2065 lines
41 KiB
2065 lines
41 KiB
// PERMUTE_ARGS: -inline -O -property
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -dip25
// Test operator overloading
extern (C) int printf(const(char*) fmt, ...);
template Seq(T...){ alias T Seq; }
bool thrown(E, T)(lazy T val)
try { val(); return false; }
catch (E e) { return true; }
void stompStack() { int[256] sa = 0xdeadbeef; }
class A
string opUnary(string s)()
printf("A.opUnary!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return s;
void test1()
auto a = new A();
auto x = a++;
assert(x == a);
auto y = a--;
assert(y == a);
class A2
T opCast(T)()
auto s = T.stringof;
printf("A.opCast!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return T.init;
void test2()
auto a = new A2();
auto x = cast(int)a;
assert(x == 0);
auto y = cast(char)a;
assert(y == char.init);
struct A3
int opBinary(string s)(int i)
printf("A.opBinary!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
int opBinaryRight(string s)(int i) if (s == "/" || s == "*")
printf("A.opBinaryRight!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
T opCast(T)()
auto s = T.stringof;
printf("A.opCast!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return T.init;
void test3()
A3 a;
a + 3;
4 * a;
4 / a;
a & 5;
struct A4
int opUnary(string s)()
printf("A.opUnary!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
T opCast(T)()
auto s = T.stringof;
printf("A.opCast!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return T.init;
void test4()
A4 a;
if (a)
int x = 3;
if (!a)
int x = 3;
if (!!a)
int x = 3;
class A5
override bool opEquals(Object o)
printf("A.opEquals!(%p)\n", o);
return 1;
int opUnary(string s)()
printf("A.opUnary!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
T opCast(T)()
auto s = T.stringof;
printf("A.opCast!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return T.init;
class B5 : A5
override bool opEquals(Object o)
printf("B.opEquals!(%p)\n", o);
return 1;
void test5()
A5 a = new A5();
A5 a2 = new A5();
B5 b = new B5();
A n = null;
if (a == a)
int x = 3;
if (a == a2)
int x = 3;
if (a == b)
int x = 3;
if (a == n)
int x = 3;
if (n == a)
int x = 3;
if (n == n)
int x = 3;
struct S6
const bool opEquals(ref const S6 b)
printf("S.opEquals(S %p)\n", &b);
return true;
const bool opEquals(ref const T6 b)
printf("S.opEquals(T %p)\n", &b);
return true;
struct T6
const bool opEquals(ref const T6 b)
printf("T.opEquals(T %p)\n", &b);
return true;
const bool opEquals(ref const S6 b)
printf("T.opEquals(S %p)\n", &b);
return true;
void test6()
S6 s1;
S6 s2;
if (s1 == s2)
int x = 3;
T6 t;
if (s1 == t)
int x = 3;
if (t == s2)
int x = 3;
struct S7
const int opCmp(ref const S7 b)
printf("S.opCmp(S %p)\n", &b);
return -1;
const int opCmp(ref const T7 b)
printf("S.opCmp(T %p)\n", &b);
return -1;
struct T7
const int opCmp(ref const T7 b)
printf("T.opCmp(T %p)\n", &b);
return -1;
const int opCmp(ref const S7 b)
printf("T.opCmp(S %p)\n", &b);
return -1;
void test7()
S7 s1;
S7 s2;
if (s1 < s2)
int x = 3;
T7 t;
if (s1 < t)
int x = 3;
if (t < s2)
int x = 3;
struct A8
int opUnary(string s)()
printf("A.opUnary!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
int opIndexUnary(string s, T)(T i)
printf("A.opIndexUnary!(%.*s)(%d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, i);
return 0;
int opIndexUnary(string s, T)(T i, T j)
printf("A.opIndexUnary!(%.*s)(%d, %d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, i, j);
return 0;
int opSliceUnary(string s)()
printf("A.opSliceUnary!(%.*s)()\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
int opSliceUnary(string s, T)(T i, T j)
printf("A.opSliceUnary!(%.*s)(%d, %d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, i, j);
return 0;
void test8()
A8 a;
-a[3, 4];
-a[5 .. 6];
struct A9
int opOpAssign(string s)(int i)
printf("A.opOpAssign!(%.*s)\n", s.length, s.ptr);
return 0;
int opIndexOpAssign(string s, T)(int v, T i)
printf("A.opIndexOpAssign!(%.*s)(%d, %d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, v, i);
return 0;
int opIndexOpAssign(string s, T)(int v, T i, T j)
printf("A.opIndexOpAssign!(%.*s)(%d, %d, %d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, v, i, j);
return 0;
int opSliceOpAssign(string s)(int v)
printf("A.opSliceOpAssign!(%.*s)(%d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, v);
