2125 lines
30 KiB
2125 lines
30 KiB
module template1;
import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
import core.vararg;
template TFoo1(T,U)
int foo(T t, U u)
return 3;
alias TFoo1!(int, char) Foo1;
void test1()
int i = Foo1.foo(1, 2);
assert(i == 3);
template TFoo2(T,U)
T x = 4;
U y;
alias TFoo2!(int, char) Foo2;
void test2()
assert(Foo2.x + Foo2.y == 0x103);
Foo2.x = 3;
Foo2.y = 7;
assert(Foo2.x + Foo2.y == 10);
template TFoo3(T,U)
class Bar
T x = 4;
U y;
alias TFoo3!(int, char) Foo3;
void test3()
Foo3.Bar b = new Foo3.Bar();
assert(b.x == 4);
assert(b.y == 0xFF);
template TFoo4(T,U)
T x;
U y;
template TFoo4(T:T,U:T)
T a;
U b;
template TFoo4(T:uint, U:uint)
T c;
U d;
alias TFoo4!(int, char) Foo4x;
void test4()
alias TFoo4!(int, char) Foo4;
int* x = &Foo4.c;
char* y = &Foo4.d;
alias TFoo4!(uint, char**) Foo4_2;
uint* x2 = &Foo4_2.x;
char*** y2 = &Foo4_2.y;
alias TFoo4!(int, int) Foo4_3;
int* x3 = &Foo4_3.a;
int* y3 = &Foo4_3.b;
alias TFoo4!(uint, uint) Foo4_4;
uint* x4 = &Foo4_4.c;
uint* y4 = &Foo4_4.d;
template TtoUx(T, U)
T toUx(U[] s)
uint v = 0;
if (v != cast(T)v)
return 3;
return cast(T)v;
alias TtoUx!(ubyte, char).toUx toUbyte;
alias TtoUx!(ushort, char).toUx toUshort;
void test5()
template TtoUx6(T, U)
T toUx(U[] s)
uint v = 0;
if (v != cast(T)v)
return 3;
return cast(T)v;
alias TtoUx6!(ubyte, char) t6;
void test6()
template A7(T) {
T id(T t) {
return t;
alias A7!(int) a;
void test7()
printf("%d\r\n", a.id(3));
assert(a.id(3) == 3);
template Swapper(T)
void Swap(ref T a, ref T b)
T temp = a; a = b; b = temp;
void test8()
alias Swapper!(int) IntSwap;
int a=1,b=2;
printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); // prints 2,1
assert(a == 2);
assert(b == 1);
template Foo9(T)
class B
T data;
void test9()
(new Foo9!(int).B).data += 4;
template A10(T) {
template B10(T) {
alias A10!(int) a;
void test10()
alias B10!(int) b;
template A11(T) {
T idf(T t) {
return t;
template B11(T) {
private alias A11!(T) a;
T same(T t) {
return a.idf(t);
void test11()
alias B11!(int) b;
//printf("%d\r\n", b.same(10));
assert(b.same(10) == 10);
template A12(T) {
class B {
invariant() {
T ide(T t) {
return t;
void test12()
alias A12!(int) a;
a.B b = new a.B();
printf("%d\r\n", b.ide(10));
assert(b.ide(10) == 10);
template A13(T) {
public interface I {
public T i();
class B13 : A13!(int).I {
public int i() {
return 42;
void test13()
B13 b = new B13();
A13!(int).I i = b;
assert(b.i() == 42);
assert(i.i() == 42);
class B14
template A14(T, U) {
private U u;
static this()
u = new U();
alias A14!(int, B14) t14;
void test14()
template A15(T) {
public interface Init {
public T init();
template A15(T : int) {
public class Init {
public T init() {
return 42;
template A15(T : float) {
public class Init {
public T init() {
return 3.25;
template TB15(T, U) {
private U initializer;
private void setInitializer(U init) {
initializer = init;
public class B {
private T _value;
public this() {
this._value = initializer.init();
public T value() {
return this._value;
template TB15(T) {
private alias TB15!(T, A15!(T).Init) tb;
private void setInitializer(A15!(T).Init init) {
public class B : tb.B {
void test15()
alias TB15!(int, A15!(int).Init) tb;
