, equals;
size_t toHash() const
hash = 1;
return a + b + c + d;
int opCmp(ref const Key s) const
cmp = 1;
int x;
x = a - s.a;
if (x == 0)
{ x = b - s.b;
if (x == 0)
{ x = c - s.c;
if (x == 0)
x = d - s.d;
return x;
bool opEquals(ref const Key s) const
equals = 1;
return (a == s.a && b == s.b && c == s.c && d == s.d);
void test11()
Value[Key] table;
Value* p;
Value v;
Value r;
Key k;
v.x = 7;
v.y = 8;
v.z = 9;
v.t = 10;
k.a = 1;
k.b = 2;
k.c = 3;
k.d = 4;
p = k in table;
table[k] = v;
p = k in table;
p = k in table;
r = table[k];
assert(v == r);
assert(!(k in table));
printf("Key.hash = %d\n", Key.hash);
assert(Key.hash == 1);
printf("Key.cmp = %d\n", Key.cmp);
printf("Key.equals = %d\n", Key.equals);
assert(Key.cmp == 1 && !Key.equals || !Key.cmp && Key.equals == 1);
struct S12
byte number;
char[] description;
char[] font_face;
byte font_size;
ushort flags;
int colour_back;
int colour_fore;
byte charset;
void test12()
S12[] x;
printf("size %d\n",S12.sizeof);
printf("align %d\n",S12.alignof);
printf("offset %d\n",S12.description.offsetof);
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
S12 s;
s.font_face="font face".dup;
x ~= s;
/* works fine
S12 s;
s.font_face="font face".dup;
x ~= s;
s.font_face="font face".dup;
x ~= s;
s.font_face="font face".dup;
x ~= s;
s.font_face="font face".dup;
x ~= s;
void test13()
int[string] array;
int[string] rehashed=array.rehash;
assert(rehashed is array);
string[] key = array.keys;
bool have[3];
foreach(string value; key){
case "eins":{
}case "zwei":{
}case "drei":{
void test14()
int[char[]] aa;
aa["hello"] = 3;
assert(aa["hello"] == 3);
assert("hello" in aa);
//delete aa["hello"];
assert(!("hello" in aa));
class SomeClass
this(char value)
printf("class created\n");
_value = value;
printf("class killed (%d)\n", _value);
char value()
return _value;
char _value;
char[] allChars = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'z', 'q', 'x' ];
SomeClass[char] _chars;
void _realLoad()
foreach(char ch; allChars)
_chars[ch] = new SomeClass(ch);
void test15()
int j;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
foreach(char ch; allChars)
SomeClass obj = _chars[ch];
j += obj.value;
printf("j = %d\n", j);
assert(j == 7500000);
void test16()
int[int] aa;
Random gen;
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
int key = uniform(0, int.max, gen);
int value = uniform(0, int.max, gen);
aa[key] = value;
int[] keys = aa.keys;
assert(keys.length == aa.length);
int j;
foreach (k; keys)
assert(k in aa);
j += aa[k];
printf("test16 = %d\n", j);
int m;
foreach (k, v; aa)
assert(k in aa);
assert(aa[k] == v);
m += v;
assert(j == m);
m = 0;
foreach (v; aa)
m += v;
assert(j == m);
int[] values = aa.values;
assert(values.length == aa.length);
foreach(k; keys)
assert(aa.length == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
int key2 = uniform(0, int.max, gen);
int value2 = uniform(0, int.max, gen);
aa[key2] = value2;
foreach(k; aa)
if (k < 1000)
foreach(k, v; aa)
if (k < 1000)
void dummy17()
int bb17[string];
int foo17()
foreach(string s, int i; bb17)
bb17["a"] = 1;
foreach(int b; bb17)
throw new Error("foo");
}catch(Error e){
return 0;
void test17()
int i = foo17();
printf("foo17 = %d\n", i);
assert(i == 0);
void test18()
int[uint] aa;
aa[1236448822] = 0;
aa[2716102924] = 1;
aa[ 315901071] = 2;
printf("%d\n", aa[2716102924]);
assert(aa[2716102924] == 1);
void test19()
immutable(char[5])[int] aa = ([3:"hello", 4:"betty"]);
assert(aa[3] == "hello");
assert(aa[4] == "betty");
auto keys = aa.keys;
printf("%d\n", keys[0]);
printf("%d\n", keys[1]);