return 0;
int opSliceOpAssign(string s, T)(int v, T i, T j)
printf("A.opSliceOpAssign!(%.*s)(%d, %d, %d)\n", s.length, s.ptr, v, i, j);
return 0;
void test9()
A9 a;
a += 8;
a -= 8;
a *= 8;
a /= 8;
a %= 8;
a &= 8;
a |= 8;
a ^= 8;
a <<= 8;
a >>= 8;
a >>>= 8;
a ~= 8;
a ^^= 8;
a[3] += 8;
a[3] -= 8;
a[3] *= 8;
a[3] /= 8;
a[3] %= 8;
a[3] &= 8;
a[3] |= 8;
a[3] ^= 8;
a[3] <<= 8;
a[3] >>= 8;
a[3] >>>= 8;
a[3] ~= 8;
a[3] ^^= 8;
a[3, 4] += 8;
a[] += 8;
a[5 .. 6] += 8;
struct BigInt
int opEquals(T)(T n) const
return 1;
int opEquals(T:int)(T n) const
return 1;
int opEquals(T:const(BigInt))(T n) const
return 1;
int decimal(BigInt b, const BigInt c)
while (b != c) {
return 1;
struct Foo10
int opUnary(string op)() { return 1; }
void test10()
Foo10 foo;
struct S4913
bool opCast(T : bool)() { return true; }
int bug4913()
if (S4913 s = S4913()) { return 83; }
return 9;
static assert(bug4913() == 83);
// 5551
struct Foo11 {
Foo11 opUnary(string op:"++")() {
return this;
Foo11 opBinary(string op)(int y) {
return this;
void test11()
auto f = Foo11();
// 4099
struct X4099
int x;
alias x this;
typeof(this) opUnary (string operator) ()
printf("operator called\n");
return this;
void test4099()
X4099 x;
X4099 r1 = ++x; //operator called
X4099 r2 = x++; //BUG! (alias this used. returns int)
void test12()
static int opeq;
// xopEquals OK
static struct S1a { const bool opEquals( const typeof(this) rhs) { ++opeq; return false; } }
static struct S1b { const bool opEquals(ref const typeof(this) rhs) { ++opeq; return false; } }
static struct S1c { const bool opEquals( typeof(this) rhs) { ++opeq; return false; } }
// xopEquals NG
static struct S2a { bool opEquals( typeof(this) rhs) { ++opeq; return false; } }
foreach (S; Seq!(S1a, S1b, S1c))
S s;
opeq = 0;
assert(s != s); // call opEquals directly
assert(!typeid(S).equals(&s, &s)); // -> xopEquals (-> __xopEquals) -> opEquals
assert(opeq == 2);
foreach (S; Seq!(S2a))
S s;
opeq = 0;
assert(s != s);
assert(thrown!Error(!typeid(S).equals(&s, &s)));
// Error("notImplemented") thrown
assert(opeq == 1);
void test13()
static int opeq;
struct X
const bool opEquals(const X){ ++opeq; return false; }
struct S
X x;
S makeS(){ return S(); }
S s;
opeq = 0;
assert(s != s);
assert(makeS() != s);
assert(s != makeS());
assert(makeS() != makeS());
assert(opeq == 4);
// built-in opEquals == const bool opEquals(const S rhs);
assert(s != s);
assert(opeq == 5);
// xopEquals
assert(!typeid(S).equals(&s, &s));
assert(opeq == 6);
void test14()
static int opeq;
struct S
const bool opEquals(T)(const T rhs) { ++opeq; return false; }
S makeS(){ return S(); }
S s;
opeq = 0;
assert(s != s);
assert(makeS() != s);
assert(s != makeS());
assert(makeS() != makeS());
assert(opeq == 4);
// xopEquals (-> __xxopEquals) -> template opEquals
assert(!typeid(S).equals(&s, &s));
assert(opeq == 5);
void test15()
struct S
const bool opEquals(T)(const(T) rhs)
if (!is(T == S))
{ return false; }
@disable const bool opEquals(T)(const(T) rhs)
if (is(T == S))
{ return false; }
S makeS(){ return S(); }
S s;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s != s));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, makeS() != s));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s != makeS()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, makeS() != makeS()));
// xopEquals (-> __xxopEquals) -> Error thrown
assert(thrown!Error(!typeid(S).equals(&s, &s)));
void test16()
struct X
int n;
const bool opEquals(T)(T t)
return false;
struct S
X x;
S s1, s2;
assert(s1 != s2);
// field template opEquals should call
void test17()
static int opeq = 0;
struct S
bool opEquals(ref S rhs) { ++opeq; return false; }
S[] sa1 = new S[3];
S[] sa2 = new S[3];
assert(sa1 != sa2); // isn't used TypeInfo.equals
assert(opeq == 1);
const(S)[] csa = new const(S)[3];
static assert(!__traits(compiles, csa == sa1));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, sa1 == csa));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, csa == csa));
// 3789
bool test3789()
static struct Float
double x;
Float f;
assert(f.x != f.x); // NaN != NaN
assert(f != f);
static struct Array
int[] x;
Array a1 = Array([1,2,3].dup);
Array a2 = Array([1,2,3].dup);
if (!__ctfe)
{ // Currently doesn't work this in CTFE - may or may not a bug.
