
228 lines
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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T H R E A D S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This is the VxWorks 653 version of this package
pragma Restrictions (No_Tasking);
-- The VxWorks 653 version of this package is intended only for programs
-- which do not use Ada tasking. This restriction ensures that this
-- will be checked by the binder.
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
with System.OS_Versions; use System.OS_Versions;
package body System.Threads is
use Interfaces.C;
package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
Main_ATSD : aliased ATSD;
-- TSD for environment task
Current_ATSD : aliased System.Address := System.Null_Address;
pragma Thread_Local_Storage (Current_ATSD);
-- pragma TLS needed since TaskVarAdd no longer available
-- Assume guard pages for Helix APEX partitions, but leave
-- checking mechanism in for now, in case of surprises. ???
Stack_Limit : Address;
pragma Import (C, Stack_Limit, "__gnat_stack_limit");
type Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc is access procedure;
pragma Convention (C, Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc);
Set_Stack_Limit_Hook : Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc;
pragma Import (C, Set_Stack_Limit_Hook, "__gnat_set_stack_limit_hook");
-- Procedure to be called when a task is created to set stack limit if
-- limit checking is used.
-- VxWorks specific API
ERROR : constant STATUS := Interfaces.C.int (-1);
OK : constant STATUS := Interfaces.C.int (0);
function taskIdVerify (tid : t_id) return STATUS;
pragma Import (C, taskIdVerify, "taskIdVerify");
function taskIdSelf return t_id;
pragma Import (C, taskIdSelf, "taskIdSelf");
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Init_RTS;
-- This procedure performs the initialization of the run-time lib.
-- It installs System.Threads versions of certain operations of the
-- run-time lib.
procedure Install_Handler;
pragma Import (C, Install_Handler, "__gnat_install_handler");
function Get_Sec_Stack return SST.SS_Stack_Ptr;
procedure Set_Sec_Stack (Stack : SST.SS_Stack_Ptr);
-- Thread_Body_Enter --
procedure Thread_Body_Enter
(Sec_Stack_Ptr : SST.SS_Stack_Ptr;
Process_ATSD_Address : System.Address)
ATSD : constant ATSD_Access := From_Address (Process_ATSD_Address);
ATSD.Sec_Stack_Ptr := Sec_Stack_Ptr;
SST.SS_Init (ATSD.Sec_Stack_Ptr);
Current_ATSD := Process_ATSD_Address;
-- Assume guard pages for Helix/Vx7, but leave in for now ???
-- Initialize stack limit if needed.
if Current_ATSD /= Main_ATSD'Address
and then Set_Stack_Limit_Hook /= null
end if;
end Thread_Body_Enter;
-- Thread_Body_Exceptional_Exit --
procedure Thread_Body_Exceptional_Exit
(EO : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence)
pragma Unreferenced (EO);
-- No action for this target
end Thread_Body_Exceptional_Exit;
-- Thread_Body_Leave --
procedure Thread_Body_Leave is
-- No action for this target
end Thread_Body_Leave;
-- Init_RTS --
procedure Init_RTS is
-- Register environment task
Result : constant Interfaces.C.int := Register (taskIdSelf);
pragma Assert (Result /= ERROR);
Main_ATSD.Sec_Stack_Ptr := SSL.Get_Sec_Stack_NT;
Current_ATSD := Main_ATSD'Address;
SSL.Get_Sec_Stack := Get_Sec_Stack'Access;
SSL.Set_Sec_Stack := Set_Sec_Stack'Access;
end Init_RTS;
-- Get_Sec_Stack --
function Get_Sec_Stack return SST.SS_Stack_Ptr is
CTSD : constant ATSD_Access := From_Address (Current_ATSD);
pragma Assert (CTSD /= null);
return CTSD.Sec_Stack_Ptr;
end Get_Sec_Stack;
-- Register --
function Register (T : Thread_Id) return STATUS is
-- It cannot be assumed that the caller of this routine has a ATSD;
-- so neither this procedure nor the procedures that it calls should
-- raise or handle exceptions, or make use of a secondary stack.
if taskIdVerify (T) = ERROR then
return ERROR;
end if;
Current_ATSD := To_Address (Integer_Address (T));
-- The same issue applies to the task variable that contains the stack
-- limit when that overflow checking mechanism is used instead of
-- probing. If stack checking is enabled and limit checking is used,
-- allocate the limit for this task. The environment task has this
-- initialized by the binder-generated main when
-- System.Stack_Check_Limits = True.
pragma Warnings (Off);
-- OS is a constant
if OS /= VxWorks_653 and then Set_Stack_Limit_Hook /= null then
-- Check that this is correct if limit checking left in. ???
Stack_Limit := To_Address (Integer_Address (T));
end if;
pragma Warnings (On);
return OK;
end Register;
-- Set_Sec_Stack --
procedure Set_Sec_Stack (Stack : SST.SS_Stack_Ptr) is
CTSD : constant ATSD_Access := From_Address (Current_ATSD);
pragma Assert (CTSD /= null);
CTSD.Sec_Stack_Ptr := Stack;
end Set_Sec_Stack;
-- Initialize run-time library
end System.Threads;