482 lines
12 KiB
482 lines
12 KiB
import std.stdio;
template cat1(T)
T cat1(T i) { return i + 1; }
void test1()
auto a = cat1(1);
assert(a == 2);
template cat2(T)
T cat2(T* p) { return *p + 1; }
void test2()
int i = 1;
auto a = cat2(&i);
assert(a == 2);
assert(typeid(typeof(a)) == typeid(int));
struct S3 { }
template cat3(T)
T cat3(T* p, S3 s) { return *p + 1; }
void test3()
S3 s;
int i = 1;
auto a = cat3(&i, s);
assert(a == 2);
assert(typeid(typeof(a)) == typeid(int));
template cat4(T, int N)
T cat4(T[N] p, T[N] q) { return p[0] + N; }
void test4()
int[3] i;
i[0] = 7;
i[1] = 8;
i[2] = 9;
auto a = cat4(i, i);
assert(a == 10);
assert(typeid(typeof(a)) == typeid(int));
template cat5(T, U=T*, int V=7)
T cat5(T x)
U u = &x;
return x + 3 + *u + V;
void test5()
int x = 2;
auto a = cat5(x);
assert(a == 14);
assert(typeid(typeof(a)) == typeid(int));
auto b = cat5!(int,int*,8)(x);
assert(b == 15);
assert(typeid(typeof(b)) == typeid(int));
int* pureMaker() pure
return [1,2,3,4].ptr + 1;
void testDIP29_1()
int* p;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { immutable x = p + 3; }));
immutable x = pureMaker() + 1;
immutable y = pureMaker() - 1;
immutable z = 1 + pureMaker();
int** pureMaker2() pure
int*[] da = [[11,12,13].ptr, [21,22,23].ptr, [31,32,33].ptr, [41,42,43].ptr];
return da.ptr + 1;
void testDIP29_2()
immutable x2 = pureMaker2() + 1;
immutable y2 = pureMaker2() - 1;
immutable z2 = 1 + pureMaker2();
int[] pureMaker3a() pure
return new int[4];
int* pureMaker3b() pure
return new int[4].ptr;
int[4] pureMaker3c() pure
int[4] buf;
return buf;
void testDIP29_3()
immutable x1 = pureMaker3a()[];
immutable x2 = pureMaker3a()[0..2];
immutable y2 = pureMaker3b()[0..2];
// Conversion from *rvalue* of mutable static array to immutable slice
immutable z1 = pureMaker3c()[];
immutable z2 = pureMaker3c()[0..2];
// Issue 12467 - conversion from lvalue of mutable static array to immutable slice
char[3] arr = "foo";
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { string str = arr[]; }));
import core.vararg;
int* maker() pure { return null; }
int* maker1(int *) pure { return null; }
int* function(int *) pure makerfp1;
int* maker2(int *, ...) pure { return null; }
int* maker3(int) pure { return null; }
int* maker4(ref int) pure { return null; }
int* maker5(ref immutable int) pure { return null; }
void testDIP29_4()
{ immutable x = maker1(maker()); }
{ immutable x = maker1(null); }
static assert(__traits(compiles, { immutable x = (*makerfp1)(maker()); }));
{ shared x = maker1(null); }
{ immutable x = maker2(null, 3); }
{ immutable int g; immutable x = maker2(null, 3, &g); }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int g; immutable x = maker2(null, 3, &g); }));
{ immutable x = maker3(1); }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int g; immutable x = maker4(g); }));
{ immutable int g; immutable x = maker5(g); }
// 14155
immutable int g14155;
static this() { g14155 = 1; }
int* make14155m ( int* p) pure { return null; }
const(int*) make14155c ( const(int*) p) pure { return &g14155; }
immutable(int*) make14155i ( immutable(int*) p) pure { return &g14155; }
shared(int*) make14155sm( shared(int*) p) pure { return null; }
shared(const int*) make14155sc(shared(const int*) p) pure { return &g14155; }
void test14155_for_testDIP29_4()
static assert( __traits(compiles, { int* p = make14155m (null); })); // m <- m (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const(int*) p = make14155m (null); })); // c <- m (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(int*) p = make14155m (null); })); // sm <- m (unique)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(const int*) p = make14155m (null); })); // sc <- m (unique)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) p = make14155m (null); })); // i <- m (unique)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int* p = make14155c (null); })); // m <- c (NG) <bugzilla case>
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const(int*) p = make14155c (null); })); // c <- c (normal)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { shared(int*) p = make14155c (null); })); // sm <- c (NG)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(const int*) p = make14155c (null); })); // sc <- c (unique or immutable global)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) p = make14155c (null); })); // i <- c (unique or immutable global)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int* p = make14155i (null); })); // m <- i (NG)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const(int*) p = make14155i (null); })); // c <- i (normal)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { shared(int*) p = make14155i (null); })); // sm <- i (NG)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(const int*) p = make14155i (null); })); // sc <- i (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) p = make14155i (null); })); // i <- i (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { int* p = make14155sm(null); })); // m <- sm (unique)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const(int*) p = make14155sm(null); })); // c <- sm (unique)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(int*) p = make14155sm(null); })); // sm <- sm (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(const int*) p = make14155sm(null); })); // sc <- sm (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) p = make14155sm(null); })); // i <- sm (unique)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int* p = make14155sc(null); })); // m <- sc (NG)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const(int*) p = make14155sc(null); })); // c <- sc (unique or immutable global)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { shared(int*) p = make14155sc(null); })); // sm <- sc (NG)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { shared(const int*) p = make14155sc(null); })); // sc <- sc (normal)