assert(a1.x !is a2.x);
assert(a1.x == a2.x);
assert(a1 == a2);
static struct AA
int[int] x;
AA aa1 = AA([1:1,2:2,3:3]);
AA aa2 = AA([1:1,2:2,3:3]);
if (!__ctfe)
{ // Currently doesn't work this in CTFE - may or may not a bug.
assert(aa1.x !is aa2.x);
if (!__ctfe)
{ // This is definitely a bug. Should work in CTFE.
assert(aa1.x == aa2.x);
assert(aa1 == aa2);
if (!__ctfe)
{ // Currently union operation is not supported in CTFE.
union U1
double x;
static struct UnionA
int[] a;
U1 u;
auto ua1 = UnionA([1,2,3]);
auto ua2 = UnionA([1,2,3]);
assert(ua1.u.x is ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1.u.x != ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1 == ua2);
ua1.u.x = 1.0;
ua2.u.x = 1.0;
assert(ua1.u.x is ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1.u.x == ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1 == ua2);
ua1.u.x = double.nan;
assert(ua1.u.x !is ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1.u.x != ua2.u.x);
assert(ua1 != ua2);
union U2
int[] a;
static struct UnionB
double x;
U2 u;
auto ub1 = UnionB(1.0);
auto ub2 = UnionB(1.0);
assert(ub1 == ub2);
ub1.u.a = [1,2,3].dup;
ub2.u.a = [1,2,3].dup;
assert(ub1.u.a !is ub2.u.a);
assert(ub1.u.a == ub2.u.a);
assert(ub1 != ub2);
ub2.u.a = ub1.u.a;
assert(ub1.u.a is ub2.u.a);
assert(ub1.u.a == ub2.u.a);
assert(ub1 == ub2);
if (!__ctfe)
{ // This is definitely a bug. Should work in CTFE.
static struct Class
Object x;
static class X
override bool opEquals(Object o){ return true; }
Class c1a = Class(new Object());
Class c2a = Class(new Object());
assert(c1a.x !is c2a.x);
assert(c1a.x != c2a.x);
assert(c1a != c2a); // Pass, Object.opEquals works like bitwise compare
Class c1b = Class(new X());
Class c2b = Class(new X());
assert(c1b.x !is c2b.x);
assert(c1b.x == c2b.x);
assert(c1b == c2b); // Fails, should pass
return true;
static assert(test3789());
// 10037
struct S10037
bool opEquals(ref const S10037) { assert(0); }
struct T10037
S10037 s;
// Compiler should not generate 'opEquals' here implicitly:
struct Sub10037(TL...)
TL data;
int value;
alias value this;
void test10037()
S10037 s;
T10037 t;
static assert( __traits(hasMember, S10037, "opEquals"));
static assert(!__traits(hasMember, T10037, "opEquals"));
assert(thrown!Error(s == s));
assert(thrown!Error(t == t));
Sub10037!(S10037) lhs;
Sub10037!(S10037) rhs;
static assert(!__traits(hasMember, Sub10037!(S10037), "opEquals"));
assert(lhs == rhs); // lowered to: lhs.value == rhs.value
// 5810
struct Bug5810
void opUnary(string op)() {}
struct Foo5810
Bug5810 x;
void bar() { x++; }
// 6798
struct Tuple6798(T...)