tb.setInitializer(new A15!(int).Init());
tb.B b = new tb.B();
int i;
i = b.value();
assert(i == 42);
alias TB15!(float) tb2;
tb2.setInitializer(new A15!(float).Init());
tb2.B b2 = new tb2.B();
assert(b2.value() == 3.25);
template foo16(U : int, int T : 9+1)
U x = T;
alias foo16!(int, 10) bar16;
void test16()
int i;
i = bar16.x;
assert(i == 10);
assert(foo16!(int, 10).x == 10);
template VecTemplate(tfloat)
struct Vector
tfloat d;
void test17()
with (VecTemplate!(int)) // crash DMD
template Bomb (T)
void foo (T *parm)
template Name (T)
T y;
void test ()
Bomb!(T).foo (&y);
alias Name!(int) a18;
alias Name!(ubyte) b18;
void test18()
template one20( T )
alias T function () safeptr;
template one20( T1, T2 )
alias int function(int) safeptr;
alias one20!( int ) A;
A.safeptr foo20;
alias one20!( int, int ) B;
B.safeptr bar20;
int func_bar(int i) { return 2; }
void test20()
bar20 = &func_bar;
class A21 { int x; }
class B21 : A21 { int y; }
void abc21(B21* b) { }
template TFoo21(T : A21, U : T*)
void test()
assert(T.sizeof == B21.sizeof);
U u;
alias TFoo21!(B21, B21*) bar21;
void test21()
template Bug22(T : Object) {
int print() {
printf("Bug22(T : Object).print()\r\n");
return 1;
template Bug22(T) {
int print() {
return 2;
template TTest22(T) {
private alias Bug22!(T) bug;
class Test {
int test() {
return bug.print();
void test22()
alias TTest22!(int).Test Test1;
alias TTest22!(Test1).Test Test2;
alias TTest22!(Object).Test Test3;
Test1 test1 = new Test1();
Test2 test2 = new Test2();
Test3 test3 = new Test3();
int i;
i = test1.test();
assert(i == 2);
i = test2.test();
assert(i == 1);
i = test3.test();
assert(i == 1);
template T23()
struct Rank
template A23()
struct Array
alias T23!().Rank Rank1;
Rank1 data;
alias A23!().Array Array_int23;
void test23()
template TList24(T)
class Node
class List
Node m_first = null;
void test24()
alias TList24!(uint).List UIntList;
template TList25(T)
class Node
Node prev;
Node next;
T Value;
class List
Node m_first = null;
Node m_last = null;
void AddFront(T _Value)
Node cur = new Node;
with (cur)
next = m_first;
prev = null;
Value = _Value;
if (next !is null)
next.prev = cur;
m_first = null;
if (m_last is null)
m_last = cur;
void test25()
alias TList25!(uint).List UIntList;
alias TList25!(uint).Node UIntNode;
UIntList list;
UIntNode node;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
{} //list.AddFront(i);
template Foo26(T)
void doIt() {
template Foo26(T : T[])
private alias Foo26!(T) bug;
void doIt() {
void test26()
alias Foo26!(int[]) foo;
template Foo27(T)
public const T[] empty = [];
void test27()
alias Foo27!(int) bug;
template A28(T) {
public bool all(in T[] array, bool function (T) predicate) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (!predicate(array[i])) {
return false;
return true;
void test28()
static bool isVowel(char c) {
return (c == 'a') || (c == 'e') || (c == 'i') || (c == 'o') || (c == 'u');
alias A28!(char) arrays;
assert(arrays.all("aeiouoeieuiei", &isVowel));
assert(arrays.all("aeoiuaioeuioaeuiouoiaeu", &isVowel));
assert(!arrays.all("aaeiouioeujiurioue", &isVowel));
assert(!arrays.all("bjkqwkjbwqjbkwb", &isVowel));
assert(arrays.all("", &isVowel));
printf("A28(char).all tests passed!\r\n");