auto vs = aa.values;
printf("%.*s\n", vs[0].length, vs[0].ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", vs[1].length, vs[1].ptr);
string aavalue_typeid = typeid(typeof(aa.values)).toString();
printf("%.*s\n", aavalue_typeid.length, aavalue_typeid.ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", aa[3].length, aa[3].ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", aa[4].length, aa[4].ptr);
void test20()
string[int] aa = ([3:"hello", 4:"betty"]);
assert(aa[3] == "hello");
assert(aa[4] == "betty");
auto keys = aa.keys;
printf("%d\n", keys[0]);
printf("%d\n", keys[1]);
auto values = aa.values;
printf("%.*s\n", values[0].length, values[0].ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", values[1].length, values[1].ptr);
string aavalue_typeid = typeid(typeof(aa.values)).toString();
printf("%.*s\n", aavalue_typeid.length, aavalue_typeid.ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", aa[3].length, aa[3].ptr);
printf("%.*s\n", aa[4].length, aa[4].ptr);
void test21()
ushort[20] key = 23;
int[ushort[20]] aa;
aa[key] = 42;
auto x = aa[key];
assert(x == 42);
void test22()
int[string] stopWords = [ "abc"[]:1 ];
assert("abc"[] in stopWords);
void test23()
uint[char[]][] fractal;
fractal.length = 10;
void test24()
int[string] x;
char[] y;
if (y in x)
int z = x[y];
void test25()
string[string] aa;
foreach (k,v; aa)
class Tag
string[string] attr;
void foo26(const(Tag) tag_)
foreach(k,v;tag_.attr) { }
void test26()
void test27()
int[int] s;
s = s.init;
void test28()
auto a1 = [ 1:10.0, 2:20, 3:15 ];
auto a2 = [ 1:10.0, 2:20, 3:15 ];
assert(a1 !is a2);
assert(a1 == a2);
a2[7] = 23;
assert(a1 != a2);
assert(a1 == a2);
assert(a1 == a2);
a2[2] = 18;
assert(a1 != a2);
void test29()
auto gammaFunc = [-1.5:2.363, -0.5:-3.545, 0.5:1.772];
// write all keys
foreach (k; gammaFunc.byKey()) {
printf("%f\n", k);
// write all values
foreach (v; gammaFunc.byValue()) {
printf("%f\n", v);
string toString(int value)
char[] result = new char[12];
uint ndigits = 0;
const c = cast(char) ((value % 10) + '0');
value /= 10;
result[$ - ndigits] = c;
while (value);
return cast(string) result[$ - ndigits .. $];
void test30()
int[string] aa;
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
string s = toString(i);
aa[s] = i;
void test31()
int[int] test;
test[0] = 0;
test[1] = 1;
test[2] = 2;
bool flag = false;
foreach( k, v; test){
//printf("loop: %d %d\n", k, v);
flag = true;
void test32()
uint[ushort] aa;
aa[1] = 1;
aa[2] = 2;
aa[3] = 3;
aa[4] = 4;
aa[5] = 5;
foreach(v; aa)
printf("%x\n", v);
assert(v >= 1 && v <= 5);
template ICE3996(T : V[K], K, V) {}
struct Bug3996 {}
static assert(!is( ICE3996!(Bug3996) ));
void bug4826c(T)(int[int] value, T x) {}
void test4826c()
AssociativeArray!(int, int) z;
// 5131
struct ICE5131
this(int n) {}
ICE5131 opAssign(int x) { return this; }
void test5131()
ICE5131[string] a;
a["ICE?"] = 1; // call ctor
a["ICE?"] = 1; // call opAssign
// 6178
bool test6178a()
// AA value setting through identity opAssign
int assign = 0;
struct S
int value = 10;
void opAssign(S rhs)
assert(value == 10);
int count = 0;
int makeKey() { return ++count; }
S[int] aa;
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa[makeKey()] = S();
assert(assign == 0);
assert(aa.length == 1 && 1 in aa);
aa[1] = S();
assert(assign == 1);
assert(aa.length == 1 && 1 in aa);
return true;
bool test6178b()
// AA value setting through implicit ctor call + non-identity opAssign
int ctor = 0;
int assign = 0;
struct S
int value = 10;
@disable this();
this(int n)
assert(value == 10);