T field;
alias field this;
bool opEquals(Tuple6798 rhs)
foreach (i, _; T)
if (this[i] != rhs[i])
return false;
return true;
auto tuple6798(T...)(T args)
return Tuple6798!T(args);
int test6798a()
//import std.typecons;
alias tuple6798 tuple;
static struct S1
auto opDollar(size_t dim)()
return 99;
auto opSlice(int dim)(int lwr, int upr)
return [dim, lwr, upr];
auto opIndex(A...)(A indices)
return tuple(" []", indices);
auto opIndexUnary(string op, A...)(A indices)
return tuple(op~"[]", indices);
auto opIndexAssign(A...)(string s, A indices)
return tuple("[] =", s, indices);
auto opIndexOpAssign(string op, A...)(string s, A indices)
return tuple("[]"~op~"=", s, indices);
S1 s1;
assert( s1[] == tuple(" []"));
assert( s1[10] == tuple(" []", 10));
assert( s1[10, 20] == tuple(" []", 10, 20));
assert( s1[10..20] == tuple(" []", [0, 10, 20]));
assert(+s1[] == tuple("+[]"));
assert(-s1[10] == tuple("-[]", 10));
assert(*s1[10, 20] == tuple("*[]", 10, 20));
assert(~s1[10..20] == tuple("~[]", [0, 10, 20]));
assert((s1[] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x"));
assert((s1[10] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x", 10));
assert((s1[10, 20] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x", 10, 20));
assert((s1[10..20] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x", [0, 10, 20]));
assert((s1[] +="x") == tuple("[]+=", "x"));
assert((s1[10] -="x") == tuple("[]-=", "x", 10));
assert((s1[10, 20]*="x") == tuple("[]*=", "x", 10, 20));
assert((s1[10..20]~="x") == tuple("[]~=", "x", [0, 10, 20]));
assert( s1[20..30, 10] == tuple(" []", [0, 20, 30], 10));
assert( s1[10, 10..$, $-4, $..2] == tuple(" []", 10, [1,10,99], 99-4, [3,99,2]));
assert(+s1[20..30, 10] == tuple("+[]", [0, 20, 30], 10));
assert(-s1[10, 10..$, $-4, $..2] == tuple("-[]", 10, [1,10,99], 99-4, [3,99,2]));
assert((s1[20..30, 10] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x", [0, 20, 30], 10));
assert((s1[10, 10..$, $-4, $..2] ="x") == tuple("[] =", "x", 10, [1,10,99], 99-4, [3,99,2]));
assert((s1[20..30, 10] +="x") == tuple("[]+=", "x", [0, 20, 30], 10));
assert((s1[10, 10..$, $-4, $..2]-="x") == tuple("[]-=", "x", 10, [1,10,99], 99-4, [3,99,2]));
// opIndex exist, but opSlice for multi-dimensional doesn't.
static struct S2
auto opSlice(size_t dim)() { return [dim]; }
auto opSlice()(size_t lwr, size_t upr) { return [lwr, upr]; }
auto opIndex(A...)(A indices){ return [[indices]]; }
S2 s2;
assert(s2[] == [[]]);
assert(s2[1] == [[1]]);
assert(s2[1, 2] == [[1, 2]]);
assert(s2[1..2] == [1, 2]);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s2[1, 2..3] ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s2[1..2, 2..3] ));
// opSlice for multi-dimensional exists, but opIndex for that doesn't.
static struct S3
auto opSlice(size_t dim)(size_t lwr, size_t upr) { return [lwr, upr]; }
auto opIndex(size_t n){ return [[n]]; }
auto opIndex(size_t n, size_t m){ return [[n, m]]; }
S3 s3;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s3[] ));
assert(s3[1] == [[1]]);
assert(s3[1, 2] == [[1, 2]]);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s3[1..2] ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s3[1, 2..3] ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s3[1..2, 2..3] ));
return 0;
int test6798b()
static struct Typedef(T)
private T Typedef_payload = T.init;
alias a = Typedef_payload;
auto ref opIndex(this X, D...)(auto ref D i) { return a[i]; }
auto ref opSlice(this X )() { return a[]; }
auto ref opSlice(this X, B, E)(auto ref B b, auto ref E e)
assert(b == 0 && e == 3);
return a[b..e];
template opDispatch(string name)
// field or property function
@property auto ref opDispatch(this X)() { return mixin("a."~name); }
@property auto ref opDispatch(this X, V)(auto ref V v) { return mixin("a."~name~" = v"); }
static if (is(typeof(a) : E[], E))
auto opDollar() const { return a.length; }
Typedef!(int[]) dollar2;
dollar2.length = 3;
assert(dollar2.Typedef_payload.length == 3);
assert(dollar2[0 .. $] is dollar2[0 .. 3]);
return 0;
int test6798c()
