#! /c/Source/iverilog-install/bin/vvp :ivl_version "12.0 (devel)" "(s20150603-1539-g2693dd32b)"; :ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL"; :vpi_time_precision - 12; :vpi_module "E:\iverilog\lib\ivl\system.vpi"; :vpi_module "E:\iverilog\lib\ivl\vhdl_sys.vpi"; :vpi_module "E:\iverilog\lib\ivl\vhdl_textio.vpi"; :vpi_module "E:\iverilog\lib\ivl\v2005_math.vpi"; :vpi_module "E:\iverilog\lib\ivl\va_math.vpi"; S_0000022e5e572830 .scope module, "clk_tb" "clk_tb" 2 4; .timescale -9 -12; v0000022e5e5729c0_0 .var "clk", 0 0; v0000022e5e572a60_0 .var "rst", 0 0; .scope S_0000022e5e572830; T_0 ; %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 1; %store/vec4 v0000022e5e5729c0_0, 0, 1; %end; .thread T_0; .scope S_0000022e5e572830; T_1 ; %delay 5000, 0; %load/vec4 v0000022e5e5729c0_0; %inv; %store/vec4 v0000022e5e5729c0_0, 0, 1; %jmp T_1; .thread T_1; .scope S_0000022e5e572830; T_2 ; %pushi/vec4 1, 0, 1; %store/vec4 v0000022e5e572a60_0, 0, 1; %delay 10000, 0; %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 1; %store/vec4 v0000022e5e572a60_0, 0, 1; %end; .thread T_2; .scope S_0000022e5e572830; T_3 ; %vpi_call 2 22 "$dumpfile", "clk_tb.vcd" {0 0 0}; %vpi_call 2 23 "$dumpvars", 32'sb00000000000000000000000000000000, S_0000022e5e572830 {0 0 0}; %delay 1000000, 0; %vpi_call 2 24 "$finish" {0 0 0}; %end; .thread T_3; # The file index is used to find the file name in the following table. :file_names 3; "N/A"; ""; "clk_tb.v";