value = 20;
void opAssign(int rhs)
assert(value == 20);
assert(rhs == 30);
value = rhs;
int count = 0;
int makeKey() { return ++count; }
S[int] aa;
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa[makeKey()] = 20;
assert(assign == 0 && ctor == 1 && count == 1);
assert(aa.length == 1 && (1 in aa));
aa[1] = 30;
assert(assign == 1 && ctor == 1);
assert(aa.length == 1 && 1 in aa);
return true;
bool test6178c()
// AA value setting through non-identity opAssign
struct S
//this(int) {}
// not possible to perform implicit ctor call
void opAssign(int) {}
S[int] aa;
assert(aa.length == 0);
if (!__ctfe)
// currently CTFE does not support throwing RangeError
import core.exception : RangeError;
try { aa[1] = 1; assert(0); } catch (RangeError) {}
// The above line is exactly same as:
try { aa[1].opAssign(1); assert(0); } catch (RangeError) {}
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa[1] = S();
aa[1] = 1;
assert(aa.length == 1);
return true;
bool test6178d()
// AA value setting through implicit ctor call + alias this
int ctor;
struct S
this(int n) { ++ctor; value = n; }
int value;
alias value this;
S[int] aa;
assert(ctor == 0);
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa[1] = 0; // implicit ctor call + blit assign
assert(aa[1].value == 0 && ctor == 1);
assert(aa.length == 1);
aa[1] = 1; // set through alias this
assert(aa[1].value == 1 && ctor == 1);
assert(aa.length == 1);
return true;
bool test6178e()
// AA value setting through alias this
struct S
int value;
alias value this;
S[int] aa;
assert(aa.length == 0);
if (!__ctfe)
// currently CTFE does not support throwing RangeError
import core.exception : RangeError;
try { aa[1] = 1; assert(0); } catch (RangeError) {}
// The above line is exactly same as:
try { aa[1].value = 1; assert(0); } catch (RangeError) {}
assert(aa.length == 0);
aa[1] = S(0); // construct + blit assign
assert(aa[1].value == 0 && aa.length == 1);
aa[1] = 1; // set through alias this
assert(aa[1].value == 1 && aa.length == 1);
return true;
void test6178()
static assert(test6178a()); // ctfe check
test6178a(); // runtime test
static assert(test6178b());
static assert(test6178c());
static assert(test6178d());
static assert(test6178e());
void test6178x()
return; // depends on AA implementation
static int ctor, cpctor, dtor;
static struct S
this(int) { ++ctor; printf("ctor\n"); }
this(this) { ++cpctor; printf("cpctor\n"); }
~this() { ++dtor; printf("dtor\n"); }
static struct X
this(int) {}
void opAssign(int) {}
X[S] aa1;
S[int] aa2;
auto value = S(1);
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==0 && dtor==0);
ref getRef(ref S s = value) { return s; }
auto getVal() { return value; }
aa1[value] = 10;
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==1 && dtor==0); //call copy ctor when we putting 'value' to aa1
aa1[getRef()] = 20;
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==1 && dtor==0); //copy ctor wasn't called because we didn't create a new entry in aa, using an existing key
aa1[getVal()] = 20;
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==2 && dtor==1); //call copy ctor and dtor, because we pass key by value
aa2[1] = value;
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==3 && dtor==1); //call copy ctor when we putting `value` to aa2[1]
aa2[2] = getRef();
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==4 && dtor==1); //call copy ctor when we putting `value` to aa2[2]
assert(ctor==1 && cpctor==4 && dtor==2); //We've got 3 "S" instances that aren't destroyed yet: the key in aa1, aa2[1], aa2[2].