alias T = Tuple6798!(int, int);
auto n = T[].init;
static assert(is(typeof(n[0]) == Tuple6798!(int, int)));
return 0;
void test6798()
static assert(test6798a() == 0); // CTFE check
static assert(test6798b() == 0);
static assert(test6798c() == 0);
// 12382
struct S12382
size_t opDollar() { return 0; }
size_t opIndex(size_t) { return 0; }
S12382 func12382() { return S12382(); }
static assert(S12382.init[$] == 0);
static assert(func12382()[$] == 0);
enum e12382a = S12382.init[$];
enum e12382b = func12382()[$];
static v12382a = S12382.init[$];
static v12382b = func12382()[$];
void test12382()
static assert(S12382.init[$] == 0);
static assert(func12382()[$] == 0);
enum e12382a = S12382.init[$];
enum e12382b = func12382()[$];
static v12382a = S12382.init[$];
static v12382b = func12382()[$];
// 12904
struct S12904
void opIndexAssign(U, A...)(U value, A args)
static assert(0);
void opSliceAssign(int n)
assert(n == 10);
size_t opDollar(size_t dim)()
return 7;
int opSlice(size_t dim)(size_t, size_t to)
assert(to == 7);
return 1;
int opIndex(int i1, int i2)
assert(i1 == 1 && i2 == 1);
return 10;
void test12904()
S12904 s;
s[] = s[0..$, 1];
s[] = s[0..$, 0..$];
// 7641
mixin template Proxy7641(alias a)
auto ref opBinaryRight(string op, B)(auto ref B b)
return mixin("b "~op~" a");
struct Typedef7641(T)
private T Typedef_payload;
this(T init)
Typedef_payload = init;
mixin Proxy7641!Typedef_payload;
void test7641()
class C {}
C c1 = new C();
auto a = Typedef7641!C(c1);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { C c2 = a; }));
// 8434
void test8434()
static class Vector2D(T)
T x, y;
this(T x, T y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
U opCast(U)() const { assert(0); }
alias Vector2D!(short) Vector2s;
alias Vector2D!(float) Vector2f;
Vector2s vs1 = new Vector2s(42, 23);
Vector2s vs2 = new Vector2s(42, 23);
assert(vs1 != vs2);
void test18()
// one dimensional indexing
static struct IndexExp
int[] opIndex(int a)
return [a];
int[] opIndexUnary(string op)(int a)
return [a];
int[] opIndexAssign(int val, int a)
return [val, a];
int[] opIndexOpAssign(string op)(int val, int a)
return [val, a];
int opDollar()
return 8;
IndexExp index;
// opIndex
assert(index[8] == [8]);
assert(index[$] == [8]);
assert(index[$-1] == [7]);
assert(index[$-$/2] == [4]);
// opIndexUnary
assert(-index[8] == [8]);
assert(-index[$] == [8]);
assert(-index[$-1] == [7]);
assert(-index[$-$/2] == [4]);
// opIndexAssign
assert((index[8] = 2) == [2, 8]);
assert((index[$] = 2) == [2, 8]);
assert((index[$-1] = 2) == [2, 7]);
assert((index[$-$/2] = 2) == [2, 4]);
// opIndexOpAssign
assert((index[8] += 2) == [2, 8]);
assert((index[$] += 2) == [2, 8]);
assert((index[$-1] += 2) == [2, 7]);
assert((index[$-$/2] += 2) == [2, 4]);
// opDollar is only one-dimensional
static assert(!is(typeof(index[$, $])));
static assert(!is(typeof(-index[$, $])));
static assert(!is(typeof(index[$, $] = 2)));
static assert(!is(typeof(index[$, $] += 2)));
// multi dimensional indexing
static struct ArrayExp
int[] opIndex(int a, int b)
return [a, b];
int[] opIndexUnary(string op)(int a, int b)
return [a, b];
int[] opIndexAssign(int val, int a, int b)
return [val, a, b];
int[] opIndexOpAssign(string op)(int val, int a, int b)
return [val, a, b];
int opDollar(int dim)()
return dim;
ArrayExp array;
// opIndex
assert(array[8, 8] == [8, 8]);
assert(array[$, $] == [0, 1]);
assert(array[$, $-1] == [0, 0]);
assert(array[2, $-$/2] == [2, 1]);
// opIndexUnary
assert(-array[8, 8] == [8, 8]);
assert(-array[$, $] == [0, 1]);
assert(-array[$, $-1] == [0, 0]);
assert(-array[2, $-$/2] == [2, 1]);
// opIndexAssign
assert((array[8, 8] = 2) == [2, 8, 8]);
assert((array[$, $] = 2) == [2, 0, 1]);
assert((array[$, $-1] = 2) == [2, 0, 0]);
assert((array[2, $-$/2] = 2) == [2, 2, 1]);
// opIndexOpAssign
assert((array[8, 8] += 2) == [2, 8, 8]);
assert((array[$, $] += 2) == [2, 0, 1]);
assert((array[$, $-1] += 2) == [2, 0, 0]);
assert((array[2, $-$/2] += 2) == [2, 2, 1]);
// one dimensional slicing
static struct SliceExp
int[] opSlice(int a, int b)