public template TRange29(T) {
debug private bool recursing = false;
public class Range {
private T _lower;
private T _upper;
public this(T lower, T upper) {
this._lower = lower;
this._upper = upper;
public T lower() {
return this._lower;
public T upper() {
return this._upper;
public bool contains(T item) {
return (lower() <= item) && (item <= upper());
public bool intersects(Range other)
in {
assert(other !is null);
} out (result) {
debug {
if (!recursing) {
recursing = true;
assert(result == other.intersects(this));
} else {
recursing = false;
} body {
return contains(other.lower()) || contains(other.upper()) || other.includes(this);
public bool includes(Range other)
in {
assert(other !is null);
} out (result) {
assert(result == (contains(other.lower()) && contains(other.upper())));
} body {
return contains(other.lower()) && contains(other.upper());
void test29()
alias TRange29!(int).Range Range;
Range r1 = new Range(1, 10);
Range r2 = new Range(5, 15);
assert(r1.intersects(r2) == 1);
template TCopy30(T)
void copy(out T to, T from)
to = from;
template TCopy30(T : string)
void copy(out string to, in string from)
to = from;
void test30()
int i = 0;
float f = 0;
string s;
alias TCopy30!(int) copyint;
alias TCopy30!(string) copystr;
copyint.copy(i, 3);
printf("%d\n", i);
assert(i == 3);
copystr.copy(s, "Here it comes");
printf("%.*s\n", s.length, s.ptr);
assert(s == "Here it comes");
import std.string;
template Foo31(alias X)
alias X.toStringz y;
void test31()
alias Foo31!(std.string) bar;
shared int x32;
template Foo32(alias X)
static shared int* p = &X;
alias Foo32!(x32) abc32;
void test32()
alias Foo32!(x32) bar;
*bar.p = 3;
assert(x32 == 3);
*abc32.p = 4;
assert(x32 == 4);
shared int x33;
template Foo33(alias X)
static shared int* p = &X;
template Bar33(alias T)
alias T!(x33) abc;
void test33()
alias Bar33!(Foo33) bar;
*bar.abc.p = 3;
assert(x33 == 3);
shared int x34;
template Foo34(alias X)
static shared int* p = &X;
template Bar34(alias T)
alias T.p q;
void test34()
alias Foo34!(x34) foo;
alias Bar34!(foo) bar;
*bar.q = 3;
assert(x34 == 3);
class Foo35
static int p;
template Bar35(alias T)
alias T.p q;
void test35()
alias Bar35!(Foo35) bar;
bar.q = 3;
assert(Foo35.p == 3);
template Bar36(T)
class Bar36
static T x;
void test36()
Bar36!(int).x = 3;
class Bar37(T)
static T x;
void test37()
Bar37!(int).x = 3;
class Bar38(T)
static T x = 3;
void test38()
int i = template1.Bar38!(int).x;
assert(i == 3);
int j = Bar38!(int).x;
assert(j == 3);
class Bar39(T)
alias T x;
void test39()
Bar39!(int).x y = 3;
assert(y == 3);
template Bar40(T)
alias T Bar40;
void test40()
Bar40!(int) y = 3;
assert(y == 3);
template Bar41(T)
alias T Bar41;
void test41()
template1.Bar41!(int) y = 3;
assert(y == 3);
assert(template1.Bar41!(int).sizeof == int.sizeof);
template Bar42(T) { T t; }
typeof(Bar42!(int).t) bar42;
void test42()
bar42 = 5;
template factor43(int n : 1)
enum { value = 1 }
template factor43(int n)
enum { value = n*factor43!(n-1).value }
void test43()
int i = factor43!(3).value;
assert(i == 6);
template factorial1(int n : 1)
const int x = 1;
template factorial1(int n)
const int x = n*.factorial1!(n-1).x;
template factorial2(int n : 1)
const int factorial2 = 1;
