import os import infra.basetest class TestGnupg2(infra.basetest.BRTest): config = infra.basetest.BASIC_TOOLCHAIN_CONFIG + \ """ BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG2=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR is not set """ def test_run(self): cpio_file = os.path.join(self.builddir, "images", "rootfs.cpio") self.emulator.boot(arch="armv5", kernel="builtin", options=["-initrd", cpio_file]) self.emulator.login() # Some common data for all the tests plain_data = "Some plain text data" plain_file = "file.txt" gpg_file = plain_file + ".gpg" asc_file = plain_file + ".asc" sig_file = plain_file + ".sig" good_passphrase = "Good Passphrase" gpg_userid = "br-test@buildroot" # Test the program can execute self.assertRunOk("gpg --version") # Generate plain text data cmd = "echo '{}' > {}".format(plain_data, plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test symmetric encrypt cmd = "gpg --batch --symmetric" cmd += " --passphrase '{}' {}".format(good_passphrase, plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test symmetric decrypt cmd = "gpg --batch --decrypt" cmd += " --passphrase '{}' {}".format(good_passphrase, gpg_file) output, exit_code = self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) self.assertIn(plain_data, output) # Test a failed decrypt with a bad password cmd = "gpg --batch --decrypt" cmd += " --passphrase 'A-Bad-Password' {}".format(gpg_file) _, exit_code = self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, 0) # Test the generation of an asymmetric key cmd = "gpg --batch --passphrase ''" cmd += " --quick-generate-key {} default default".format(gpg_userid) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test asymmetric encrypt+sign cmd = "gpg --batch --yes --encrypt --sign" cmd += " --recipient {} {}".format(gpg_userid, plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test asymmetric decrypt+verify cmd = "gpg --decrypt {}".format(gpg_file) output, exit_code = self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) self.assertIn(plain_data, output) self.assertRegex("\n".join(output), r'gpg: Good signature') # Test asymmetric armored encrypt+sign cmd = "gpg --batch --yes --armor --encrypt --sign" cmd += " --recipient {} {}".format(gpg_userid, plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test asymmetric armored decrypt+verify cmd = "gpg --armor --decrypt {}".format(asc_file) output, exit_code = self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) self.assertIn(plain_data, output) self.assertRegex("\n".join(output), r'gpg: Good signature') # Test detached signature cmd = "gpg --batch --yes --detach-sign {}".format(plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test detached signature verification cmd = "gpg --verify {}".format(sig_file) output, exit_code = self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) self.assertRegex("\n".join(output), r'gpg: Good signature') # Test detached armored signature cmd = "gpg --batch --yes --armor --detach-sign {}".format(plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) # Test detached armored signature verification cmd = "gpg --armor --verify {}".format(asc_file) output, exit_code = self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) self.assertRegex("\n".join(output), r'gpg: Good signature') # Test the signature verification of a corrupted file actually fails cmd = "echo 'CORRUPTED' >> {}".format(plain_file) self.assertRunOk(cmd) cmd = "gpg --verify {}".format(sig_file) _, exit_code = self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, 0) cmd = "gpg --armor --verify {}".format(asc_file) _, exit_code = self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, 0)