return [a, b];
int[] opSliceUnary(string op)(int a, int b)
return [a, b];
int[] opSliceAssign(int val, int a, int b)
return [val, a, b];
int[] opSliceOpAssign(string op)(int val, int a, int b)
return [val, a, b];
int opDollar()
return 8;
SliceExp slice;
// opSlice
assert(slice[0 .. 8] == [0, 8]);
assert(slice[0 .. $] == [0, 8]);
assert(slice[0 .. $-1] == [0, 7]);
assert(slice[$-3 .. $-1] == [5, 7]);
// opSliceUnary
assert(-slice[0 .. 8] == [0, 8]);
assert(-slice[0 .. $] == [0, 8]);
assert(-slice[0 .. $-1] == [0, 7]);
assert(-slice[$-3 .. $-1] == [5, 7]);
// opSliceAssign
assert((slice[0 .. 8] = 2) == [2, 0, 8]);
assert((slice[0 .. $] = 2) == [2, 0, 8]);
assert((slice[0 .. $-1] = 2) == [2, 0, 7]);
assert((slice[$-3 .. $-1] = 2) == [2, 5, 7]);
// opSliceOpAssign
assert((slice[0 .. 8] += 2) == [2, 0, 8]);
assert((slice[0 .. $] += 2) == [2, 0, 8]);
assert((slice[0 .. $-1] += 2) == [2, 0, 7]);
assert((slice[$-3 .. $-1] += 2) == [2, 5, 7]);
// test different kinds of opDollar
auto dollar(string opDollar)()
static struct Dollar
size_t opIndex(size_t a) { return a; }
Dollar d;
return d[$];
assert(dollar!q{@property size_t opDollar() { return 8; }}() == 8);
assert(dollar!q{template opDollar(size_t dim) { enum opDollar = dim; }}() == 0);
assert(dollar!q{static const size_t opDollar = 8;}() == 8);
assert(dollar!q{enum opDollar = 8;}() == 8);
assert(dollar!q{size_t length() { return 8; } alias length opDollar;}() == 8);
void test19()
static struct Foo
int[] opSlice(int a, int b)
return [a, b];
int opDollar(int dim)()
return dim;
Foo foo;
assert(foo[0 .. $] == [0, 0]);
// 9453
struct Foo9453
static int ctor = 0;
this(string bar) { ++ctor; }
void opIndex(size_t i) const {}
void opSlice(size_t s, size_t e) const {}
size_t opDollar(int dim)() const if (dim == 0) { return 1; }
void test9453()
assert(Foo9453.ctor == 0); Foo9453("bar")[$-1];
assert(Foo9453.ctor == 1); Foo9453("bar")[0..$];
assert(Foo9453.ctor == 2);
// 9496
struct S9496
static S9496* ptr;
size_t opDollar()
assert(ptr is &this);
return 10;
void opSlice(size_t , size_t)
assert(ptr is &this);
void getSlice()
assert(ptr is &this);
this[1 .. opDollar()];
this[1 .. $];
void test9496()
S9496 s;
S9496.ptr = &s;
s[1 .. $];
// 9689
struct B9689(T)
T val;
@disable this(this);
bool opEquals(this X, B)(auto ref B b)
//pragma(msg, "+", X, ", B = ", B, ", ref = ", __traits(isRef, b));
return this.val == b.val;
//pragma(msg, "-", X, ", B = ", B, ", ref = ", __traits(isRef, b));
struct S9689
B9689!int num;
void test9689()
B9689!S9689 b;
// 9694
struct S9694
bool opEquals(ref S9694 rhs)
struct T9694
S9694 s;
void test9694()
T9694 t;
assert(thrown!Error(typeid(T9694).equals(&t, &t)));
// 10064
void test10064()
static struct S
int x = 3;
@disable this();
{ x = 7; }
int opSlice(size_t, size_t)
{ return 0; }
@property size_t opDollar()
assert(x == 7 || x == 3); // fails
assert(x == 7);
return 0;
auto x = S(0)[0 .. $];
// 12585
void test12585()
struct Bar
int opIndex(size_t index)
return 0;
struct Foo
Bar opIndex(size_t index)
throw new Exception("Fail");
Foo foo()
return Foo();
void catchStuff(E)(lazy E expression)
catch (Exception e) {}
catchStuff(foo()[0][0]); // OK <- NG
catchStuff(foo().opIndex(0)[0]); // OK
catchStuff(foo()[0].opIndex(0)); // OK
Foo f; catchStuff(f[0][0]); // OK
// 10394
void test10394()
alias Seq!(int, int) Pair;
Pair pair;
struct S1
int opBinary(string op)(Pair) { return 1; }
bool opEquals(Pair) { return true; }
int opOpAssign(string op)(Pair) { return 1; }
S1 s1;
assert((s1 + pair) == 1);
assert((s1 == pair) == true);
assert((s1 *= pair) == 1);
struct S2
int opBinaryRight(string op)(Pair lhs) { return 1; }
int opCmp(Pair) { return -1; }
S2 s2;
assert((pair in s2) == 1);
assert(s2 < pair);
// 10597
struct R10597
void opIndex(int) {}
void opSlice(int, int) {}
int opDollar();
R10597 r;
struct S10597
static assert(is(typeof(r[0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$]))); //fails
static assert(is(typeof(r[0..0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$..$]))); //fails
void foo()