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) p = make14155sc(null); })); // i <- sc
int x;
int* nestf() pure { return &x; }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { immutable(int*) ip = nestf(); }));
// 14141
struct S14141
Object obj;
const(Object) getObj() const pure
return obj;
void test14141()
const S14141 s;
static assert(is(typeof(s.getObj()) == const Object)); // ok
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { Object o = s.getObj(); })); // ok <- fails
int[] test6(int[] a) pure @safe nothrow
return a.dup;
int*[] pureFoo() pure { return null; }
void testDIP29_5() pure
{ char[] s; immutable x = s.dup; }
{ immutable x = (cast(int*[])null).dup; }
{ immutable x = pureFoo(); }
{ immutable x = pureFoo().dup; }
void testDIP29_6()
/******* structs ************/
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int *p; }
immutable s = new S; // since p is null
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
__gshared int x;
static struct S { int *p = &x; }
immutable s = new S; // x is mutable
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
int y;
struct S { int x; void bar() { y = 3; } }
immutable s = new S; // nested struct
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int x; this(int); }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int x; this(int) pure; }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int* p = void; this(int) pure; }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int* p = void; this(int*) pure; }
int x;
immutable s = new S(&x);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int* p = void; this(immutable(int)*) pure; }
immutable int x;
immutable s = new S(&x);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static struct S { int* p = void; this(int*) pure; }
immutable s = new S(null);
/******* classes ************/
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static class S { int *p; }
immutable s = new S; // since p is null
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
__gshared int x;
static class S { int *p = &x; }
immutable s = new S; // x is mutable
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
int y;
class S { int x; void bar() { y = 3; } }
immutable s = new S; // nested class
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
static class S { int x; this(int); }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static class S { int x; this(int) pure; }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static class S { int* p = void; this(int) pure; }
immutable s = new S(1);
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
static class S { int* p = void; this(int*) pure; }
int x;
immutable s = new S(&x);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static class S { int* p = void; this(immutable(int)*) pure; }
immutable int x;
immutable s = new S(&x);
static assert(__traits(compiles,
static class S { int* p = void; this(int*) pure; }
immutable s = new S(null);
// 14155
void test14155_for_testDIP29_6()
static class CI
int* p;
this(int) immutable pure { p = &g14155; }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { CI c = new immutable CI(1); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const CI c = new immutable CI(1); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable CI c = new immutable CI(1); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { shared CI c = new immutable CI(1); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { CI c = new const CI(1); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { const CI c = new const CI(1); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { immutable CI c = new const CI(1); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { shared CI c = new const CI(1); }));
// 13640
struct S13640
static struct R
int* p;
this(inout ref int* p) inout pure { this.p = p; }
int* p;
void foo() inout pure
// Implicit conversion from inout(R) to R should be disallowed.
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { R r = inout(R)(p); }));
// 15778
void test15778()
char[] cs = new char[](3);
wchar[] ws = new wchar[](3);
dchar[] ds = new dchar[](3);
cs[] = "abc"; assert(cs == "abc");
cs[] = "def"c; assert(cs == "def");
ws[] = "abc"; assert(ws == "abc");
ws[] = "def"w; assert(ws == "def");
ds[] = "abc"; assert(ds == "abc");
ds[] = "def"d; assert(ds == "def");
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (cs[] = "a"w)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (cs[] = "a"d)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (ws[] = "a"c)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (ws[] = "a"d)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (ds[] = "a"c)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (ds[] = "a"w)));
void main()