
133 lines
2.6 KiB

struct StructField(T)
static T Field;
static alias Field this;
struct StructProperty(T)
static T Field;
static @property T property()
return Field;
static @property void property(T value)
Field = value;
static alias property this;
class ClassField(T)
static T Field;
static alias Field this;
class ClassProperty(T)
static T Field;
static @property T property()
return Field;
static @property void property(T value)
Field = value;
static alias property this;
bool boolTest(T)()
alias t = T;
t = false; // tests AssignExp
assert(t == false);
bool boolValue = t; // tests AssignExp
assert(boolValue == false);
t = !t; // tests NotExp
assert(t == true);
boolValue = t;
assert(boolValue == true);
assert(boolValue && t); // tests AndAndExp
assert(t && boolValue);
boolValue = false;
assert(boolValue || t); // tests OrOrExp
assert(t || boolValue);
assert(t != boolValue); // tests CmpExp
assert(boolValue != t);
boolValue = true;
assert(t == boolValue);
assert(boolValue == t);
t = true;
return t; // tests ReturnStatement
int intTest(T)()
alias t = T;
t = 42; // tests AssignExp
assert(t == 42);
int intValue = t;
assert(intValue == 42);
assert(t == 42); // tests CmpExp
assert(42 == t);
assert(t != 43);
assert(43 != t);
assert(t < 43);
assert(43 > t);
assert(t <= 42);
assert(42 >= t);
// These currently don't work for properties due to https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8006
static if (!(typeid(T) is typeid(StructProperty!int)) && !(typeid(T) is typeid(ClassProperty!int)))
t++; // test a few unary and binary operators
assert(t == 43);
t += 1;
assert(t == 44);
assert(t == 43);
t -= 1;
assert(t == 42);
assert(~t == ~42); // tests ComExp
return t; // tests ReturnStatement
void main()
assert(intTest!(StructField!(int))() == 42);
assert(intTest!(StructProperty!(int))() == 42);
assert(intTest!(ClassField!(int))() == 42);
assert(intTest!(ClassProperty!(int))() == 42);