static assert(is(typeof(r[0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[0..0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$..$]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$]))); //fails
static assert(is(typeof(r[0..0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$..$]))); //fails
void test10597()
static assert(is(typeof(r[0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[0..0]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(r[$..$]))); //ok
// 10567
// doesn't require thunk
struct S10567x1n { int value; int opCmp(ref const S10567x1n rhs) const { return 0; } }
// requires thunk
struct S10567y1n { int value; int opCmp(const S10567y1n rhs) const { return 0; } }
struct S10567y1t { int value; int opCmp(S)(const S rhs) const { return 0; } }
// doesn't support const comparison
struct S10567z1n { int value; int opCmp(const S10567z1n rhs) { return 0; } }
struct S10567z1t { int value; int opCmp(S)(const S rhs) { return 0; } }
struct S10567x2n { S10567x1n s; this(int n) { s = typeof(s)(n); } alias s this; }
struct S10567y2n { S10567y1n s; this(int n) { s = typeof(s)(n); } alias s this; }
struct S10567y2t { S10567y1t s; this(int n) { s = typeof(s)(n); } alias s this; }
struct S10567z2n { S10567z1n s; this(int n) { s = typeof(s)(n); } alias s this; }
struct S10567z2t { S10567z1t s; this(int n) { s = typeof(s)(n); } alias s this; }
struct S10567d1
int value;
int opDispatch(string name, S)(const S rhs) const if (name == "opCmp")
{ assert(0); }
struct S10567d2
int value;
template opDispatch(string name) if (name == "opCmp")
int opDispatch(const S rhs) const
{ assert(0); }
// recursive alias this + opCmp searching
struct S10567r1
static S10567r2 t;
ref S10567r2 payload() { return t; }
alias payload this;
int opCmp(const S10567r1 s) const { return 0; }
struct S10567r2
static S10567r1 s;
ref S10567r1 payload() { return s; }
alias payload this;
void test10567()
foreach (S; Seq!(S10567x1n/+, S10567x2n+/))
S sx = S(1);
S sy = S(2);
assert(!(sx < sy) && !(sx > sy));
assert(sx.opCmp(sy) == 0);
assert(typeid(S).compare(&sx, &sy) == 0);
static if (is(S == S10567x1n))
assert(cast(void*)typeid(S).xopCmp == cast(void*)&S.opCmp, S.stringof);
foreach (S; Seq!(S10567y1n, S10567y1t/+, S10567y2n, S10567y2t+/))
S sx = S(1);
S sy = S(2);
assert(!(sx < sy) && !(sx > sy));
assert(sx.opCmp(sy) == 0);
assert(typeid(S).compare(&sx, &sy) == 0);
foreach (S; Seq!(S10567z1n, S10567z1t/+, S10567z2n, S10567z2t+/))
S sx = S(1);
S sy = S(2);
assert(!(sx < sy) && !(sx > sy));
assert(sx.opCmp(sy) == 0);
auto x = typeid(S).compare(&sx, &sy);
catch (Error e) { assert(e.msg[$-15 .. $] == "not implemented"); }
foreach (S; Seq!(S10567d1, S10567d2))
int[S] aa;
aa[S(1)] = 10; aa[S(1)] = 1;
aa[S(2)] = 20; aa[S(2)] = 2;
assert(aa.length == 2);
foreach (k, v; aa)
assert(k.value == v);
S sx = S(1);
S sy = S(2);
// Don't invoke opDispatch!"opCmp"
assert(typeid(S).compare(&sx, &sy) != 0);
// 11062
struct S11062ia
struct S1
void opIndexAssign(int val, int key) {}
struct S2
S1 headers;
private S2 m_obj;
@property S2 get() { return m_obj; }
alias get this;
struct S11062sa
struct S1
void opSliceAssign(int val, int lwr, int upr) {}
struct S2
S1 headers;
private S2 m_obj;
@property S2 get() { return m_obj; }
alias get this;
void test11062()
auto sia = S11062ia();
sia.headers[1] = 1; // bug
auto ssa = S11062sa();
ssa.headers[1..2] = 1; // bug
// 11311
void test11311()
static int ctor, cpctor, dtor;
static struct S
this(int) { ++ctor; }
this(this) { ++cpctor; }
~this() { ++dtor; }
static struct Arr
S data;
ref S opIndex(int) return { return data; }
ref S opSlice(int, int) return { return data; }
Arr a = Arr(S(1));
assert(ctor == 1);
assert(cpctor == 0);
assert(dtor == 0);
auto getA1() { return a; }
//getA1().opIndex(1); // OK
getA1()[1]; // NG
assert(ctor == 1);
assert(cpctor == 1); // getA() returns a copy of a
assert(dtor == 1); // temporary returned by getA() should be destroyed
assert(dtor == 2);
assert(ctor + cpctor == dtor);
ctor = cpctor = dtor = 0;
Arr a = Arr(S(1));
assert(ctor == 1);