template factorial2(int n)
const int factorial2 = n*.factorial2!(n-1);
template factorial3(int n : 1)
enum { x = 1 }
template factorial3(int n)
enum { x = n*.factorial3!(n-1).x }
template factorial4(int n : 1)
enum { factorial4 = 1 }
template factorial4(int n)
enum { factorial4 = n*.factorial4!(n-1) }
void test44()
int i = factorial1!(4).x;
assert(i == 24);
i = factorial2!(4);
assert(i == 24);
i = factorial3!(4).x;
assert(i == 24);
i = factorial4!(4);
assert(i == 24);
template factor45(int n)
int value()
if (n==0 || n==1)
return 1;
return n * factor45!(n-1).value();
template factor45(int n : 0)
int value()
return 1;
template factor45(int n : 1)
int value()
return 1;
void test45()
int i;
i = factor45!(4).value();
printf( "%d\n", i);
assert(i == 24);
template sqrt46(int n, int lo, int hi : lo)
enum { result = lo }
void test46()
int i;
i = sqrt46!(1, 24, 24).result;
printf("i = %d\n", i);
assert(i == 24);
template sqrt47(int n, int lo, int hi)
enum { mid = (lo + hi + 1) / 2 }
enum { result = (n < mid * mid) ? sqrt47!(n, lo, mid - 1).result
: sqrt47!(n, mid, hi).result }
template sqrt47(int n, int lo, int hi : lo)
enum { result = lo }
template sqrt47(int n)
enum { sqrt47 = .sqrt47!(n, 1, n).result }
void test47()
int i;
i = sqrt47!(24);
printf("i = %d\n", i);
class Foo48 (T)
alias T Type;
class Inner (U)
alias U Type;
struct Bar48 (alias TT)
alias TT!(int).Type A;
alias TT!(int).Inner!(A).Type B;
void test48()
Bar48!(Foo48).A x;
Bar48!(Foo48).B y;
int *p;
p = &x;
p = &y;
struct Foo49(T)
static Foo49 bar(T c1)
Foo49 rtn; // Error here
return rtn;
void test49()
alias Foo49!(double) vector;
struct Foo50(T)
T x = 0;
static Foo50 bar(T c1)
.Foo50!(typeof(c1)) rtn;
rtn.x = c1;
return rtn;
static .Foo50!(T) barx(T c1)
Foo50 rtn;
rtn.x = c1;
return rtn;
void test50()
alias Foo50!(double) vector;
vector xAxis = vector.bar(1);
struct Foo51(T)
T x = 0;
.Foo51!(long)* p;
static Foo51 bar(T c1)
.Foo51!(typeof(c1)) rtn;
rtn.x = c1;
return rtn;
static .Foo51!(T) barx(T c1)
Foo51 rtn;
.Foo51!(int)* c;
rtn.x = c1;
return rtn;
void test51()
alias Foo51!(double) vector;
vector xAxis = vector.bar(1);
interface Interface(T)
void foo52();
void bar52(Interface!(Object) i)
class Abstract(T) : Interface!(T)
abstract void foo52();
class Concrete(T) : Abstract!(T)
override void foo52() { printf("Concrete.foo52(this = %p)\n", this); }
class Sub(T) : Concrete!(T)
void test52()
Sub!(Object) s = new Sub!(Object)();
class Foo53
template tmethod (T)
public static void tmethod (T param)
printf("param = %d\n", param);
assert(param == 42);
void test53()
Foo53 foo = new Foo53;
class Foo54
template func(W) {
static void foo(W w) { printf("W_I %d\n", w); assert(w == 3); }
static int xx;
void test54() {
Foo54 c = new Foo54();
c.func!(int).xx = 4;
template T55(S)
struct Foo55
static Foo55 test(Foo55 f)
Foo55 a = f;
return f;
alias T55!(char).Foo55 Foo55;
alias T55!(char).Foo55 Bar55;
void test55()
Bar55 a;
Foo55 b;
template CT56(T)
class C
const char[][1] arrArr=["foo" ];
void test56()
alias CT56!(int) Ct;
Ct.C c= new Ct.C();
printf("%.*s\n", c.arrArr[0].length, c.arrArr[0].ptr);
assert(c.arrArr[0] == "foo");
template foo57(T : int = int)
T x = 3;
void test57()