assert(ctor + cpctor - aa2.length - aa1.length == dtor);
// 10595
struct S10595
bool b = true;
bool test()
if (!b) // note: must be a check, not 'return b;'
return false;
return true;
struct Wrap10595
int i;
alias i this;
S10595 s;
void test10595()
Wrap10595[int] wrap;
wrap[0] = Wrap10595();
wrap[0].i = 0;
assert(wrap[0].s.test()); // ok
Wrap10595[int] wrap;
wrap[0] = Wrap10595();
wrap[0] = 0; // note: using 'alias this' to assign
assert(wrap[0].s.test()); // failure
// 10970
struct RefCounted10970(T) //if (!is(T == class))
struct RefCountedStore
RefCountedStore _refCounted;
this(this) {}
~this() {}
struct Array10970(T) if (!is(T : const(bool)))
struct Payload
RefCounted10970!Payload _data;
class C10970
this(string name)
m[name] = Arr();
alias Array10970!C10970 Arr;
Arr[string] m;
void test10970()
C10970 c = new C10970("test");
// 6433
void test6433()
int[int] aa;
static assert(aa.sizeof != 0);
static assert(aa.alignof != 0);
static assert(is(typeof(aa.init) == int[int]));
static assert(typeof(aa).mangleof == "Hii");
static assert(typeof(aa).stringof == "int[int]");
static struct AA { int[int] aa; }
static assert(AA.aa.offsetof == 0);
aa = aa.init;
aa[0] = 1;
assert(aa.length == 1 && aa[0] == 1);
// 6612
void test6612()
auto aa1 = [1: 2]; // OK
auto aa2 = [4: 5]; // OK
int[int[int]] aa3 = [aa1:3, aa2:6]; // OK
int[int[int]] aa4 = [[1:2]:3, [4:5]:6]; // error
int[int[string]] aa5 = [["a":1]:2, ["b":3]:4];
// 7365
struct TickDuration
bool opEquals(ref const TickDuration rhs) const
return true;
void test7365()
TickDuration[Object] aa;
enum aa5520 = [5 : "hello"];
void test5520()
auto a = aa5520.values;
enum size_t N6655 = 1;
int[bar6655.length] foo6655;
int[N6655] bar6655;
struct ChunkLoc {}
ChunkLoc Get()
return ChunkLoc();
void test6799()
int[ChunkLoc] aa;
// 11359
void test11359()
class Bar {}
static Bar[string] aa;
static ref fun() { return aa; }
string key = "test";
fun[key] = new Bar;
assert(aa.length == 1);
Bar bar = fun[key];
// 11730
struct SysTime11730
ref SysTime11730 opAssign(SysTime11730 rhs)
struct Nullable11730(T)
T _value;
void opAssign()(T value)
@property ref inout(T) get() inout
alias get this;
void test11730()
Nullable11730!SysTime11730[string] map;
map["foo"] = Nullable11730!SysTime11730();
// 14089
struct S14089
int num;
S14089 opAssign(S14089 val) { return this; }
void test14089()
S14089[int] aa;
S14089 b = aa[1] = S14089(0);
assert(aa[1].num == 0);
assert(b.num == 0);
// 14144
struct JSON14144
double _floating;
@trusted pure nothrow typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) nothing)
return null;
void test14144()
JSON14144[string] x;
x["wat"] = null;
assert(x.length == 1);
assert("wat" in x);
// 14321
void test14321()
struct Foo
static char[8] buf;
static char[] op;
this(int id) { buf[op.length] = 'c'; op = buf[0..op.length + 1]; }
this(this) { buf[op.length] = 'p'; op = buf[0..op.length + 1]; }
~this() { buf[op.length] = 'd'; op = buf[0..op.length + 1]; }
Foo[string] foos;
assert(Foo.op == "");
foos["test"] = Foo(42); // initialization
assert(Foo.op == "c");
foos["test"] = Foo(42); // assignment
assert(Foo.op == "ccd");
struct Bar
static char[8] buf;
static char[] op;
int id;
//this(int id) { op ~= "c"; }
this(this) { buf[op.length] = 'p'; op = buf[0..op.length + 1]; }
~this() { buf[op.length] = 'd'; op = buf[0..op.length + 1]; }
Bar[string] bars;
assert(Bar.op == "");
bars["test"] = Bar(42); // initialization
assert(Bar.op == "");
bars["test"] = Bar(42); // assignment
assert(Bar.op == "d");
int main()
printf("before test 1\n"); test1();
printf("before test 2\n"); test2();
printf("before test 4\n"); test4();
printf("before test 5\n"); test5();
printf("before test 6\n"); test6();
printf("before test 7\n"); test7();
printf("before test 8\n"); test8();
printf("before test 9\n"); test9();
printf("before test 10\n"); test10();
printf("before test 11\n"); test11();
printf("before test 12\n"); test12();
printf("before test 13\n"); test13();
printf("before test 14\n"); test14();
printf("before test 15\n"); test15();
printf("before test 16\n"); test16();
printf("before test 17\n"); test17();
printf("before test 18\n"); test18();
printf("before test 19\n"); test19();
printf("before test 20\n"); test20();
printf("before test 21\n"); test21();
printf("before test 22\n"); test22();
printf("before test 23\n"); test23();
printf("before test 24\n"); test24();
printf("before test 25\n"); test25();
printf("before test 26\n"); test26();
printf("before test 27\n"); test27();
printf("before test 28\n"); test28();
printf("before test 29\n"); test29();
printf("before test 30\n"); test30();
printf("before test 31\n"); test31();
printf("before test 32\n"); test32();
return 0;