assert(cpctor == 0);
assert(dtor == 0);
auto getA2() { return a; }
//getA2().opSlice(1, 2); // OK
getA2()[1..2]; // NG
assert(ctor == 1);
assert(cpctor == 1); // getA() returns a copy of a
assert(dtor == 1); // temporary returned by getA() should be destroyed
assert(dtor == 2);
assert(ctor + cpctor == dtor);
// 12193
void test12193()
struct Foo
bool bar;
alias bar this;
void opOpAssign(string op)(size_t x)
bar = false;
Foo foo;
foo <<= 1;
// 14057
struct W14057
int[] subType;
alias subType this;
W14057 opSlice(size_t, size_t)
return this;
void test14057()
auto w = W14057();
W14057 w2 = w[0 .. 1337];
struct Tuple20(T...) { T field; alias field this; }
void test20a()
// ae1save in in AssignExp::semantic
int a, b;
struct A1
void opIndexAssign(int v, Tuple20!(int, int) ) { a = v; }
Tuple20!(int, int) opSlice(size_t dim)(int, int) { return typeof(return).init; }
struct A2
A1 a1;
alias a1 this;
int opIndexAssign(int) { return b; }
A2 foo() { return A2(); }
foo()[1..2] = 1;
// ref A1 __tmp = foo().a1; __tmp.opIndexAssign(1, __tmp.opSlice!0(1, 2));
assert(a == 1); // should work
assert(b == 0);
void test20b()
// ae1save in UnaExp::op_overload()
int a, b;
struct A1
void opIndexUnary(string op)(Tuple20!(int, int) ) { a = 1; }
Tuple20!(int, int) opSlice(size_t dim)(int, int) { return typeof(return).init; }
void dummy() {} // nessary to make A1 nested struct
struct A2
A1 a1;
alias a1 this;
int opIndexUnary(string op)(int) { return 0; }
A2 foo() { return A2(); }
// ref A1 __tmp = foo().a1; __tmp.opIndexUnary!"+"(__tmp.opSlice!0(1, 2));
assert(a == 1); // should pass
assert(b == 0);
void test20c()
// ae1save in ArrayExp::op_overload()
int a, b;
struct A1
void opIndex(Tuple20!(int, int) ) { a = 1; }
Tuple20!(int, int) opSlice(size_t dim)(int, int) { return typeof(return).init; }
struct A2
A1 a1;
alias a1 this;
int opIndex(int) { return 0; }
A2 foo() { return A2(); }
// ref A1 __tmp = foo().a1; __tmp.opIndex(__tmp.opSlice!0(1, 2));
assert(a == 1); // should pass
assert(b == 0);
void test20d()
// ae1save in BinAssignExp::op_overload()
int a, b;
struct A1
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(int v, Tuple20!(int, int) ) { a = v; }
Tuple20!(int, int) opSlice(size_t dim)(int, int) { return typeof(return).init; }
void dummy() {} // nessary to make A1 nested struct
struct A2
A1 a1;
alias a1 this;
ref int opIndexOpAssign(alias op)(int) { return b; }
A2 foo() { return A2(); }
foo()[1..2] += 1;
// ref A1 __tmp = foo().a1; __tmp.opIndexOpAssign!"+"(1, __tmp.opSlice!0(1, 2));
assert(a == 1); // should pass
assert(b == 0);
// 14624
void test14624()
struct A1
int x;
ref int opIndex() return { return x; }
ref int opSlice() { assert(0); }
A1 a = A1(1);
auto x = a[]; // a.opIndex()
assert(x == a.x);
auto y = -a[]; // -a.opIndex() <-- not found: a.opIndexUnary!"-"
assert(y == -a.x);
a[] = 1; // a.opIndex() = 1; <-- not found: a.opIndexAssign(int)
assert(a.x == 1);
a[] += 1; // a.opIndex() += 1; <-- not found: a.opIndexOpAssign!"+"(int)
assert(a.x == 2);
struct A2
int x;
ref int opIndex() return { x = 10; return x; }
ref int opSlice() { assert(0); }
ref int opSliceUnary(alias op)() { x = 11; return x; }
ref int opSliceAssign(int) return { x = 12; return x; }
ref int opSliceOpAssign(alias op)(int) { x = 13; return x; }
A2 a = A2(1);
auto x = a[]; // a.opIndex()
assert(a.x == 10);
auto y = -a[]; // a.opSliceUnary!"-"() is preferred than: -a.opIndex()
assert(a.x == 11);
a[] = 1; // a.opSliceAssign(1) is preferred than: a.opIndex() = 1;
assert(a.x == 12);
a[] += 1; // a.opSliceOpAssign!"+"(1) is preferred than: a.opIndex() += 1;
assert(a.x == 13);
// 14625
void test14625()
struct R
@property bool empty() { return true; }
@property int front() { return 0; }
void popFront() {}
struct C1
R opIndex() { return R(); }
R opSlice() { assert(0); }
C1 c1;
foreach (e; c1) {} // OK <- asserts in opSlice()
foreach (e; c1[]) {} // OK, opIndex()
struct C2
R opIndex() { return R(); }
C2 c2;
foreach (e; c2) {} // OK <- rejected
foreach (e; c2[]) {} // OK, opIndex()
int main()
return 0;