printf("%d\n", foo57!().x);
assert(foo57!().x == 3);
template Foo58(T, U = T)
U x = 3;
void test58()
alias Foo58!(int) f;
assert(f.x == 3);
assert(f.x.sizeof == 4);
template Foo59(T, U = T*)
shared T x = 3;
shared U px = &x;
void test59()
alias Foo59!(uint) f;
assert(f.x == 3);
assert(f.x.sizeof == 4);
assert(*f.px == 3);
alias Foo59!(long) g;
assert(g.x == 3);
assert(g.x.sizeof == 8);
assert(*g.px == 3);
class A60
template B60(T, U = short)
struct Thing
T t;
U u;
template C60(T, U = A60)
class C60
: U
class C2
void test60()
B60!(int, long).Thing thing1;
B60!(int).Thing thing2;
printf("thing1.sizeof: %u\n", thing1.sizeof);
printf("thing2.sizeof: %u\n", thing2.sizeof);
assert(thing1.sizeof == long.alignof + long.sizeof);
assert(thing2.sizeof == 8);
C60!(int /*,A60*/ ) container1;
printf("container1.sizeof: %u\n", container1.sizeof);
assert(container1.sizeof == (void*).sizeof);
struct Foo61
int a;
template Bar(T)
T abc() { return a; }
int def() { return 4; }
void test61()
Foo61 *f = new Foo61();
int i;
f.a = 3;
i = f.def();
assert(i == 4);
i = f.Bar!(int).abc();
assert(i == 3);
Foo61 g;
g.a = 3;
i = g.def();
assert(i == 4);
i = g.Bar!(int).abc();
assert(i == 3);
class Foo62(T)
template Bar(T)
int func() { return 3; }
void test62()
Foo62!(int) x = new Foo62!(int);
assert(x.Bar!(int).func() == 3);
class Foo63(T)
template Bar(T)
int func() { this.def(); return 3; }
int func2() { return 4; }
void def()
assert(Bar!(T).func2() == 4);
void test63()
Foo63!(int) x = new Foo63!(int);
assert(x.Bar!(int).func() == 3);
struct XVector(qfloat)
qfloat x;qfloat y;qfloat z;
static int opCall (qfloat x, qfloat y, qfloat z) { return 8; }
void test64()
int i;
i = XVector!(int)(1,2,3);
assert(i == 8);
i = XVector!(real).opCall(1,2,3);
assert(i == 8);
// http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/28052.html
alias int value_type;
struct Foo65
uint length() { return 47; }
size_t test()
value_type[] e = new value_type[length];
return e.length;
void test65()
Foo65 f;
assert(f.test() == 47);
class Thing66
template print(T2)
void print(T2 t)
printf("t = %d\n", t);
assert(t == 10);
void test66()
Thing66 thing = new Thing66;
template Foo67(alias T)
void Foo67()
printf("T = '%.*s'\n", T.length, T.ptr);
assert(T == "hello");
void test67()
static string x = "hello";
template T68(int a) {
int vec[a];
void test68()
int i;
i = T68!(4>1?4:1).vec[0];
assert(i == 0);
i = T68!(4==1?1:(1==1?4:(4>1?1:4))).vec[0];
assert(i == 0);
size_t printx(string s)
printf("s = '%.*s'\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return s.length;
size_t printx(int i)
printf("i = %d\n", i);
return 28;
template Foo69(alias T)
size_t Foo69()
return printx(T);
void test69()
static string x = "hello";
static string z = "abc";
static int y=100;
size_t i;
alias Foo69!(x) foox;
alias Foo69!(y) fooy;
i = Foo69!(x)();
assert(i == 5);
i = Foo69!(y)();
assert(i == 28);
i = Foo69!(z)();
assert(i == 3);
i = foox();
assert(i == 5);
i = fooy();
assert(i == 28);
template temptt70(alias func)
void temp()
int x70;
void myfunc70()
x70 = 6;
alias temptt70!(myfunc70).temp foo70;
void test70()
assert(x70 == 6);
struct A71(T)
alias .A71!(T) AT;
int x;
alias A71!(int) Aint71;
void test71()
Aint71.AT a;
a.x = 3;
template foo72(T)
char[] foo72(T d)
uint sz = typeof(d[0]).sizeof * 2;
return null;
void test72()
static ulong[5] a = [0,1,2,3,4];
static uint[5] b = [0,1,2,3,4];
char[] r;
r = foo72!(ulong[5])(a); printf("%.*s\n", r.length, r.ptr);
r = foo72!(uint[5])(b); printf("%.*s\n", r.length, r.ptr);
alias int Int73;
class Test73(T = Int73);
alias Test73!() Foo73;
void test73()
class A74
alias A74 atype;
int x;
class B74(R, int V = R.sizeof)
int v = V;
void test74()
B74!(A74,3) b = new B74!(A74,3)();
assert(b.v == 3);
B74!(A74) c = new B74!(A74)();
assert(c.v == A74.sizeof);
interface NotionalRange75(V)
class MatchedNotionalRange75(R)
: NotionalRange75!(R.value_type)
class Range75
alias int value_type;
class List75
MatchedNotionalRange75!(Range75) x;
void test75()
interface Indian(T)
interface Iterable(T)
Indian!(T) foo();
class Lope(T) : Iterable!(T)
Indian!(T) foo()
return new Corn!(T);
class Corn(T) : Indian!(T)
void test76()
Lope!(int) x = new Lope!(int);
class RawFile
class Stream : RawFile
template readLineT(T) { bool readLineT()
if (super)
return false;
return true;
bool readLine()
return readLineT!(int)();
void test77()
class Four(U, V, X, Y)
U i; V j; X k; Y l;
template WhatFour(U,V,X,Y)
int func(Four!(U,V,X,Y) four)
printf("general template\n");
return 1;
template WhatFour(U:int,V,X,Y)
int func(Four!(int,V,X,Y) four)
printf("specialization:: first int\n");
return 2;
template WhatFour(U,V:U,X,Y:X)
int func(Four!(U,U,X,X) four)
printf("specialization:: first two equal, second two equal\n");
return 3;
alias WhatFour!(int,float,char,bool).func whatfour;
alias WhatFour!(float,float,char,bool).func whatfour;
alias WhatFour!(float,float,char,char).func whatfour;
alias WhatFour!(int,int,float,char).func whatfour; // ambiguous match
void test78()
{ int j;
Four!(int,float,char,bool) f;
Four!(float,float,char,bool) g;
Four!(float,float,char,char) h;
Four!(int,int,float,char) i;
j = whatfour(f);
assert(j == 2);
j = whatfour(g);
assert(j == 1);
j = whatfour(h);
assert(j == 3);
j = whatfour(i);
assert(j == 2);
will print:
specialization:: first int
general template
specialization:: first two equal, second two equal
specialization:: first int
// http://www.digitalmars.com/pnews/read.php?server=news.digitalmars.com&group=digitalmars.D.bugs&artnum=2117
class Conversion(T,U){
alias char Small;
class Big{
char[2] dummy;
static Small Test(U u);
static Big Test(...);
static T MakeT();
enum {
exists = (Test(MakeT())).sizeof == (Small).sizeof
void variadicDummy(...){
void test79()
class A80(T)
T s;
int foo(int delegate (T) d) { return 3 + d(s); }
int bar()
return foo(delegate int (T t) { return 6 + t.x; });
class B80: A80!(B80)
int x = 20;
class C80: A80!(C80)
int y = 3;
int x = 10;
void test80()
B80 b = new B80();
C80 c = new C80();
b.s = b;
c.s = c;
assert(b.bar() == 9+20);
assert(c.bar() == 9+10);
struct T81(FOO)
S81 s;
struct S81
T81!(int)* pt;
void test81()
T foo82(T : const(U)*, U=char)(T t)
return null;
void test82()
{ int i;
const int ci;
assert(typeof(foo82(&ci)).stringof == "const(int)*");
assert(typeof(foo82(&i)).stringof == "int*");
struct A83
void foo(int) {}
void bar(T)(T) {}
void test83()
A83 a;
a.foo = 5;
a.bar = 6;
int main()
// test19();
return 0;